Hey everybody! This is not my first fanfiction but it is my first Darkest Powers one. I love this series and I was upset that it ended with the Reckoning. ERGH! Anyway, this COULD be a story or it could be a random one-shot. Its up to you guys.

Disclaimer: Obviously, if I owned this series there would be ten more books! So, yeah, no I own nothing but this little pitiful story :)

Warnings: This is T so there some swearing, none in this chapter though. Also, Pairings: obviously Chlerek! And another pairing that I have a weird thing for so watch out for that.

I hate how Rae kind of got dropped because she betrayed them. I kind of liked her: am I the only one?

Shutting up now.

On Fire Prologue


I like to admire how much my life is like a movie.

Despite all the disturbing ghosts and corpses and gore and mad scientists that would only be found in R rated movie.

But you know how whenever two people are going to kiss, someone always kills the mood by coming up and interrupting. It's a gag. It never fails. The annoying brother. The pissy friend. The overprotective aunt. All that stuff.

Today, it was the apologetic father that stopped us for locking lips.

"Hey guys," -slash-coolestdadever popped out of nowhere and Derek and I sprang apart like a match lit between us. "We're going to discuss our plan for tomorrow: you should probably come in." His apologetic look said Chloe, your aunt forced me to come get you because she knows exactly what you are doing and is freaked out that Derek is some monster that's going to rip out your intestines and has forced me to be the bad guy.

I smiled at him. I like Mr. "Please call me Kit" Bae. He was kind to his kids and more importantly, he'd yelled Diane Enwright a few weeks earlier. I think that was the turning point in my mind.

As he disappeared, Derek grumbled and rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. Glancing at the door from into which his dad had gone, he gave me a quick peck on the lips than interlocked his giant fingers with my tiny ones.

"That always happens," he mumbled unhappily and I squeezed his hand in agreement. We entered the motel talking quietly about sneaking out in the middle of the night when we ran into Simon. He looked stressed and confused and I immediately became concerned.

"You okay?" I asked softly, studying his face. Derek let go of my hand instinctively: his attention had quickly shifted. I tried not to let the brotherly bond get to me too much.

Simon nodded in response to my question. I noticed a sheet of paper in one of his hands and a colored pencil in the other. He folded the paper, sticking both objects in his pockets. I recognized the color of the pencil: copper. It was pretty worn down. My brow furrowed.

"We…should get going," he said and started down the hall. Derek was right on his heels, but I fell back, thinking.

When we reached the room with Mr. Bae and Aunt Lauren, my aunt eyed me obviously and I felt a surge of anger. She said she trusted me: clearly not.

We sat down at the table and let me tell you, it felt like the situation room: we all sat there, minds working, faces blank. Tori was out of place though, with her hands sparking and feet up on the table.

Mr. Bae broke the silence. "Lauren and I think we should go after Rae first, to make sure she got out of there safely. I happen to have an idea of where her mother might have taken her. But we'd like to hear your opinions."

I have to say, the different reactions were very interesting.

Tori first gave a hard laugh. "Rachelle? That uppity traitor? Give me a break."

Derek didn't move a muscle. His eyes flickered.

I nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. I want to make sure she's alright."

But Simon was the one that shocked everyone. The blood drained from his face and it seemed like he'd seen a ghost (trust me, I know that look all too well). He wasn't happy go-lucky Simon. Something was wrong. "Rae?" he swallowed and nodded slowly. "Sure, yeah. I agree with Chloe. Right."

Derek had a couple objections and Tori wanted to sign a petition against it, but eventually we came to a consensus: tomorrow, we'd go after Rae.

I kissed Derek goodnight (under the watchful eye of Aunt Lauren) and was about follow Simon into his room, when the door shut in my face.

Yup, exactly like a movie, right?


So what did you think? Please review! I have written the next chapter but I'd like to know if its worth continuing!

Here's a little preview for the next one:

Then I saw what he'd smelled.

She was on the ground closest to us, motionless, dirty, bleeding. Long curls splayed around her. I barely managed to hold back a squeak.


A few feet from her lay another female figure, this one though I didn't recognize. Her body was twisted so no one could see her face but one hand reached out toward Rae.

Instinctively, I stepped toward my old friend, but a hand pulled me back.

"Not yet," Derek grumbled, eyes gleaming in the dark. I frowned at him.

"She's dying!" I hissed.

"Or dead."

-Meggem :)