(Author's Note) This is the sequel to Someone, Somewhere. I won't update too often in the next few weeks due to the fact I must study for *shudder* …FINALS….

Hope the sequel satisfies your lovey-ish needs for ZAGR ness. I'm not adding any lemony, racy shit; that's disturbing and sick.

Rated 'T' for language, mild romantic themes, and suggestive drug and slight depression themes.

REVIEW! I don't care if you hate it, or if you flame it, just keep the criticism to a minimum please.

Gaz's violet flow of hair shadowed her white, porcelain face as she trudged her way back to the Membrane residence with Zim along beside her as they left the hi-skool. The pregnant silence hung in the cold, winter air, and the slight crunch of ice was heard underfoot as the couple strayed farther and farther away from the building.

The gothic teen looked over her shoulder as she saw a variety of kids pour out of the skool. It was Gaz's first year of hi-skool, and all she had gotten out of it was Karma, shitty friends, and teachers who wouldn't leave their fat-ass noses out of anyone's business. Of course, isolating herself from the crowd and leaving herself to playing Vampire Piggy Slayer and reading books took her away from ever having to deal with anything. But then again, she had to deal with the oddly cute alien walking along beside her. It had only been a few weeks since Zim and Gaz had officially stated them a 'couple', and Dib was ignorant enough to not notice a thing. Gaz cringed at the word 'boyfriend' as it rang through her mind.

Dib, her moronic brother, stayed at the hell-hole of a hi-skool to meet up with his girlfriend, Gretchen, whom was the most popular, well-known bitch the whole damned community knew, leaving Gaz and the green extraterrestrial to leave on their own. Gretchen was distracting Dib, leaving Zim to his 'plans on destroying the world', and slowly fading away from Gaz's life. Yes, Dib was an annoying ass who was usually wrapped up in his paranormal experiments, trying to release Zim's secret to the universe, but, as much as she hated it, Gaz loved her brother. But with Dib gone every day, Gaz learned to toughen up a little bit more and move on.

Gaz turned away from the view of the skool, and glanced over at Zim, who was madly swiping at the dainty snowflakes falling upon his leathery green face. She took her eyes back to her feet as she trudged through the bitter cold that was tugging at her body. A small evil grin crawled across the goth's face as she thought of an idea.

Gaz quickly bent down to grab a thick slab of ice when Zim was looking the other direction, back towards the skool, which was gradually growing smaller in each step they took. Still smirking evilly, Gaz planned out her idea in only a few seconds.

The two were only a few steps from Gaz's house when Gaz turned to her boyfriend (cringe), Zim, and looked him in the eyes. Taking in the alien's disguise, she was on the verge of cracking another smile.

His black wig was askew and ruffled, complimenting his glossy blue contacts surrounded in the lightest layer of eyeliner. His green skin really stood out against the snow that was piling up in the yard, giving Zim a lighter tint. The Irken's apparel consisted of a dark grey sweater, a white and dark blue long-sleeved underneath, and some baggy, but fitting, dark blue jeans. Zim kept his rubber gloves, but ditched his old black boots and exchanged them for a pair of black converse, to help him blend in.

Everything fit for him, but the fact that Zim decided to wear eyeliner in honor of Gaz… it truly made her… happy.

"Thanks for walking me home Zim."

"Sure thing Ga-"

The girl tugged Zim into a warm hug that seemed to last forever. But, just as she was going to pull away, she fingered the sharp block of ice and stuffed it down Zim's back. Zim jumped back in surprise and before he knew what had just happened, a sizzling sound came from the back of his torso, burning him.

Screaming in pain, the alien almost toppled over and danced around, trying to get the cold, watery mess out. Gaz just grinned and stared in amusement, watching Zim wallow in his agony. He was so cute when he was mad or in distress...

Cute…. Cute? Jeez Gaz, get a fucking grip.

After several attempts and dance looking techniques, Zim finally got the half-melted ice out from under his clothes. He panted, trying to fight the stinging sensation crawling across his lower back. Growling, the alien narrowed his eyes, and stared at Gaz, who was snickering at him on her doorstep.

The evil beauty stopped laughing, but kept her smile and stepped toward me, and planted a soft kiss on my lips, immediately pushing away the pain, and filling Zim's squeedily-spooch with warm delight. The moment lasted too short for him though, ending with Gaz pulling away first. The snow had started to fall more heavily now, leaving white crystals in Gaz's purple hair and eyelashes.

"See you Zim…"

The alien stared after her as she stumbled her way back to the house through a mass of snowy flurries, and heard the door of the house close behind her.