I'm finally back! So, I've been thinking. I'm going to wrap this story up. I'm going to give away Ayu's real identity, and I'm going to finally reveal whether Rima ends up with Kairi or Nagihiko. I'm really sorry if it goes too fast. This story was always just meant to be about Rima x Kairi and then it got into such a colossal mess. I feel like I don't deserve any of your kind reviews and this story is always one I'll be ashamed of. So many parts I read then think "What was I thinking?"


"You…like…her?" Amu points at Yaya.

"Yes," he nods.

"Yaya doesn't like Tadase! Yaya likes Kairi!" she bursts out, then claps her hands over her mouth, glancing at me guiltily.

Kairi's eyes widen and he looks down. Amu looks at me, biting her bottom lip. But…

I don't feel angry at Yaya. At all. But on the other hand, if she'd said she likes Nagihiko…I'd wanted to strangle her.

No! What? I can't do this! I like Kairi! Kairi! Nagihiko is just…ugh!

I spin on my heel and run off to the library.

"No, Rima, wait!" I hear Amu yell, but I ignore her.

No! How can this be? I hate Nagihiko! Nagihiko's such a liar, and there's nothing special about him besides his athletic abilities! Kairi is smart and sensitive and so mature…

But kind of boring? With Nagihiko I can never predict what he's going to do next and it's always exciting, but Kairi gets boring…

No! I am NOT thinking this! I—

I crash straight into Ayu.

"Sorry," I apologize. "Look, about Tadase. He's a huge jerk, kind of a playboy. Don't take it—"

"Look," she interrupts, sticking a glossy magazine under my nose.

I squint at the page. "What's so exciting about metallic eye shadow?"

"No, not that! Look!" She jabs her finger at the next page.

And then I see it. An image of Ayu, with the headline MISSING POP IDOL plastered across.

"Ayu Rosestone," she reads in a detached voice. "Age 13. She was supposed to embark on her national tour that would kick off in San Diego on the 20th. But where has this aspiring singer gone? There are rumors that she's run off with her boyfriend Seiichiro Suzuki, an actor two months older than her, but sources say they saw her being pushed into a mysterious black van at around noon on the 7th." She looks up. "That's me."

"Are you serious?" a voice behind us shrieks.

We both turn to see Utau. "I was supposed to meet Ayu in New York City and tour with her for the last 28 concerts for that tour!"

"And you didn't recognize her when Tadase brought her in?" I ask dryly.

"Well, I only knew her last name, so I didn't understand until now," she shrugs.

"Ayu's a pop star?" Tadase asks. He looks at her. "Actually, Ayu, you know, I've really loved you ever since—"

"Spare us from your little confession, you player!" Utau snaps, glaring at him. Tadase's jaw drops and he leaves the room.

Kairi walks in. "Queen! We need to talk!"

"Yes, we do," I nod, trying to control my pounding heart. Because I've realized my feelings now. And I can't do this anymore. "I'm really sorry, Kairi. I don't know what it was. Perhaps infatuation? But I think…I can't be with you anymore."

Kairi bows down his head. "I'd come to say the same thing."

I grin. "It's Yaya, right?"

He nods shyly. I smile. "Go for it! You two would make an awesome couple."

He looks at me. "Then what about you, Queen? What about Nagihiko?"

"Who's that?" Utau asks.

Nagihiko walks in. "I heard my name?"

I look at him, and I don't know where to start. "Um…the thing is…Nagihiko…I really think…I mean, I really like…you…"

"WHAT? RIMA'S LESBIAN?" Utau screams.

"Wait, Rima's lesbian?" Amu strolls in, running her fingers through her pink hair. "What? Does that mean Kairi's a girl?"

"They broke up," Utau says.

"No, I'm a guy," Nagihiko says, pulling his hair out of the high ponytail.

"You've got to be kidding me," Amu, Utau, and Ayu say in unison.

"It's true," I sigh. "It's really true."

And then our lips touched one more time.

Finally, I'm finished! This is the first multi-chapter fanfic I've finished. I'm really sorry for the horrible ending and it probably doesn't make any sense. I'm contemplating eventually deleting this fanfic (like after all my readers have had a chance to read the ending so they aren't left hanging).

I thank my epic friend and editor, Temptful. You are my best cyberfriend and you've never given up on me, even when I've freaked out and thrown cyber-rants.

I thank Rosey-chan. Ayu gave this story more depth and I am considering using her in some of my other fanfics (if that's okay, of course).

I thank all the people who've read this entire fanfic to the end. It's for you that I forced myself to write this last chapter.

Arigato, everyone! You are all so fantastic!