Disclaimer: All copyrights and recognizable characters herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this story is permitted! No copyright infringement is intended.
Inspirational pics for chapters, bio of the characters and more can be found on my blog. This story can also be found on TWCS. I'm under the same penname.
Thank you so much to all your alerts, faves and reviews. A few outtakes might be added in the future. Thanks for sticking with me and the boys, without further ado, the epilogue.
Five years later..
"Daddy, Dad doesn't want to go to reunion he says to tell you he's sick," my daughter says as she tries to expertly lie for her dad.
"He's sick, huh?"
"Yeah," she smiles, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness because she thought she was succeeding in helping Edward. But he isn't getting out of this one.
"Well, daddy's a doctor so I'll go check on him."
I move around our little girl and make my way to the bedroom door.
"No!" Elise says, running ahead of me to block my path. She slams her little body into the door, guarding it from me. "Dad doesn't need to be checked again."
This is new. She's not usually objective in me being in doctor mode as she calls it. "Why not, my little darlin'?"
She rolls her eyes at me. Apparently, I'm annoying her with my question. Definitely my kid. "Because I've already checked him, Daddy. He's under my care."
The last time Edward was under our daughter's care, he puked up the fish water she gave him to drink when he had to flu.
I pick her up and spin her around, making her laugh. "Oh, he is?"
I love hearing her little giggles. "He is, Daddy. He is!"
Her laughs make me laugh.
After tricking our daughter in heading downstairs to stay with her Aunt Alice and Bella, I waltz into our bedroom to find Edward playing a game on his phone.
"You look so sick," I comment sarcastically from my spot by the door after I swing it open and find my husband lounging in bed on his phone playing a game and chuckling.
He throws the phone down and starts to cough. "Jas, I don't feel so well. Maybe we can skip the reunion."
"Not a chance," I say defiantly. "Ass out of bed, Cullen-Whitlock, or you won't get any sex for a week."
Edward is out of bed before I say another word. Just the mere threat of cutting him off, makes him leap into action. It always does.
"I'll be ready soon."
"Good," I tell him and leave the room before becoming too tempted to stay. A naked Edward in our shower pops up in my mind and I quickly dismiss the thought before it gets us in trouble. We've got an inquisitive daughter and who knows when she'll get away from Bella and Alice and run to our room. It has happened before but we were thankfully clothed.
My life has been the best thing for almost six years now. Marrying Edward, having our kids, has brought my life full circle. I can't think of any other way my life could've turned that makes me wake up happy every morning. Marrying him was easy. Making a decision to have kids went smoothly. It was just a talk over dinner one night and then all it took was figuring how we wanted to go about it before discussing it with our family.
My mom was all for surrogacy and adoption. It was what Edward and I presented in our discussion with Mom and Rose. They were all for it, but with reservations when it came to adoption.
"It would be lovely to give a child a loving home," Mom had said.
"But I don't want to have to punch someone at the agency in the throat if they say something offensive to you or Edward," Rose added. "Try surrogacy like Peter and Riley. Look at Cody."
She had a point. Peter has shared with us the trials of what he and Riley went through with some adoption agencies before deciding on surrogacy to have Cody. He said it wasn't pretty. Not everyone was, for a lack of a better word, nice.
Edward and I discussed it some more and tried an agency for ourselves, just to get a feel for things. It wasn't a pleasant experience. I hated the questions and Edward looked like he wanted to knock the lady out through the whole thing. And then Alice happened over a dinner date with her and Bella.
"What?" she said over dessert after I told her about our experience with the adoption agency we approached. "I'll do it."
Time stopped when she said that. Edward, Bella and me froze.
"What?" I needed her to say it again. I couldn't believe or trust my hearing.
"I said, I'll do it," Alice repeated. "Why did all of you freeze? What? Was it weird that I offered?"
"You have so much going on," I told her. "You just opened another restaurant and…"
"Have managers and chefs for them," Alice finished for me, taking my hand in hers. "I can do this. Let me."
We accepted and a month and half later, Alice was pregnant with our daughter, Elise. My biological daughter that Edward would adopt upon birth. Edward had wanted me to father our first child. I only agreed on that term if he would father our second.
We agreed. And when Elise was two years old, she got a baby brother, Jensen. Edward's biological son.
"Jasper, can you find Elise for me?" Alice says with a wink, rubbing her swollen stomach. Elise is hiding behind the couch and Alice is pretending not to know where she is. Elise has as much energy as her mom. While Alice claims she's as smart as me. Intuitive and artsy all at three years old.
"Oh, I have no idea where she could be," I say, winking at my daughter when she sees me. She places a hand over her mouth and giggles.
Alice smiles. "Alright, I guess I'll have to keep looking."
I rub her tummy. "You do that. Be careful. I'm going to get my jacket."
I'm half ready for this. The reunion is being held here in Seattle in a hotel ballroom. It was decided on by whoever, but I wanted to attend. Edward has been fighting it since day one when we received the invite. His reasoning is that he wasn't interested in seeing them again. And if someone says something that rubs him the wrong way. He's going to get into a fight.
He would too. I know him. Edward's temper has shortened over the years. He's even more quick tempered now than he was before. The only people who are not subjected to it, are the kids and me and our family and friends. Former friends, enemies, stubborn colleagues all got the brunt of it. Even Esme has had her fair share.
She had contacted two years after that fateful day in court via her lawyer. But Edward wanted nothing to do with her. After her speech in court, he said he had seen the light. He knew the truth. Esme had brought him into this world, but she was no mother. From then on, I was the one who received her messages, Edward was fine with it. He wasn't in agreement, but he was fine with it. I relayed what she told her lawyer to him, and that was it. He would usually listen and then go and play with our kids like I hadn't told him anything important. I understood. I didn't feel anyway about it. It was my husband's way of dealing with a neglectful mother.
Who knows what later years will hold? For now, Esme is not apart of lives in a compounding aspect and I'm cool with it.
I grab my jacket and throw it on, leaving my office. Edward and I had bought a four bedroom house together before Elise was born. We wanted a place big enough for family, friends, and our kids. I had to put my foot down with the places Edward had suggested. God knows between luxurious vacations, the other Cullen properties, Edward wasn't one to mince his spending. If I had left it up to him, we would be living in one of the largest mansions right now.
"I'm almost ready!" Edward yelled and our daughter laughed at him.
"I thought you were sick, Dad," she says. "That's what you said to tell daddy, remember?"
He looks at me and blushes. "Yeah, we're going to forget that plan, sweetie."
Bella walks by, shaking her head. "Teaching her to lie, Edward?"
"He won't do it again," I answer for Edward. "Or certain activities will be withheld."
His eyes widen in understanding and Bella giggles and heads in the other direction. Elise laughs at his expressions even though she doesn't know what we're talking about.
"Shouldn't you be hiding?" I ask Elise when I spot Alice 'coming down the hall, 'pretending' to look for her.
She gets excited, pulling Edward down to her to kiss his cheek, telling him she'll miss him. After him, she runs over to me, Alice witnessing her standing in front of me, stops and smiles and pretends to look upstairs for her.
I kneel in front of her and she pulls me into a quick hug. "I've gotta go, daddy. You and Dad have fun!" she whisper-yells and runs off.
"No running!"
She looks back at me with a huff and rolls her eyes. "Shh! You haven't seen me."
She heads out to the backyard to hide. Her grandpa Carlisle is out there with her little brother, so we don't have to worry.
I check my watch. "Are we going?"
"Were you really going to withhold sex?" Edward smirks.
"Absolutely," I say with a straight face.
"You can't," he challenges, coming over to me and evading my space. His closeness makes me want to forget about the damn reunion, but what I have planned afterwards is too important to cancel. We need this.
I yank him closer by his shirt. "You're right. I can't. So if you don't get your ass in gear, let's us head to this reunion, meet and greet and then head up to the suite I have booked so I can fuck you into next week, I'll be forced to become well acquainted with my right hand until you're off punishment."
"But we can just skip the damn…" Edward starts and I silence him with a kiss.
"Jacket on. Ass in car or it will not be fucked." I kiss him again and push him off, practically growling at him. "Am I understood?"
I watch my husband's eyes darken as he gets his ass into gear.
Since I told Edward about our high school reunion, I've been planning a little something to take his mind off of whatever bullshit we might encounter tonight. I know it will be, and a night out will be the remedy for it. Aside from that, we need this time alone. I love our life and the madness that comes with it. But I want a little Edward and me time and since I can't stay away from our kids for too long, only one night will do.
We kiss the kids goodbye and make our way out to the car. Edward is still rebelling against going to the reunion, but I'm not listening. Peter and Riley are coming in for it. In fact, they're meeting us at the hotel.
He likes the idea of me and him time. But like me, he only wants to do it for one night. I thought I was obsessed with staying with the kids but Edward beats me. After Elise's birth, we both took time off of work to be first time dads. It wasn't easy and there was a lot to learn, a lot of sleepless nights, and once, Elise actually brought Edward to tears and me calling my mom in the middle of the night to help us. She wouldn't sleep and we didn't know what else to do.
Mom was on the next flight. She taught us a lot and it made things a little easier with Jensen.
"I still think we can skip the reunion and head straight to the suite," he says, kissing my neck.
I move out of his reach to look at him. "Why are you so against this?"
"I don't want to deal with them," Edward confesses.
"Who? Vicky and then rest of them?"
"Are you afraid?"
Edward looks at me like I'm crazy.
I laugh. "I didn't mean it like that."
"I know what you mean, and no, I'm not afraid of them, Jasper," he says. "I would just rather a night with you and no one else."
The driver pulls to a stop in front of the Sorrento hotel on that point. I spot Peter and Riley by the doors.
Turning back to Edward, I take his hand in mine and kiss the back of it. "We're going in there, together, strong and coming out the same way. Whether you fear what some idiot will say or not, it won't matter to us. We know what we have, baby. And what we're not giving up for no one."
A slight smile plays across his lips and he moves in and kisses me briefly, whispering against my mouth. "You saw right through, didn't you?"
"I always do, Edward."
"Let's do this."
We get out of the car and make our way to our friends. I know my husband and since he heard about reunion he's been putting up a brave front. He isn't scared of what our former schoolmates will think, he's worried about my reaction to what they might say. But I'm not. All I can think about is how lucky I am to have him on my arm.
"We didn't know you'd got in," I say to Peter while Edward and Riley greet each other. "Where's Cody?"
"Heading over to your house now with your sister aka his crazy godmom, along with Emmett and your niece."
I laugh. "In other words, it's about to be hell on Earth for the adults."
"You know what happens once Cody bucks head with your daughter and niece," Peter chuckles.
"Yeah, pure mayhem."
We laugh at our kids. Rose and Emmett had married a year after their engagement and she had a surprise for me and Mom, one she whispered in my ear during the father/daughter dance, which my sister wanted to share with me. "I'm pregnant."
To say I was shock when she told me would be an understatement. Of course, I did what any responsible big brother would do, I threatened Emmett's life. I reminded him that I was a surgeon and I could make it look how I wanted it to look. He swallowed hard and accepted my threat.
So far things have been great. My sister and niece have Emmett wrapped around their fingers. He loves his girls with his whole heart. Whenever us guys get together for a poker night, he can't shut up about Rose and Annabelle. But then again, Edward and I aren't much different. We love talking about Elise and Jensen too. Peter and Riley have documented everything Cody has ever done since birth and is ready to show pictures or videos at a moment's notice.
Peter looks at the door and sighs, "Are you ready for this?"
"Yeah. It's Edward I'm worried about." We look at Edward and Riley talking and laughing, probably discussing our kids and their antics. "I don't want anyone saying anything to hurt him or get him mad, but I can't control what comes out their mouths."
"Just be there for Edward," Peter smiles. "Trust me. It's the one thing we never did in high school. I allowed him to push me away and then I let him distract me with bullshit, it wasn't until later in our lives that I really forced him to sit and talk to me one on one."
"No one was there for him?"
"No. When he did bullshit, he handled the crushing feelings that his conscience brought all on his own."
I take that into consideration and nod, "Be there for him. No matter what, if anything goes down, don't let him push me away."
"That's all I ask," Peter smiles. "You look good. I like this hairstyle. It's growing on me."
I run a hand through my shorten hair and smile. "Thanks. It's growing on me too."
"I still loved the ponytail and shaved sides though. It made you look like a rock star."
"It did, love," Edward says with a kiss to my cheek as he takes my hand and we begin to walk through the hotel, heading to the ballroom where our reunion is being held. "But this style is growing on me."
"Edward, you almost cried the first time you saw this new look."
Peter and Riley laugh, but Edward ignores them. "I miss the old look," he pouts and I kiss his lips.
"It was time for a change, baby."
When I had approached my sister with the idea, she was all for it. We thought it was time for a change. My hair was growing out at the sides so we let it and then finally cut the ponytail off. We kept my hair brown. I'd grown to love the shade. When Edward got home that night, his jaw dropped and he didn't speak to me for almost two hours. I laughed the entire time because I told him I had been thinking about changing my look. And when we finally talked that night, he sounded near tears that I had cut my hair so I made a promise to consider going back to my old style one day.
"It looks good, Jasper," Riley says. "It's distinguished. You look like a sexy businessman with it."
Edward stops and turns to scowl at Riley, making me, Peter and Riley laugh. "It doesn't and he promised me that he'll consider going back to the rocker look."
"Yes, I did." I smile.
We're at the open doors to the ballroom before we know it and all smiles are wiped off of mine, Edward's and Peter's faces. Riley mumbles something about 'here we go' and then we all walk in. A few eyes are on us. Adults that mildly resemble the kids they once were. Whispers and surprised glances at mine and Edward's joined hands, which is stiff in mine. And his face is hard as stone. I spot James and his eyes widen and he disappears as quickly as he can. I see Mike and more of Edward's former cronies, their eyes dodging between our faces and Edward's hand in mine. Peter slaps me on the shoulder and says, "Let's do this." He peers into my eyes as a silent reminder to not let Edward go. Not to let him go under. I nod in promise and he and Riley move off.
I look at Edward and find him staring at someone. I follow his eyes and see Mike and Victoria whispering and staring at us. I squeeze Edward's hand, getting his attention. He looks at me, and a barge of emotions is dancing in his eyes. I don't say a word. I pull him into a kiss, lingering for a moment I let go.
"What was that for?" he whispers against my mouth.
"To let you know I'm right where I want to be."
The smile that fills his face after I say that makes me laugh. "Come on, baby, let's have some fun." He pulls me into the crowd.
Peter and Riley stick with us. We chat with a few classmates, the nice ones, and former teachers. We get some 'congratulations' and a few questions beginning with 'when did this happen?' when they see our joined hands. Edward is all smiles and answering questions proudly in between kisses to my cheek or my lips. We hear a few revelations and learn of past crushes. We drink a little and dance a bit while Edward's former elite stays far from us. It doesn't bother Edward. He isn't even looking their way. I ask why he's being so cool about this.
"Aside from what's promised to me if I be a good boy, your kiss and vow at the door when we came into the room," he says. "Mostly, the part about being right where you want to be."
"I think you needed to hear it."
"I did."
The night goes on, we take a break to check on the kids, and Carlisle says he has things all under control while we hear giggles in the background.
"Dad, make the kids go to bed," Edward says loud enough for his father to hear.
Carlisle chuckles in my ear, "My son thinks I'm spoiling them."
"You kinda are, Carlisle," I laugh. "But it's okay."
Edward looks at me with a cocked eyebrow. If he wasn't trying to be a good boy, he would've lectured me about being on the same page when it comes to reprimanding Carlisle on spoiling the kids. But I get where Carlisle is coming from. He didn't give this much attention to Edward so this is his chance to try again. He's going to be there for his grandkids and spoil them.
"We need to be on the same page, love," Edward says when I get off the phone.
"We are," I reply. "We know how smart Elise is, and I have a feeling Jensen will be just like his bag sister. But we know them, baby. We can handle it."
He relaxes at my words and grabs my hand, pulling me back to the ballroom. "Let's go have some fun."
We left before the reunion ended. Peter and Riley had long since disappeared and I don't think I can stand one more lustful look from my husband. If he gives me that crooked smile one more time, I'm attacking him and I don't care who sees.
I wait until he's making his way back to me after talking to a former classmate.
"Jasper, I…" I grab him and silence him with a kiss before he can say anything else and drag him out of the ballroom.
Edward laughs as I punch the button to elevator. "Fucking shit," I mutter to myself and then look back at him only to catch him checking me out. And then he fucking winked at me.
"You're not playing fair, Edward," I growl at him. We're in the lobby and they're people here.
"Life isn't fair and when since has that stopped you?"
He had a point. Our sex lives have been very adventurous over the years. I've taken my husband wherever and whenever the need arise. From fucking him in the box seat section of the movie theater during a date to sucking him off at work in the bathroom. We've kept our sex lives exciting with new adventures.
The elevator dings and the doors open. I cheer and grab him, pulling him with me. I don't even wait for the doors to close before attacking Edward's lips. We stumbled off the elevator and I dragged him to our room in between stops to slam him against the wall and devour his mouth. I will never tire of his taste. I will never tire of his touch.
I get the door open and Edward pulls me inside, shutting it and pushing me up against it. He drops to his knees and winks at me while he gets my pants open. He pulls off my pants and grabs my cock, taking a long lick of it that almost brings me to my knees. This man's blowjobs have only improved with years. I can't say how many times I agreed to do whatever shit he wanted me to do after one of his mind blowing blowjobs.
"Shit, Edward! Fuck!" I grip his bronze locks and still his mouth so I can fuck it. "That's it, baby. Take my cock."
He moans and he makes me groan loudly. The vibrations of his throat make me feel like I'm in heaven with my hot ass husband sucking my cock. "I want to cum, baby. Are you gonna swallow like the good boy you are?" He loves this shit. Nothing turned Edward on more than me talking dirty to him.
He moans again and I lose it, cumming down his throat and marveling as usual as he swallows everything I give.
I pull him up to my lips, kissing those sexy plump lips that belong to only me, and whisper my love for him.
"I love you too," he smiles when he pulls away and takes me over to the bed. He crawls on it and lies down. His smile is wide and his eyes are shimmering with love. "Make love to me, Jasper."
He never has to ask.
I take my time preparing him for me. We kiss until we're breathless and he sighs in contentment and hiss in pleasure when I enter him. He smiles up at me with adoration and whispers his love repeatedly as we move against each other. We climb and climb that familiar slope until we can't hold on and I cum shouting my release while my husband screams his and shoots his load on our stomachs. I collapse on top of him in laughter and he holds me to him.
"I love you, Jasper Whitlock."
"I love you too, Edward Cullen-Whitlock."
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and months vanish into years but our love remains. Our work increases and decreases, our lives alter with new people, new co-workers, new developments scare us like Carlisle's prostate cancer. Our kids grow up and our friendships grow stronger.
We spend days together when we can. We love. We talk. We argue. We fight. We live. Temptation comes our way in the face of a new intern who decided that flirting with me was his top priority and my husband figures that he can use the bully he was in high school to scare him away. It worked and a jealous Edward fucked me into oblivion over a weekend away. I taught him well. I was more than satisfied for weeks beyond that. He knew he didn't have anything to wrong about. I would never cheat on him. But my baby was a jealous brute when he wanted to be. Edward Cullen-Whitlock didn't share.
Elise and Jensen are the light of our lives. We've had the pleasure of watching our daughter and son grow into the smartest, most manipulative kids you've ever met. I couldn't be prouder. Edward gets a headache every time the phone rings.
We're raising teenagers after all and our son is quite the charmer. Trust me, he's caused me or his dad to go down to his school on more than one occasion because he was caught in the eraser room with his tongue down some girl's throat.
Our daughter is a fire cracker like her aunt Rose. She and her cousin Annabelle are hell raisers. Edward blames himself for his rebellious years. I told him to forget and let's just be there for the kids. We're good fathers, godfathers and uncles. At least I'd like to think so.
I love my babies. Aside from my girls, Momma and Rose, my husband, Edward, they're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Elise's college graduation.
Elise pov
"I love my dads. They've been in my life for everything. They're here for everything. They're the light of my world along with my brother and the rest of our family. Edward and Jasper Cullen-Whitlock, are two of the greatest men I have ever met and I'm proud to call them my dads. I love you, Dad," I say to my dad. "And I love you, daddy."
My speech is met with grand applause, but I don't stay on the stage for it. The standing ovation is great but there is somewhere I need to be. I run to them. They both open their arms for me as they always have since I was a little girl and I run right into them.
Jasper and Edward have been all I know since I was born. We've been through a lot and I've heard the stories about how much they went through before I was born. But I'm as thankful as they always are. Because if they hadn't gotten back together, if they hadn't found their way together. I wouldn't be here. My brother wouldn't be here. My amazing family wouldn't exist.
"I love you two so much," I say to them, loving the kisses they place in my hair.
"We love you too, baby," My dad, Jasper, says.
"So much, love," my daddy, Edward, says.
It becomes a group hug that's huge and filled with the people I love more than anything in the world. A world created for me by Edward and Jasper. My dads.