Disclaimer: Plot was rightfully mine; I just don't own the anime DGM…

Summary: Allen is the 14th, the Noah of Music or otherwise known as the Destroyer Of Time, have fallen in love with a midnight raven long hair Japanese man who turns out to be his and his family's enemies, an exorcist. Y-A-O-I. WARNING!

Hope you won't mind. O-O. Actually, this is my first time writing a DGM fanfriction, so all reviews are welcomed, even those bad ones. Oh and this is a yaoi, okay? So it's a boy x boy love, understood? So for those who have allergies to these kind of things, pls hit the back button now. And those who like or interested in it, please enjoy…

Chapter 1: I MET HIM THERE!

Fifteen years old kid was yawning away in a corner of the living room, stiffening himself near to the fireplace, and watching the beautiful flames eating away the source of its life. He has white silver short hair and a deformed burned left arm. Not only that, he has a scar that runs from the left of his forehead starting from an upside down pentagram and ended his left cheekbone, whom was known as the 14th Noah. He has nothing better off to do. Road was busy playing with the twins again, Tyki was away mining along with his friends. Sheryl was busy minding his business back in Europe. Skin was hitting one of the akuma maids again and Lulubell was just minding her own business. The other members of the family are not in the house. He heaved a heavy sigh again. He was bored, he has nothing to do or play. "Allen Walker," A voice heaved in his mind. "Come and see me right away, I've a job for you…" Finally! Something to do! Allen thought to himself. He then proceeds to his destination. Allen greeted the fat man who is smiling enormously away as he entered the room. "Good evening, Earl-sama…" "Good evening, Allen-kun." Earl greeted back. "So what's the catch?" Allen asked. "Now, now. There is no need for such rushness, Allen-kun…" Earl held up his hand. "Aw come on, Earl-sama. Ever since I've joined the Noah family, I've never been on any mission. I believe that before the Holy War started, I'll be bored to the death." Allen protested. "Well, then you're lucky this time round. Allen-kun…" Earl said. "You've been given a mission to a place called the Rewinding Town. There seems to have Innocence that rejected Noahs completely that even Road not only can't enter, she was also badly injured that I got a fatherly complex protection from Sheryl." Allen sweatdropped upon that comment. "And since…" Allen returned his attention to the Earl. "You're the Noah of Music and the prophecy's chosen one. So this time round mission shouldn't have a problem at all. Your mission is to just either have Innocence on your hands or if it already has its user, just find out more regarding its power." "Yes, I understand, Earl-sama." Allen smirked. "And Allen-kun, one last thing." Earl said as Allen started heading towards the door. "You're on your own this time round and please be careful even if the mission is not going well. Tyki-pon will have my head if you're not safe." Allen laughed and nodded before using the Ark and makes his way to the town.

Black Order:

"Enter please," Komui said as the two teens make their way in and makes themselves comfortable in the couch. A girl whose hair was emerald green and tied in two ponytails sit on the left while the male beside her has black long hair that matches the night and groaned. "So, both of you. Your next mission will be at this location. Apparently, a shop keeper has contacted us that everyday a shop will asks for ten barrels of rose wine and ask to be delivered on 28th October. And when he tried to get into town, he was back at the entrance of the town again. Our Finders has already made their way there and suspected that Innocence was located within the same town. So we will send the both of you there. Is that understood?" The two teens nodded and started making their way there. Before that, Komui broke into tears. "Please be safe, Lenalee. You're my beloved sister after all." Komui cried, hugging the girl. 'It's all right, brother. I'll be back before you know it." The girl, known as Lenalee said. "Tch, Oi. Lenalee, let's go before this idiot brother of yours continue welling up the whole building." The guy scorched. "Okay, okay. So bye, brother." Lenalee said as she quickly escapes before her brother broke into more tears again.

Entrance Of the Rewinding Town:

"So this is the town, huh?" Allen thought to himself. He was wearing a Victorian ancient clothes complied with a pair of leather tight pants and his gloves on. "L-Lero, Allen-sama. Why have you brought Lero along too Lero?" The umbrella said. It has a pumpkin head and its body is, well an umbrella. "Well, if I don't bring you along. You'll just get stolen again and tortured by Road, won't you?" Allen asks Lero back. "You're right, Lero." Lero said, grateful to its master. "Well then, shall we hit the…" "Excuse me, are you an Exorcist?" A man interrupted Allen. He wore a brown long jacket with his hoodie on and carries a heavy-looking bag. "Are you talking to me?" Allen said, annoyed that the filthy rat from the Black Order had dared to interrupt him. But then again, he's a human after all, knowing nothing about Noahs. "Yes, Exorcist-sama." The man replied. This pisses Allen more; he did not assume himself as an Exorcist. But in the same time, he wants to learn more regarding the town. "I need to find out more regarding this town. I heard that some people couldn't enter this town. Why?" Allen asked. Lero was about to question Allen for his intentions but was silenced by Allen's glare at him. "Well you see, normal people can't go in. They will just land in the same entrance. Not even I could go in, this could be the work of an Innocence you see." The man replied. "Okay then, thanks for the information." Allen smiled. "I shall went ahead of you then." With that, Allen kept Lero in his jacket and walks his way in the Rewinding Town. "What the…" The man gasped.

Inside the town:

"Wow, that wasn't half as bad." Allen commented. "Lero, are you alright?" "I still got rejected, but overall, it's just the shock." Lero replied. "So, even hiding you in my jacket doesn't help at all." Allen laughs to himself. "Well then, let's finds the others…"

Entrance of the Rewinding Town:

"Finder-san, you're here." Lenalee called out. "Lenalee san?" The finder was surprised. "Yes, we're finally here, Finder-san." Lenalee smiled warmly to the man while her companion just scorched. "So Finder-san, why do you look so surprised?" "Well, you see," The finder hesitates. "Well, well what?" The man scowled. "Kanda!" Lenalee scolded lightly. "You see, there was an Exorcist-sama ahead of the both of you. However, he did not have the crest and he enter easily." "Could it be…" Lenalee turned to face Kanda. "Oi, is it General Cross Marian?" Kanda asked rudely. "No, that seems no general. The Exorcist-sama has silver white short hair and he wears a Victorian outfit with his gloves on. I don't recognize any generals in the Order looking like that." "Right, we understand." Lenalee nodded. "Well then, we'll go ahead first then. Bye." Lenalee run towards the entrance while Kanda walk behind her.

Inside the town:

"Seems we have made it…" Lenalee said, rather shocked on how easy they could go in. "Che, this is nothing." Kanda scowled. "Well then, let's spit up and investigate." With that, Lenalee and Kanda spit up. But as Kanda was about to go, a woman shouting caught his attention. "You've thrown that at me for the 28th time." The woman scowled, looking rather angry for what the kids did to her. "What do you mean? This is the 1st time." The kid replied, before joining the other kids teasing and mocking her clumsiness. The woman was finally fed-up and make her way to an alley. Kanda followed her behind, only to find akumas attacking the poor woman. Moreover, they are level Twos. Kanda scowled and calls upon his Innocence, Mugen. "Ice Fire," One of the Akumas shouted. "Wind Ambush!" "Pang Voice!" Kanda was annoyed and easily carries the woman in a bridal style and dodges all of their attacks. "Let's burn him alive!" "No, he should die of high pitch!" "No, he should die of ambushes!" The akumas argued, before engaged each other in rock, paper, scissors. Kanda raised his eyebrows before sending them one of Mugen's attacks, looking annoyed. The three Level Twos Akumas managed to dodge but they looked rather pissed and decided to crush Kanda but then halted when a beautiful music was heard across. Then, the music stopped and was replaced by a boy's voice. "Come forth, Akumas." "A-At once!" With that, the Akumas flee to a direction. Kanda scowled and dropped the woman to the ground before gesturing her to follow him.

Somewhere else around town:

"N-Noah-sama!" The three Akumas greeted. Allen smirked and poked a finger at one of them. "Hey, why were you akumas playing without me?" Allen smiled wickedly. "I was so damn bored and yet you're playing with an Exorcist. How dare…" "WE'RE REALLY SORRY! NOAH-SAMA! WE REALIZE OUR MISTAKES!" The three akumas replied at once. Allen stares at them for a while before sighing. "I suppose it can't be helped. But next time, bring me along okay?" "At once, Noah-sama." The three akumas obeyed. Their Allen may be kinder to all akumas but still they wouldn't want to trigger any of their masters, especially Allen. His anger and rage could actually be compared to the Earl who was aching to kill an Exorcist. Then, Allen moved his way to the top of the roof, admiring the scenario displayed in front of him, smirking evilly to himself. "An Exorcist, huh? This could be fun…After all, two are better than one." Allen smiled, closing his eyes.

Somewhere else around town:

After meeting Lenalee, they discussed their plans and asked Miranda (the woman's name) to escort them throughout the town where she has been in the actual 28th October before heading back to her house to rest for the night. As midnight struck, she went to sleep without a trance and as she sleeps, the clock stands itself proudly in front of Miranda and soon other clocks followed. All the clocks were then absorbed into the grandfather clock and the scene outside was quickly turned into morning. "Oh my, when did I fell asleep?" Kanda was shocked while Lenalee squeaked. "So should we tell her?" Lenalee suggested. After telling what Miranda should know, they set their plan.

Allen covers himself with a cape and put on the hood. Then he proceeds to Miranda and asks to buy a ticket. "Of course." Miranda handed him the ticket and Allen passes her a few coins before running off to a corner. Allen smirks to himself and then mumbles some words before watching the show displaying in front of him. A few minutes later, a man walked past Miranda and robbed her bag of money that was attached to her waist. Miranda then cried for help and the two Exorcists appeared, asking for the problem. Miranda told them and pointed the man who was still running. Lenalee and Kanda nodded and chased after the man. "You idiot." A voice shouted behind Miranda, who was fumed with anger. Miranda continuously apologizes to the ringmaster. "You're useless. You better return my money and the rest of the tickets. And from tomorrow onwards, you won't be needed anymore. You're fired." Then the ringmaster stood off and the rest of the people who was watching resumed to their activities. Miranda broke down and cried. "In the end, I'm still good for nothing. Even when I have given everything I had…" Miranda clenched her hands until her knuckles turn white. "I'm a fool, why me? Why must my clock be the Innocence? Why me?" Allen smirked and then walked towards Miranda and lowered himself. "So, your clock is the Innocence…"

Meanwhile, Lenalee and Kanda are still chasing the robber before they were surrounded by two akumas in front and the robber's skin ripped apart. "Damn! A trap!" Kanda groaned. "Lenalee, quick. Make your way to Miranda quick or else…" "Oh that woman known as Miranda…" the Akuma that have eyes like a snake, spoke. "She has been taken by our Noah-sama." "Whose the Noah?" Kanda was confused. The blue-bulky Akuma then freezes over the entire place and Kanda slides two of his finger over the whole length of his sword, activating his Innocence. Lenalee calls forth her Black Boots and activate as well. Another akuma then attack Kanda and Lenalee with its screeching voice. Kanda and Lenalee was about to dodge when the ground begin to crack, making them too focused on the ground. Then, the both of them fell unconscious.

Two hours later:

Kanda widened his eyes as he slowly noticing his surroundings and adjusts to the light. "Hey, sleeping beauty." A male voice greeted Kanda. In front of him is a silver short hair boy wearing Victorian ancient clothes with an exorcist coat. Then he saw Lenalee sitting in a throne chair and dresses a Victorian black dress, her eyes were open but they were dull. "Lenalee, damn." Pain suddenly shook up to Kanda's body. He realizes his hands were tight up with hard thin wires. One struggle on the wire and blood oozed out. Kanda scowled and slowly, his body regenerates. "Hm, regeneration." Allen was surprised. "And here I thought, you're a girl. But looks like I'm wrong…" "What the hell do you do to Lenalee?" Kanda growled. "Oi, be careful what you spoke. She is our Noah-sama's doll now." Allen chuckles with his eyes close. "Aww, this was supposed to be given to Road, seeing that she loves dolls." Allen said, smiling to Kanda. "So who are you? Why are you with the Akumas?" Kanda scowled. "Why, you ask?" Allen stares at Kanda, before smiling again. "I'm a Noah, also known as the 14th, the Noah of Music." Allen then transforms himself to his Noah form. His forehead was covered with cross stigmata across and his skin turns ash gray and his eyes turned into a pair of dangerous golden lusting eyes. "I'm Allen Walker, pleased to meet you. Exorcist-san."

End of Chapter 1…

So how was it? Good or Bad? Please review so I can think of how to start Chapter 2. It's the button below okay? And review so Lavi can irritates Kanda more.