Chapter 7
Damon got to his feet first offering Elena his hand to get up. "Your sure you want to do this now?" he asked as she took his hand and got unsteadily to her feet.
"The sooner the better" she stated more confidently than she felt, not even sure how she was going to tell Stefan she had finally made her decision. Especially after all this time of thinking her and Stefan would last forever.
Their arms linked together as they walked and Elena decided this was OK, this was friendly, if Stefan saw them walking together arm in arm like this she wouldn't have to feel guilty about it. Her and Bonnie and Caroline linked arms all the time. No big deal.
Then she remembered her and Damon kissing no longer than 5 minutes ago and almost turned in the opposite direction. Damon looked at her curiously as she stopped to take a deep breath deciding this was no time to start running away from confrontation. She didn't have to feel guilty, Stefan had broke up with her last night.
Then she started to panic even more. It was only last night. She cringed at the thought. She knew she had made the right decision but it was so soon, would Stefan think she felt absolutely nothing for him because she made up her mind so soon?
"Elena, look at me" Damon took her shoulders forcing her to look at him, "I'm not going to lie and say he'll not be angry but you're right he deserves to know and if he does love you like I know he does he'll respect your decision."
"Would you have? Respected my decision, I mean, if I had of chosen Stefan" she asked.
He reached out tucking a stray hair behind her ear, "I was ready to leave" he laughed humourlessly, "I have my bags packed ready to go for when you told me you chose Stefan"
"Really? But why?"
"There wouldn't have been much reason for me to stick around" he admitted, she had to remind herself she couldn't kiss him again, not yet, no matter how much she really wanted to, "I guess I don't have to now that you picked the better looking brother" he smirked.
She give him her best glare she reserved only for him, "Too soon?" he asked his lips still curved upwards at one side.
"Just a bit" she smiled briefly, before trying to regain composure, "I'll walk the rest of the way on my own I don't want to risk Stefan seeing us together before I get the chance to tell him" she said. They were only a stone-throw away from the Boarding House now anyway.
"You sure you don't want backup?" he asked. She could probably use his even more powerful super strength now just to face Stefan but she shook her head.
"It's probably best I do this alone"
He nodded gravely, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead, "Call me if you need me"
She watched him walk away until she could no longer see him then with a deep breath walked in the direction of the Boarding House.
Stefan used the towel around his shoulders to dry his hair from the shower he had taken this morning. The one in which he tried to let the water wash away the memories of last night until he realised no amount of water could take back the words he had said. "I think we should just be friends".
He threw the towel on his bed when he heard the doorbell ring. He was going to walk down at a human pace, not bothered to face anyone today until he smelt Elena's familiar scent from two floor up. The door was opened seconds after she rung the bell.
He looked at her with a confused expression. She nearly turned away right then when she saw that look thinking it was because he didn't want her there until he asked, "Why did you ring the doorbell?"
She faltered, mouth opened ready to reply when she realised she wasn't sure herself. She had always just walked in without thinking about it. She shrugged it off blaming it on nerves, "I didn't get much sleep last night, I'm a bit all over the place today"
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, he stood back to let her in, "I didn't get much sleep either" he admitted leading her into the living room, "but on the bright side I can go into the living room now" he said rolling his eyes, trying his best to act normally like he wasn't seconds away from breaking down and asking her to get back with him, "I guess Damon felt guilty" he said sarcastically.
She was glad her back was to him so he didn't see the blush that crept onto her cheeks at the sound of Damon's name. She hesitated between the seat she usually took on the sofa, where she had always sat curled beside him, and the single seat sofa.
In the end she decided distance may be better and choose the latter. Stefan seemed to notice but he didn't comment.
"Stefan" she began, "Last night-"
He cut her off before she could say more, "Wait. I know, I'm an idiot. What I said last night, about us being friends, it could never work" his resistance crumpled and he couldn't seem to stop himself, 'I shouldn't have let my jealously come between us, we're stronger than that" She was about to interrupt when he reached out taking hold of her hand, "I love you and I know we can get through this, we've gotten through much worse"
Her eyes were starting to fill with tears, but she grinded her teeth refusing to cry, "Last night you asked me a question that I couldn't answer, well one that I didn't want to answer. But you deserve an answer and I can't be selfish anymore"
"What are you saying?" he asked his hand still holding onto hers, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.
"I can't have you both. I know that now" she explained, "I love him, Stefan. I love Damon" she confessed, tears betraying her as they rolled down her cheeks.
Stefan nodded numbly, looking away blankly for a few seconds, "OK" he kept nodding, still not looking at her. 'OK' he repeated, turning back to her suddenly, "That's good, I mean it's a start. We're being honest now" he nodded again with more emotion this time.
"It's fine" she wasn't sure if he was reassuring her or himself at this point, "We just need time to work this out, it'll be fine"
She wasn't sure what to say, but he started talking again before she could think of anything, "We'll get away from here for a while" he exclaimed, talking faster as he grew more excited, "That's it! All we need is some time away from here to clear your head. Jeremy's got Bonnie and Caroline and Matt. He'll be fine, or he could come with us. We could go ask him now and be away before the end of the day. What do you think?" Her heart broke hearing his hopeful voice.
"I can't" she whispered so quietly he wouldn't have been able to hear if he were human.
"Why not?"
"I made my decision Stefan, I'm sorry"
He looked at her with a similar expression to how he did when he answered the door; like she had gone insane. After a few seconds realisation dawned over his features. His jaw tightened, as Elena sat and watched the various emotions flash through his eyes, confusion, hurt, anger, disbelief. "You...You chose him?"
She nodded, swiping angrily at the tears that refused to stop.
"But... how- why?" he stumbled over his words, his eyebrows drawn down in a look of utter confusion.
"Why do I love him, is that what you mean?" she asked.
"Exactly, why- how could you love him? I mean after everything he put you through, after everything we've been through" he stood suddenly, pulling his hand from hers, the change was quite clear; disbelief had been replaced with anger. He muscles were tense as he paced.
"It's hard to explain why. I just- I can't control who I love" she answered hopelessly, "I don't even think Damon can really understand why".
She knew as soon as she said it that it was a mistake. He looked up from the ground and met her gaze straight on. She could practically feel the anger radiating off him in overwhelming waves.
"You told him first" it wasn't a question, his fist were clenched as he turned his back on her, "I bet he's loving every second of this" he spat out.
"I hope you meant what you said last night, about us being friends. I do love you, Stefan. I always will." She couldn't stop talking like the connection between her mind and her mouth had broke, "I'm sorry"
She reached out to touch his tense back, realising no amount of words could fix this.
He spun around violently, stepping away from her, "Just leave" he growled. She gasped silently as the veins under his eyes started to appear. He looked like he was in so much pain, his fingers digging into his palms, struggling to regain the little control he had left.
She stepped closer to show him she wasn't afraid, her hand carefully reaching up to touch the darkened veins below his reddening eyes. "I can't leave you like this"
He swatted her hand away, turning his back on her again, his hand clamped onto the arm of the sofa which groaned loudly in protest of the pressure he was putting on it, "Elena, just go!" he said through gritted teeth, the tensed muscles in his back clear from his t-shirt.
Finally she stepped back from him, hesitating before nodding even though his back was turned. She left silently, afraid to look back because she knew she'd never be able to leave if she did.
She ran the rest of the way home. Her eyes somehow managing to be able to produce a non-stop stream of tears.
Her mind conjuring up images of Stefan, from the first time she saw him, their first kiss, the countless nights he held her, the dreams she had about him, and finally the look in his eyes when he told her to leave. Anger, disappointment, resent and betrayal all in one look that was directed straight at her.
Damon was waiting for her on her porch steps, he was on his feet just in time to catch her as she threw herself into his arms, burying her face in his neck. His held her up, stroking her hair softly.
She was grateful he didn't say anything. There was nothing to say, she just needed him to hold her.
She just needed him.
Next chapter should hopefully be up soon, let me know what you think of it so far! :)