Truth or Dare 14

Prussia: Oi, Kei! Ramen!

Kei and Ramen: Hm?

Prussia: Kesesese, knock knock.

Kei-chan: You gotta be fucking-

Ramen-chan: WHOS THERE?

Prussia: Hatch.

Ramen-chan: HATCH WHO?

Prussia: Gesundheit Kesesesesesesesese~

Ramen-chan: I don't get it. O.o

Kei-chan: *Face palm*


XD anyway and even though u guys probably won't see this cause I put it on an
also TRUTH: what does France do with all those "home movies" people like to
write about in other fanfics? Does he sell them to other nations? ;)

I dare everyone and I mean EVERYONE
except for France and the hosts to dress up in a maids costume and be France's
servants for the day
please make it juicy *fantasizes*
oh yeah one more truth Japan what is your favorite type of video game and do
you like pokemon? SEE YA!

and since everyone's being mean to France and Austria
I dare everyone to give France a present and he has to like it
also Austria dare is to go back in time and talk to his favorite composer :)

*hitches a ride on a silver luxray*

Kei-chan: Haha, yeah people have been saying that we won't see their dares because they review for an earlier chapter but guess what O:? I get all your reviews right to my Hotmail :3 Bwahahahahahaha!

Ramen-chan: So yeah, anyway! Onto the dares :D Japan~ Greece~

Japan: Yes?

Greece: Zzzzz….

Hungary: *Smacks Greece over the head with a frying pan* WAKE UP! I NEED YAOI!

Greece: *Wakes up, rubbing the lump on his head* Hm?

Ramen-chan: You. Need. To. Confess. You're. Love. To. Japan.

Greece: *Blink, blink*

Japan: W-What? I-I don't rearry want him to if he doesn't mean it!

Greece: *Looks at Japan before standing and grabbing his shoulders.* I love you Kiku. I mean it. *kiss :3*

Ramen-chan: (TurkeyxGreece fan) FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Kei-chan: Alright, first of all, who is sad about Tokyopop closing?

Ramen-chan: MEEEEEE ;_;

Japan: It was indeed a sad day…

Everyone else: *Not much of an opinion* O.O

Kei-chan: Alright NEXT! America you have to throw the biggest and most awesome party every!

America: *Jumps in the air* FUCK YEAH! EVERYBODY TO MY HOUSE!

Everyone: No.

Canada: U-Uh…I-I'll go Alfred.

France: Well if Mathieu is going then I will go! Ohonhonhonhon~.

England: Bloody hell, why not?

*The trio follows America to his home...*

(30 minutes later)

Canada: W-Who's turn next?

France: I think it is England's.

America: Nah, I think it's mine cause I'M THE HERO!


Ramen-chan: Pfft, nice 'party'.

Kei-chan: Okay, so next we have Austria going back in time to see his favorite composer!

Austria: Hm, sounds quite fun. I do enjoy Mozart very much.

Ramen-chan: Oh! Me too!

Kei-chan: Me three. :)

Austria: Hmph…I like you two just a little bit more…*Goes back in time*

(1 hour later)

Austria: *Comes back.*

Kei-chan: Sooo, how was it?

Austria: He was much more sophisticated then you modern day idiots.

Ramen-chan: D: Well thaaaaanks.


Kei-chan: Alright anyway, FRANCE.

France: Yes, Mon ami?

Kei-chan: Okay, first, I'm not your friend. NEVER WILL BE. Second, you have a truth.

France: Ohonhonhon, what is ze truth?

Kei-chan: What do you do with all the home movies you make of the nations? And do you sell the ones you make to the other nations not involved in the video?

France: Ah…yes. I do not sell zem, although zat is not a bad suggestion. I keep zem for myself Ohonhonhon~. They are very nice to mastur-

Kei-chan: OKAY! Next truth!

Ramen-chan: Japan! What is your favorite type of video game and do you like pokemon?

Japan: My favorite type of video game is probabry adventure. For the other question, yes, I do rike pokemon. Pikachu is very cute.

Ramen-chan: OMG! IKR? But it is so hard to find one in Viridian forest!

Japan: I berieve the catch rate in Viridian forest for Pikachu is about 5%.

Ramen-chan: GAH!

Kei-chan: I caught a Pikachu one time in Pokemon Firered.

Ramen-chan: I prefer leafgreen :)

Japan: I am surprised my country has yet to remake those games.

Kei-chan: Probably because they are already remakes of Pokemon Red and Blue.

Japan: True…

Ramen-chan: Oh and Japan, those new Pokemon games you came out with, Sinnoh and Unova regions SUCK!

Kei-chan: I kinda liked the Unova region for the awesome graphics and the amount of flying and dragon type pokemon since the other regions seemed to lack them. But I do agree with you about Sinnoh even though Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray are awesome XD

Ramen-chan: Eh Unova still sucks -.-

Hungary: Enough talk about Pokemon lets get the yaoi on!

Ramen-chan:…hehehe…that kinda rhymed….

Kei-chan: Idiot.

Hungary: *Sets up stools for the nations and sits on the main one* Okay right here we have a Franada doujinshi called Sweet Sweets. Rated PG-13, it is very cute and the illustrator did amazing at capturing body features and personality~. I have 5 copies so feel free to buy~.

*France runs up with Canada in tow and buys two copies. The pair flip through the book and Canada blushes*

Canada: I-I have girl hips, eh!

France: Ohonhonhon, Mathieu it seems the doujinshi cuts off the love scene…shall I show them what happened?

Canada: But this didn't actually-

France: Shhh, pretend we are role-playing. *Kisses the confused boy deeply and leads him back into a room.*

Hungary: *Throws a spider camera at France's back…yes, she has those. She then proceeds to bring out another book.* This is a Spamano doujinshi known as 'Honey Come'. I'd say it's rated PG but that depends on what you consider intimate. Although not in English, you can clearly tell what is going on…kinda…I have 3 copies so buy now!

Spain: *Eagerly runs over and grabs the book, quickly flipping through it and squealing.*

Romano: *Curiously walks over and glances over his shoulder.*

Spain: *Giggles* Look Lovi! Look how cute and well-drawn we are! What do you think?

Romano: *Blushes and turns away* L-Looks like something you and your bastard ass would do…

Spain: I know right? *Hugs Romano happily and kisses his cheek*

Hungary: Alright, we have one more doujinshi for today. It's a USUK called 'America England Appear'. Rated PG it involves America, England and Chibi!England. It's reaaaalllyyy cute! I only have 1 copy so hurry up and buy it!

America: Alright dude! I am totally buying it! *Buys*

England: B-Bloody hell how am I supposed to read it?

America: *Looks thoughtful before grinning and pulling the Brit onto his lap and wrapping his arms around him with the book open to the first page.* this good?

England: Hmph…Whatever wanker….

Ramen-chan: *Walks in with a big box.* God damn…so heavy! *Wheeze*

China: What is that, aru?

Ramen-chan: You'll find out :D


Everyone: *Grumbles and forms a circle around Kei and Ramen*

Norway: What is this about…

Ramen-chan: Everybody besides me and cockblocker here MUST dress up in maid outfits and be France's servants for the day.

France: MY DREAM COME TRUE! *Runs into the middle of the circle and picks out a very revealing dress for Canada* Here you go~.

Canada: W-What? N-No! F-Francis I-I c-ca-

France: *Smiles sympathetically.* Hmm…and to think I wasn't going to make you do any work…

Canada: W-What?

France: If you wear this, then you can sit in bed with me and relax while everybody caters to our needs. Sounds good, non?

Canada: *Blushes and looks down. It sounded really good…* F-Fine.

France: Yay! Another catch is that I get to dress you! Ohonhonhon~.

Canada: Huh? W-Wait- *Gets carried off bridal style by a very enthusiastic France*

Denmark: Wait do even the semes have to wear this crap?

Ramen-chan: It said EVERYONE spikey.

Denmark: Spikey…?

England: Bloody hell, I am NOT catering that frog!

Kei-chan: TOO BAD!

England: This time I am serious! I would rather die!

Kei-chan: *Sighs and massages temples* Freakin tea loving- *Sigh again* If that's the case just leave then….

England: Good! *Storms off*

Ramen-chan: Any other wusses?

*Nobody steps forward*

Kei-chan: Alright then get up here and get changed!

*Everybody soon gets changed and shifts around uncomfortably in their clothing*

Spain: Lovi looks so cuuuute and seeexyyyy I can't decide what overpowers what! Hehe~.

Romano: You look fucking weird, bastard.

Spain: Loviiiii.

Romano: *Growls*

Austria: This isn't proper in the least! I hate this!

Hungary: It's not that bad.

Prussia: Well you're a girl!

Hungary: Shut up!

Sweden:….i's n't c'mfortable.

Finland: I knooow! I hope we can change soon.

Russia: I like the dresses~. It makes it so much easier to make people become one with me, da?

China: Aiyaaaaah!

Japan: I feer so exposed….

Greece: *Glances at Japan and pull him onto his lap to hide most of his body. (Greece is tall)* Better?

Japan: *Blushes* H-Hai.

Poland: I look like, totally fabulous. Liet you should like let me style yours a bit differently. You look so awkward.

Lithuania: I feel like that time Russia dressed me, Estonia, and Latvia in ballerina outfits for the alien's entertainment. (From the Hetalia movie Paint it White. If you haven't seen it, you should!)

Denmark: Wow Norgie! You look so awesomely cute!

Norway: Shutup, you annoying idiot…

Denmark: *Pouts*

America: Nyahahahaha!

Italy: Ve~. Dresses are weird. But I'm used to it from working with and for a while~.

Germany: This is so humiliating…

*Ring Ring*

France: Hello guys, hope you are enjoying ze outfits~. I request one of you to cook a nice dinner for Mathieu and I. Please hurry up or I may just force some of you to have sex with one another for entertainment~!



Ramen-chan: Oh and heads up, you guys ALL need to give France a present!


Ramen-chan:….You would :3

America: Are you asking for a dogpile? From men wearing dresses?

Ramen-chan: I'll shutup now…



Prussia-Awesome juice (Cough-beer-cough)

Hungary- An R rated Franada doujinshi

England- A scone

America- The American flag!

Russia- A rock with a note that said 'Become one with mother Russia, da?'

Austria- A broken violin

Germany- Something from his porno stash

Italy- Binoculars (Ve~ You said you wanted a pair, right?)

Romano-…Imminent death

China- A panda that is actually a bomb

Japan- An 'innocent' video game

Switzerland- A gun with no bullets

Liechtenstein- A flower

Canada- A snow globe with Paris inside

Denmark- A miniature axe

Norway- A book…with nothing written in it.

Iceland: Bird food for Pierre (France's bird)


Finland: A Santa hat

(Okay Imma stop there cuz there is a lot of people O.O)

France:...Well Canada, Iceland, and Liechtenstein's were the nicest so they are off the hook. All of you must run naked around your capital city now.

Everyone besides the ones said: Damnit.

France: *Proceeds to make out with Canada*

Kei-chan: We need to move on to the next set of dares!


From kittycloud and also punkkitty
Haha, we want to dare you guys too!
1. Germany has to pull Italy's curl ;)
2. Spain has to propose to Romano
3. Prussia and Hungary have to hold hands (glue their hands together or something.)
4. Give everyone a body switching potion. (We don't care who goes into which body) also, whoever Prussia and Hungary go into have to hold hands also...they
are bonded by their souls! Kesesese~
enjoy, and please make Hungary appear more btw

Ramen-chan: HIiii! You guys have awesome sauce names!

Kei-chan: yeah yeah, first of all body switchin no jutsu! *Claps hands together*

Norway(Spain): Ha? Wow what a weird switch~. Loviiii! Lovi, where are you?

Sealand(Romano): I'm fucking over here, bastard.

Hungary(Germany): What the hell happened to my accent? And why am I a girl?

Prussia(America): Aw come ooon, I don't wanna be the albino loser!

Denmark(Hungary): Hey!...I can finally see what guy sex is like! Hurry! Somebody screw me!

Sweden(France): Ohonhonhon~. Of course, mon ami.

France(England): Oh it just figures I'm the bloody frog.

Canada(Norway): This is…a rather annoying situation.

England(Denmark): NORGIE! *Hugs 'Canada'*

Romano(Italy): Ve~ What's going on? Doitsu~~~! *Runs and kisses 'Hungary'*


Russia(Poland): This is like, totally not cool.

Lithuania(China): Aiyaaah! I have such a strange accent, aru!

America(Canada): M-Maple!

China(Prussia): Aw come on, why does my awesome self, have to be stuck in China's body!

Japan(Russia): Werr what a strange predicament, da?

Greece(Lithuania): Why do I…feel so tired…zzzz

Kei-chan: Well anyway, Prussia and Hungary need to hold hands!

China(Prussia): Bodies or minds?

Kei-chan: Minds.

Denmark(Hungary): Alright. *Takes 'Chinas' hand and crushes it*

Lithuania(China): Ayahhh! I can feel that, aru!

Denmark(Hungary): Sorry China! *Loosens hold*

France(England):Wait! We can hurt the mind by causing harm to the body? *Punches himself across the face*

Sweden(France): Ow! Stop it you imbecile!

France(England): MAKE ME, WANKER! *Punches himself in the face again*

Sweden(France): Ow! *Punches England's body*

England(Denmark): Whoa it is so weird I didn't feel that!

France(England): Ow! Bloody hell, I did!

*Fighting ensues while Kei cheers on England and Ramen cheers on France*

America(Canada): S-Shouldn't you guys s-stop s-so Kei and Ramen c-can continue?

France(England): Bloody hell…so that's what America looks like when he nervous!

Sweden(France): Awww Mathieu get back in your own body so we can have sweet sweet l'amour together again!

America(Canada): *Blushes* I-I u-um….

France(England): Can we please move on?

Kei-chan: Yeah yeah, alright next dare…okay everyone switch back! *Claps hands*

Hungary: *Looks around and growls* DAMNIT I DIDN'T GET TO HAVE MAN SEX!

Ramen-chan: I'm sorry…I too wish to feel the almighty pleasure that comes with butt sex.

Kei-chan: You guys are freaks…

Ramen-chan:…ANYWAY! Germany, pull on Italy's curl!

Germany: Er…okay. I still don't get vhat's so vrong about it. *Reaches out and grabs the curl protruding from Italy's noggin.*

Italy: Aaaah, G-Germany p-please d-don't ngggghhhh!

Germany: Italy, vhat is vrong with you?

Italy: Ooooh, d-don't p-pull aaahn….

Romano: Bastard! What the hell do you think you are doing to my brother! PERVERT!

Germany: Pervert? All I'm doing is-

Romano: That's an erogenous zone you perv!

Germany: Vhat? *Removes hand like it was on fire.*

Italy: T-Thank you…L-Ludwig…

Germany:…Sorry Italy…

Spain: *Reads next dare over Kei's shoulder and beams* Lovi!

Romano: *Turns* What is it, bastard?

Spain: *Grabs and tomato and runs over to Romano and kneels down on one knee while holding up the tomato* Will you marry me?

Romano: *Blushes* W-What? N-No!

Spain: Huh! W-Whyyyy Lovi?

Romano:…*blushes harder* I w-want you to ask me when it's not a dare and all these bastards aren't around us.

Spain: *Thinks for a moment before smiling* That's understandable Lovi~. Such the romantic~. *Kisses Romano on the cheek sweetly causing the Italian to blush harder as he grabs Spain's hand reluctantly in his own.*

Ramen and Hungary: Awwwwwwww :D


I have a dare! It's funny. :3
I dare America and England to sing The Sailor Song by Toybox... And England
has to sing the girl parts. :3
It'd be awesome, wouldn't it? Lol bye!

England: For the last time I AM NOT THE GIRL!

Kei-chan:…who tops again?

America: ME!

Kei-chan: England, you're the girl. Get over it.

England: *Crosses arms and pouts*

America: So if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together, just to sing we love you
And if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together just for you

England: Racing all around the seven seas
Chasing all the girls and making robberies
'Causing panic everywhere they go
Party-hardy on Titanic

America: Sailing, sailing, jumping off the railing
Drinking, drinking 'till the ship is sinking
Gambling, stealing, lots of sex-appealing

England: Come, let us sing the sailor-song

America: So if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together, just to sing we love you
And if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together just for you

England: Sailorman, you really turn me on
Now the guys are gone, come and let us get it on
Girls like me are pretty hard to find
So if you go, I'll kick your Heine

America: Sailing, sailing, jumping off the railing
Drinking, drinking 'till the ship is sinking
Gambling, stealing, lots of sex-appealing

England: Come, let us sing the sailor-song

America: So if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together, just to sing we love you
And if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together just for you

England: Now, let's fight!

America: Ha, that's not a knife, this is a knife!

England: eik!

*fighting ensues and then England fires his gun upward*

America: Sailing, sailing, jumping off the railing
Drinking, drinking 'till the ship is sinking
Gambling, stealing, lots of sex-appealing

England: Come, let us sing the sailor-song

America: So if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together, just to sing we love you
And if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together just for you, Oh yeah!

America: I'm king of the world! woohoo!

England: Wow, this was great!

America: Yeah, baby, you can sail my ship
So if we all come together, we know what to do
We all come together just for you... Yeah!

Kei-chan: *Claps politely*


Kei-chan: Are you drunk?

Ramen-chan: pffffft. *Laughs and falls over*


Dares: (p.s tell me when I should stop giving dares...I feel like I always do
it...XD not that I mind!)
I love usuk, so have them locked in the closet, and let me watch what happens (please :3)
And I dare Romano to be Spain's sexy maid for the day. AND he has to do WHAT

Ramen-chan: Do a little dance! Make a little lo- OH HIIIII!

Kei-chan: Dude!...If you're gonna start the song…FINISH IT!


America: Guuuuuuys, not that I don't love this song and all, but I reaaaalllly wanna get in the closet with Iggy!

Kei-chan: Yeah yeah, hold on. *Claps hands*

SaixPuppy777: Do a little dance? :3



America: GUYS!

Kei, Ramen, and SaixPuppy777: Sorry…

England: What torture do you have for me this time?

America: It's not torture if you like it~.

England:…Let me guess, I have to do something sexual with you…

America: Yesh :3

England:…And I can't get out of it?

America: I assume not. :3


America: YAY!

Hungary: I have already installed the cameras!

SaixPuppy777: Excellent :D

England: *Sighs and walks into the closet dejectedly*

America: Aw Artie, you won't be sad for long~ *Slams door behind him*


Ramen-chan: On it! *Flips switch on TV and sets the AV*

America: Soooooo….Arthur….

England: No.


England: *Twitches* what?

America: Huh? Is that the great English pirate being a chicken? Bwack bwack bwack!


America: Same thing.

England: I'm not a chicken!

America: Bwack!

England: Fine! I'll show you. *Grins evilly and pull rope out of nowhere.

America: U-Um, Artie? O.o

England: *In a flash, Arthur has Alfred tied to the clothing rack and shirtless.* I'll show you what the bloody English privateer can do.*

*England gently trails his fingertips up Alfred's chest and to his face where he flicks his nose roughly.*

America: OW! Artiiiiieeee~

England: It's Arthur. *Smirks as he twists America's ahoge causing a moan to rip from his throat* Ah~, so it does do the same thing as the Italians.

America: S-Stooooooooop. *moans*

England: I thought this is what you wanted. *Licks the shell of America's ear and gently nips.*

America: I'm the seme! *America pouts at England causing England to raise an eyebrow*

England: Don't pout.

America: *puppy dog eyes*

England: U-uh t-that doesn't affect-

America: *Pouts with puppy dog eyes*

England: Bloody hell, fine! *Unties America*

*As soon as this is done, America throws England into a pile of spare blankets in the corner and kisses him roughly.*

England: Ngh, ah… *wraps arms around America's neck and kisses back sloppily.

America: Artie….

England: Alfred a-ah! *Moans as Alfred finds a sweet spot on his neck and begins sucking it to form a hickey.*

America: *Slips hand under England's vest and slips it off before working on the dress shirt.* Why do you have so many layers of clothes?

England: I-It was cold!

America:…I'll warm you up.

(I hope you guys don't mind that I'm going to do my first attempt at full-out sex on my truth or dare o.o here goes nothing. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE BADLY WRITTEN SEXY TIMES, SKIP AHEAD!)

*England moans loudly as American gets the dress shirt open and starts immediately on the previously marked flesh. *

America: Does it feel good?

England: *Nods breathlessly and hastily gets rid of the rest of his dress shirt so that he can work on the button of America's jeans.*

America: Somebody's eager today~. *Pushes England back down and kisses him as he slides his skin-tight jeans down to his ankles, revealing the British flag boxers.* Oh~ Look how eager we are~.

England: S-Shutup, you git! *Eyes widen in shock as America abruptly slides his hand into the flap of England's boxers and grabs the hardening length there.* O-oooh god, A-Alfred!

America: *Kisses England gently before letting go of his vitals and pulling the boxers down.*

England: N-No fair, t-take your pants off, bastard!

America: As you command, love. *America says this in a terrible mock of the British accent and stands so he can get his baggy jeans off to reveal his regular plaid boxers.*

England: What? No Captain Commando today?

America: *Winks* Sorry, I know you love it when I go commando~.

England: G-Git!

America: Did you bring any lube?

England: Why the bloody hell do you think I carry that shit around?

America: *Shrugs and prods Arthur's lips with his finger* Suck.

England: *Blushes and squeezes his eyes shut as he allows the American's fingers to intrude into his wet cavern.*

America: *Groans softly as Arthur's tongue swirls around his digits, effectively lathering them with saliva.* T-That's enough, I think.

England: *England releases them with a wet pop and nervously allows America to spread his legs.*

America: Don't worry, I'll be gentle. *Kisses Arthur's forehead, and pushes the first finger in.*

*Arthur squirms at the uncomfortable feelings but allows Alfred to move it around inside him.*

America: Are you ready for the second?

*England nods silently and squeaks when America pushes in the second one.*

England: C-Cut your bloody nails! Fuck!

*England whimpers as America smiles apologetically and starts stretching the Brit as gently as possible. Without consent, America moves the third in beside the others and apologizes hastily when tears began streaming down Arthur's face. He searched for the one spot that would make Arthur cry out in pleasure and almost gave up when-*

England: AH! *England arches and blushes terribly as America smirked and pressed his finger against that spot again.*

America: I think you're ready.

*England whines when America pulls his fingers out, leaving an empty feelings behind but shuts up immediately when America removes his last bit of clothing.*

England: B-Bloody hell you're excited…

America: Sorry, your face is really arousing. *Grins sheepishly*

England: J-Just move!

*America nods and quickly thrusts in to get rid of all the pain at once*

England: FUCK! *England covered his mouth as tears streamed down and soaked in the blankets beneath him.

America: I'm sorry, I guess it's been a while. *Alfred kisses Arthur's nose gently and waits while he adjusts to the size.

1 minute later…

England: O-Okay, move.

America: Are you sure?

England: *nods*

*America hesitates for one more moment before pulling out slowly and thrusted back in. The first few thrusts were slow and uncomfortable as America tried to remember where that spot was….A few moments later and Arthur gasped moaned so loudly that they could probably be heard without the camera. After his own moan, Alfred started a faster pace, never missing that spot that drove the Brit crazy.*

England: D-Don't stop!

America: Wasn't planning on it, ngh….

*They kept a steadily increasing pace that drove both of them nuts with pleasure and need*

America: Y-You feel so good, Artie.

England: A-Alfred I-I'm g-gonna-

*He never finished his sentence as he came onto his and America's stomach with a loud cry. Alfred grunted and with a couple more thrusts, climaxed as well….In the aftermath, they just laid in silence. Listening to each other's labored breathing. Finally, America pulled out and kissed England softly.*

America: That was really awesome, Artie~.

England: S-Shutup and clean me up, idiot.

America: Okay~. :D

(SEX SCENE END! I hope that was okay )


*Everybody died from blood loss*

.*Except for Kei who was helping Spain get Romano into a maid outfit for the next dare.*

Kei-chan: FINALLY! *Smirks as Spain hold a struggling Romano in his arms*


Spain: But Lovi, it's not like we haven't done this before~. Just listen to everything I say and the dare will be over before you know it~.

Romano: *Growls at Spain and kicks him in the shin* You better not whore me out!

Spain: I would never, Lovi! D:


Spain: Ah~ Okay, first thing is….kiss me on the cheek.

*Romano blushed but leaned up and pecked Antonio's cheek.*

Spain: Second thing! Hmmmmm, kiss my nose!

*…He grumbles but does as he is told.*

Spain: Third thing…kiss….the corner of my mouth!

*Romano carries out his order dutifully.*

Spain: Hmmm…oooone more….Besame~!

Romano: But I did a million times!

Spain: Ah ah ah~ No whining, lovi. And I want it right here. *Antonio winks while pointing to his lips*

Romano:…*Pouts before leaning up and kissing the Spaniard softly.*

*Spain smiles into the kiss and kisses back just as sweetly before pulling away*

Spain: You're servitude is over~.

Romano: Thank GOD! I'm going to go change! *Stomps off*

Kei-chan: Well he sure is grumpy.

Spain: But so cuuuute~ Ah, I love him~.

Kei-chan: *Coughs and tries to hide fact that Spamano is her secret OTP* Whatever have fun with that.

Spain: Okay…..where is Ramen-chan, SaixPuppy777, and Hungary?

Kei-chan: Still dead.

*Camera rolls over to a pile of fangirls in front of the TV with blood gushing out of their noses.*

END OF CHAPTER 14! Oh my god, I'm so sorry this took so long. I have no idea whats wrong with me x.x Feel free to kill me with your reviews!