"I hate that Witch." The Smoker muttered absently.

"She's hot." The Hunter next to him replied.

"Your high, Hunter." The Smoker said coughing slightly.

Below the two shuffling on the street was a Witch. Her large claws covered her face as she sobbed. Her hair, that was black cherry red in color, was cut short and spiked out at her neck. She wore a tattered purple tang top and jean shorts. Knee high black and red stripped socks covered her white legs that ended in a pair of purple Chuck Taylor's.

"Whatever dude, we better get moving Chuck and TB are gonna be waiting." Hunter said turning from the edge of the roof.

Smoker nodded, glancing down at the Witch one last time, before following Hunter.

"What took you guys so long? You know I hate being on watch duty." The Boomer, known as Chuck, asked.

"Lost track of time, it was too cloudy to see where the sun was." Hunter stated, adjusting his red hoodie.

"Well, TB's already here so it must be midday." Chuck said pushing a dumpster from a apartment building. A large opening appeared once it was gone.

The three disappeared into the opening. The last one in pulled the dumpster back in front of the hole, keeping the hideout secret.

"Good to be home." The Smoker muttered sitting down against the wall.

The large mass of muscle that was standing near a large hole in the wall nodded as best he could.

"Oh that reminds me! You know downtowns market place?" Chuck asked eagerly.

"Yeah with the fountain in the middle."

Another forced nod.

"What about it?"

"I saw this chick there. Kinda odd looking, don't know what kinda infected she was, but she was as hot as the weather!" Chuck rambled to Smokers displeasure. "She even found this cool shirt for me."

Smoker looked at Chuck's new shirt. It was black with a weird red symbol on it, under it were the words, 'For the Horde.'

"I can top that story. Zard and I saw this hot Witch walking down the street. Had the weirdest clothes I've ever seen." Hunter said smirking.

"God dude, she wasn't hot." Zard muttered, "She's annoying as hell."

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.

"She's always just everywhere! I mean I go Downtown she's in Downtown. I go to Burger Tank she's at Burger Tank. I hunt down a survivor she's already crying her eyes out near it!"

"Your being paranoid."

"Whatever…I'll prove it. Tomorrow were going to Burger Tank. If she's there I get to beat the shit out of you." Zard said before adding, "All of you!"

"Deal if we can do the same if she ain't there." Hunter snickered, holding out his hand. Zard took it and shook.

"I hope she isn't there." Chuck commented. TB, nodded in approval.

The group of four waited inside the local Burger Tank. Except for TB who stood outside, arms dangling from the window next to the booth, closest to the door. Zard watched as different special and common infected entered and exited.

"So where is our colorful Witch Zard?" Hunter asked smirking.

"Shut up, she'll be here just wait." He muttered watching the door.

A few moments later a soft sob came from outside. Slowly and robotically the odd Witch appeared, wiping her eyes as she entered.

"Oh shit." Hunter mumbled watching the Witch with Zard.

Zard glared the Witch down as she passed.

She glanced down at Zard quickly before looking straight forward. A worried look crossed her normally tearful face. She hurried towards the main counter, not looking back.

"That was weird…" Chuck whispered.

"What I fucking tell you? That bitch follows me everywhere." Zard hissed.

"First off, Zard your retarded, second that was weird." Hunter said pointing at Zard.

"How am I a retard?" Zard demanded.

"Dude that Witch digs you." Chuck snapped his voice well above a whisper.

The Witch looked back from the counter, blushing as red as her hair, a soft drink in her clawed hand.

Zard just looked from Chuck to Hunter, briefly to TB, then to the Witch.

She came up to there table and gave a blank stare. Eyes glowing red.

"Can you please stop following me." She asked pointing at Zard with a clawed hand. She turned to leave before throwing her soft drink at Chuck.

"Hey my new shirt!"

"Your lucky my boyfriend died at the docks or I'd get him to rip all of you a new one." The Witch said sadly, exiting the Burger Tank.

"So…technically none of us won our bet…does that mean we can all kick your ass, Zard?" Hunter asked, shrugging.

"I hate you…"

It was a long miserably walk back to the base. Chuck constantly complaining about his now 'soiled' shirt that his 'maybe girlfriend' gave him. Hunter trying aimlessly to kick Zard's ass while they walked. TB grunting angrily at everyone. And Zard, who was quite for once.

"Question, why would a sweet little Witch like that, have to threaten to get her dead boyfriend to rip you a new one?" Hunter asked as they came to the alley that housed the base.

"I don't know, probably saw we had TB and got skittish, Witch's can't take on Tank's." Zard muttered, pulling a case of cigarettes from his jacket pocket.

"Do you think she meant the Docks here? We could probably find her dead ex." Chuck stated pointing towards Downtown and the Docks.

"Yeah, Zard lets see if you could have taken him." Hunter smirked.

"Fine whatever." Zard muttered, lighting up a smoke.