Disclaimer: I own Destiny! Nothing else! Matt Stone and Trey Parker own the South Park characters and other awesome human beings own the rest of the OC's used!

Time: 7:02:32

Setting: the school parking lot

They arrived at the school building in a couple of minutes. KeeKee parked her car in her designated parking spot and and the two got out and went into the school building itself. Upon entering, they did what they usually do in the morning before first period: go to their locker.

KeeKee and Destiny walked up the staircase leading to the hallway with all of the Juniors lockers. KeeKee saw that Kenny was waiting for Destiny at her locker, so decided now was a good time to introduce herself. They walked up to Destiny's locker together!

"Hey, baby!" Destiny reached around Kenny's neck and pulled him in for a kiss, "I didn't see you like at all yesterday!"

"Yeah, I tried calling you to hang out, but you never picked up." he leaned against the locker next to Destiny's.

"I spent the night in the forest! With KeeKee." she motioned to the girl standing in awe next to her.

"And I take it this lovely chick is KeeKee?" he smiled.

"Um, yeah. Hi!" she greeted him

"Hey, I dont think we ever talked before? You must be a North Park kid." Kenny suggested.

"Yeah. I live in North Park..." KeeKee stammered

"that's cool. So you took my lovely lady to the forest yesterday?" he asked

"Yeah, I love nature and I was hoping she would love it too!"

"And I did! Maybe you can join us the next time we go on a nature adventure, what do you say?" Destiny smiled.

"Oh, me. I don't wanna be a third wheel or anything!" KeeKee shook her hands.

"No, not you! Kenny can come with us!" Destiny laughed

Kenny chuckled a little, "I'd love to go with you guys."

"Great! We will have to plan that." Destiny grinned.

"Sure." KeeKee smiled as Kyle walked over to the three of them.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Stan?" he asked sounding worried.

"No, he's probably got the flu or something." Kenny waved his hand.

"I went to his house yesterday. His mom said he was on a student council retreat." Kyle's voice rose after each sentence.

"Oh, well if he's on a school trip, what's the big deal." Destiny asked

"Stan's not in Student Council." Kyle shook his head.

"Oh, so he's-" KeeKee started

"missing." Kyle looked at KeeKee, "and who are you?" he asked

"my name is KeeKee. I've always been around, just not one of you." she smiled in recognition that her plan was working as she had planned, she was being noticed; and by two attractive guys at that.

"Oh. Destiny's friend. Cool." he shook her hand, "But yeah, if you guys hear anything about Stan, let me know." he walked over to Lexie getting her materials from her locker.

"Lexie! Have you seen Stan?" Kyle tapped her shoulder.

"No, Kyle. I haven't." she slammed her locker and tried to walk away.

"Please, Lexie. You're his girlfriend! You have to know something!" he stopped her again.

"I'm sorry Kyle, but I- I just don't know. Maybe he's sick or something." she lied.

"He's not sick. His mom thinks he on a school retreat that doesn't exist. I need some answers or I'm gonna go insane! I know you know something! I can see it in your eyes." Kyle cried, "Please, Lexie, give me some kind of clue!"

"I can't tell you, Kyle. Not because I don't want to, because I don't know anything. I'm just as worried as you are!" Lexie pulled away from Kyle's grasp and walked over with her friends, passing Kenny as she did so.

"Damn, Kyle's a mess!" She exclaimed as she entered the group of her friends forming at their usual spot.

"Yeah," Destiny and KeeKee said in unison.

"I'm sure Night isn't happy about Kyles...I don't know, paranoria." Destiny added.

KeeKee had never been very close to Night. Night was one of the reasons KeeKee drifted away from Destiny. When Night makes a best friend, she becomes very possesive of her. No one goes near her without Night's supervision. But KeeKee wasn't afraid of Night anymore. She was ready to take Destiny back, and she would fight Night to the death to do it.

Speaking of Night, "Morning guys." she had just joined the circle.

"Morning," they greeted her in unison.

"Destiny, you never picked up my calls! I wanted to tell you what an amazing night I had with Kyle!" she looked dazed.

"Sorry, Night. I was with KeeKee and I left my phone in the car." Destiny smiled.

"Oh, you were with KeeKee," she examined KeeKee for the first time that morning, "She's wearing my clothes?" Night pointed to KeeKee.

KeeKee had wanted to answer her, but knew Destiny had a better way of reasoning with Night, "She slept over. My clothes were too small for her. I let her borrow some of your stuff since you always leave it there." Destiny explained.

"Oh, I see." Night unsurly sighed out, "Can I speak with you for a moment, KeeKee...you know, alone." Night suggested

"Oh, okay." KeeKee began walking towards Night.

Destiny stopped Night and pulled her over to her, "Night, stop!" Destiny scowled

Night pulled away frim Destiny's weak grasp and motioned for KeeKee to follow her into the girls bathroom, leaving Destiny and Lexie all alone to wait for the other girls.

Time: 7:17:42

Setting: the girls bathroom.

"Alright what do you wanna talk about?" KeeKee leaned against the bathroom wall.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are?" Night asked, in a calm voice, but clearly pissed off.

"I have no idea what you're talking about?" KeeKee shrugged and tried to seem unphased by Night's display of intimidation.

"Destiny. Yeah, she's my best friend. Not yours! Maybe when we were younger, but now. Hell no! I'm gonna tell you this once, and once only: stay away from Destiny. Or I promise, shit will go down between us." Night made herself seem taller to KeeKee slouching against the wall.

KeeKee scoffed as the white her her eyes turned pitch black right before Night's eyes, "I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not leaving Destiny alone! You know about her problem? I know you do! Why don't you do something about it? Because you are a terrible friend and she deserves someone like me as her best friend, not an asshole like you!" the lights in the bathroom began to flicker and KeeKee transistioned between herself and her villian form, Abyss.

Night wasn't afaid, she was actually really enthused, "alright, bring it! The better friend to Destiny gets to keep her." Night completely ignored the supernatural display that went on right before her eyes.

"I don't want to 'keep' her. I want to be friends with her. You can be her best friend, just give me a turn every once and a while." KeeKee remained calm that time.

"You don't get it, do you? I either want all or nothing!"

"Then you are a terrible person." KeeKee recognized.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want the friend that bails on me because she has other plans. I want the one that is devoted to me and me only! There can be no one else." Night persisted in her stubbornness.

"We are clearly not going to reach an agreement-"

"Damn right we aren't." Night interrupted

"So what if we do it this way-" KeeKee was beginning to state a compromise

"I'm not in the mood for any problem solving bullshit! Just leave Destiny alone. And do not tell her what happened here. Or so help me God, things will begin to get very ugly between us." Night stormed out of the bathroom.

"Because things were perfect before." KeeKee sighed and left the bathroom.

When she walked back to her friends, Night had already taken her spot to the right next to Destiny. She stood between Ophelia and Rye.

"So guys...how have you been?" Nicole sensed the awkwardness between them.

No one answered her. Michelle dragged her small group, Nicole, Nickie, Ari, and Ali away from the group. Even though she was bad-ass, she didn't like watching other people dish it out, or listening to petty bitch fights.

Now, there was just Rye, KeeKee, Ophelia, Destiny, Lexie, Canada, Natasha, and Night. KeeKee felt like saying something to Destiny, just to piss off Night, but decided against it. When the bell rang for first period, Destiny and KeeKee ventured in different directions.