Hello there.^^ So here is my new story, It'll be a longer one again. Please don't hate me for hurting Fuji in this story (again). I already hate myself for it. :p No, really Fuji is my most favorite anime/manga character along with Toshiro from bleach of course. But I still hurt him, bad me.

disclaimer: Fuji doesn't belong to me (pout), Tezuka doesn't belong to me (another pout), well Prince of tennis just doesn't belong to me (third pout)

But we can still write about them, mwhuahahaha. (I know I'm weird. XP)

So please enjoy the first chapter of my new story 'Undeserved punishment'.


"Chichiue, I need to tell you something."

"What is it Syusuke?" my father responded in a stoic tone, seeming uninterested in what his own son had to say.

"Eto, how to say this…" I said while thinking on a way to form the phrase that I just had to say.

"Syusuke, just say it. I don't have much time," my father responded getting a bit irritated.

His work had always come on the first place. It came not as a surprise that he'd rather want to work further than listen to his son. But I just had to say it, I couldn't keep it hidden much longer for my father. Even though I was afraid for his answer, for his response to what I was about to say.

"Chichiue, I… I don't like… girls. I..l..like guys." that was the first time that I had ever been so nervous for telling something to my father.

"..." he kept quiet for a while. He just kept staring at me with his eyes wide as the meaning of what I said became clear.

"WHAT! You like guys!" he yelled, his tranquil appearance away and instead there was this raging one.

"Yes," I said. I had foreseen my father to act like this. He is too traditional for his own sake. I stood still in front of him, my head bowed in respect.

"How dare you! That is unheard of! No man can fall in love with another man! It is unnatural!" he yelled out.

"That may be so father, but it doesn't change the fact that I am in love with another man," I said in a soft tone.

"Don't say that out loud! Don't ever say that again! My son isn't a fag! You are not gay!" he kept on yelling to me. He didn't want to see the truth.

"I'm sorry father but that is the truth. I will never come home with a woman," I said, still in a soft tone and head bowed.

"You won't be allowed inside this house anymore if you come home with another man! You understand!" his rage getting worse. If I looked at him at this moment his face would have been red with anger.

"Mother would have allowed it," I said defending myself a bit. My father had nothing to worry about at that point that I would bring someone home. The man I was in love with was probably as straight as a linear.

"You dare to drag your mother into this! How disrespectful! I never want to hear something like that again! Especially not from you, you…you…faggot!" he yelled even harder than before. He was now absolutely enraged because I had brought mother into this conversation.


"Damare!" my father lifted up his arm, made a fist and moved it straight to my face.

I woke up, and sat upright in my bed. I had had the same nightmare again, the one where everything had began with. I could feel my cheek sting a bit as I remembered the first time my father had hit me.

My mother had died a long time ago, changing my father completely. The shock of losing the one he loved had been too big for him. He began to deepen himself in his work and paid less attention to his three children; me, Yuuta and Yumiko.

As soon as she could, Yumiko went to study abroad. Of course she came to visit us once in a while and that was usually when father was on a business trip. She really couldn't get along anymore with our father. So she avoided him.

Father had send Yuuta to a school with dorms. Yuuta could stay there during the week and come home in the weekends, although he didn't do that every time. I don't blame him; I would have done the same if I could. But I was stuck in this house with my father.

It hadn't been that bad at first. I sort of grew used to the lack of attention and love from my father. But in the beginning of my second year in Seishun Gakuen everything had turned a lot worse. I had come out of the closet, so to speak, to my father. I had said that I preferred guys over girls. And since he was very traditional he didn't understand it and didn't allow it.

I was a disgrace to him and to the family. Although he was the only one who thought about it in that way. I had said it first to Yumiko, she had already guessed it. She didn't care actually, as long as I was happy, she was happy. The same with Yuuta, he hadn't seen it coming, but still he accepted it. My mother, Yoshiko, would have reacted the same way Yumiko did. I'm sure about that. She would be happy and content as long as I lived my life happily.

But my father was a whole different story. In the beginning I tried to change his opinion but nothing seemed to work. It only led to more punches from my father. He had left me alone as long as I kept my mouth shut about it and did what I was told. Sometimes when he was in a very bad mood he would hit me. But that wasn't that often. Only he changed even more around the end of my second year and the beginning of my third year.

He became more violent and hit me more often than he used to. Everything that I didn't do or the opposite, did, made him angry. His punches grew stronger, more painful but I couldn't back out of it. As long as he had me in his house, he wouldn't hurt others. He wouldn't hurt Yuuta. I still had to be grateful to him for the fact that he didn't grab my tennis away from me. I was still able to play tennis and be in the tennis club of my school.

But that was now getting to be a problem. It wasn't that I wasn't allowed to be in the club anymore. It just began a bit of a problem to keep hiding everything to my friends.

I sighed. I looked at my little clock on my nightstand and noticed that I had to wake up in an hour. But since I probably wasn't going to sleep anymore, I just stood up and went to get ready for school.

I stepped out of my bed and winced a bit. Tennis practice would be hard again since I was sore all over. I went to my bathroom; I stood in front of my mirror and noticed some new bruises on my stomach and back. Parts of my arms looked purple from where my father had gripped me, which meant that I would have to wear long sleeves again.

The one positive thing was that he hadn't hit me in the face, so I wouldn't need to come up with some sort of excuse for my friends and teachers. I always had to go earlier to morning practices so I could change without me having to worry about them seeing my bruises. I had to come late for the practices after school for the same reason. That always earned me laps from Tezuka. But as long as they wouldn't notice why, I could handle those laps. I also had to wait after practices to shower. I had to wear my regular jersey while training so they wouldn't see the purple parts on my arms.

My 'ability' to hide my emotions came in handy. I had to hide my pain from everyone and smile all the time so they wouldn't suspect a thing. I couldn't allow them to know about my father that would just lead into more trouble for me and for my friends.

I changed my clothes, combed my hair, ate something downstairs and went back up to brush my teeth. I then grabbed my schoolbag and my tennis bag and went outside. Right before stepping out of that door I sighed one more time and put on my mask.

'All ready to go' I thought and opened the door, I stepped outside and went on my way to school.

Chichue: father in a very polite and traditional way

Eto: uhh

Damare: shut up

So what did you think? Should I write further? (no forget that question, I'll still write further, it would be stupid to leave it like it is now. :p) But still was it good, bad, a disaster ? please tell me. (I'm always open for some tips and such. ^^)

please review. ^^