Well, here it is! The last chapter! Thanks again for all who supported me and added me to their fave list. It means so much! So much in fact, that I'm hoping to write another one! It wouldn't be a continuation to this one, but a story set when they are a little older. I'm working it out in my head, so look out for it! Thanks again guys and please review! Love hearing what you think!


Chapter 9

2 months later

Freddie strolled into Carly's apartment and smiled when he saw his girlfriend stretched out on the couch watching TV. "Hey, Blondie."

She smiled but kept her eyes on the TV. "Hey, Fredadork."

He walked over and lifted her feet to give him room and then placed them on his lap. "What are you watching?"

"Friends…it's the one where they go to London."

"That's a good one…Chandler and Monica finally get together."

"And Ross says Rachel's name at the alter," Sam reminded.

"Oh yeah," Freddie laughs. "I forgot about that."

Sam paused it and turned her full attention to her boyfriend, who was currently doing an excellent job of rubbing her feet. "I didn't even have to ask you."

He just smiled as he kept on kneading the balls of her feet with his thumbs. "Where are the Shay siblings?"

Sam sighed as she closed her eyes. "Spencer's off doing god knows what with Socko and Carly went to the movies with Brad."

"Looks like Barly's still going strong."

She chuckled at the nickname they had given them when Brad and Carly started dating. "Full throttle."

"Well…they're not the only ones."

Sam peaked an eye open when he stopped rubbing and then jerked when he plopped a paper bag on her stomach. "What's this?"

"Just a little something I got you…I figured us surviving two months deserved a little celebration."

"You didn't have to give me anything." She sat up and they both scooted closer to each other, meeting at the middle of the couch. "I don't have anything for you."

"It doesn't matter," he assured her as reached up to toy with her hair. "It's not a big deal, really…just open it."

"All right," she sighed and then opened the bag and peaked inside.

Freddie laughed when her hand darted into the bag like an excited kid on Christmas morning. "You like it?"

She held up the shrink-wrapped package in awe. "Bolivian bacon…this is Bolivian bacon!"

He grinned. "That would be an accurate statement, Blondie. I figured since you already love me without the bacon, it would be safe to give it to you. So, do you like it? I mean, I don't know if I got the right kind or…"

Freddie sputtered out a breath when she launched herself at him, the force knocking him back onto the couch. She was stretched out on top of him and before he could barley suck in another breath her very enthusiastic mouth was on his. He happily buried his fingers in her soft hair and enjoyed the ride.

"Wow," he gasped when she finally left his mouth only to now scatter kisses all over his face. "So I'm guessing you like it?"

"I love it!" She pressed her lips against his. "Thank you." And again. "Thank you." And again. "Thank you!"

"You're quite welcome," he said absently and brought her down for another kiss.

Sam indulged into the kiss for a moment, playfully nipping at his lips, before finally pulling away. "Let's go make some."

He shook his head. "No, maybe you should thank me some more."

Sam laughed and gave him one more kiss. "Make-out session later…bacon frying now."

He let out an unfortunate sigh when she rolled off of him, but then let her pull him off the couch and drag him into the kitchen. "Okay, get a skillet out…I'll open the package."

Sam did a little bootie dance across the kitchen, before opening the right cabinet and pulled out the largest one she could find. She slapped it happily on the stove and fired it up. "All set."

Freddie held out the first raw strip of bacon. "Would you like to do the honors, Blondie?"

"Don't mind if I do," she said as she took it from him and leaned up on her toes for a kiss. "Thanks."

He nestled up behind her as he watched her carefully set strips of bacon onto the skillet. When they started to sizzle, she sighed happily as she leaned back against him.

"It's the most beautiful sound in the world."

Freddie chuckled as he placed a kiss on top of her head. "You're one in a million, Sam."

She just laughed as she began to turn the bacon over. "Just wait till you taste…I might even be nice and let you take the first bite."

"Wow," he said in complete shock. "It really must be love."

"All caps love."

Since this wonderful affectionate side of Sam didn't come out often, he took advantage by circling his arms around her waist and lovingly nuzzled her neck.

"Don't distract the cook," she teased but couldn't help but enjoy the shiver than rushed through her.

"It's hard to keep away when you say things like that."

She smiled and gave a little shrug. "It's just the truth." She then turned around to face him and held out piece of cooling bacon. "Open up, buttercup."

He opened wide and let her feed him a bite and then closed his eyes on a loud moan. "Oh…my…god."

"I told you," she said and then took her first bite. "Oh yeah…that's excellent."

Freddie devoured his first piece and grabbed another. "I could just eat this for the rest of my life."

Sam nodded agreeably. "Oh, definitely," she said between bites and then licked the grease off her fingers. "So freaking good. We need to eat everything I cooked before anyone comes home…I will only share this with you."

"For sure," Freddie agreed as he snagged his third piece. "No one is allowed…maybe the next batch when it comes in."

The piece of bacon that was headed for Sam's mouth paused halfway. "What? What next batch?"

"Oh yeah," he said absently as he polished off the last of his share. "I got you a year supply, you'll receive a package at the beginning of every month and…"

Sam dropped her last piece of bacon, grabbed his face and crushed her lips greedily against his. "A year," she murmured against his lips. "I get Bolivian bacon for a year?"

He grinned. "Yup…and if you keep acting this way…maybe I'll extend it to two years."

"Don't play with mama." She gripped his shirt and shuffled backwards. "Back to the couch, Benson."

"Okay," he said with a cheeky grin as he happily stumbled along and with lips locked they tumbled onto the cushions in a tangle of limbs.

They were still that way when the front door opened twenty minutes later. Carly sighed when he saw her two best friends wrapped around each other. "You two have homes you know."

Brad closed the door behind them and smiled. "It's sweet."

"Yeah, but I was planning on doing that with you on that couch."

His eyes brightened. "Yeah? Well, in that case…break it up Seddie!"

Sam, who was currently draped over Freddie's lap, pulled away on a sigh. "Why can't you two go upstairs?"

"Yeah," Freddie said and then shooed them away. "Run on, Barly."

Carly crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest. "Barly is going no where, it's Seddie that needs to go find another couch."

Freddie looked over at Sam. "There's always the fire escape."

She grinned. "Good call."

Carly sniffed the air. "I smell bacon."

"Freddie gave me Bolivian bacon for our two month anniversary," Sam said as she got up from his lap.

Carly's eyes softened. "Awww."

Sam gave the same look as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I know…my dork is such a cutie."

Freddie rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah…let's go, Blondie. Couch is all yours, Barly."

After they left, Carly plopped down on the couch and pointed at Brad. "You." She then pointed at the spot next to her. "Here."

Brad grinned as he sauntered over. "Yes, mam."


Freddie and Sam sat out on the fire escape as they watched yet another sunset together. The extra chair Freddie left out for Sam was unoccupied because she was in his lap instead.

"I don't know why you keep the extra chair out here…I never use it."

"I know," Freddie said as he plopped his chin on her shoulder. "But I like having it out here when I'm alone."


"Because even though you're not with me, it feels like a part of you is. I guess that sounds stupid, but…"

"No," she said softly as she rested her temple against his. "Not stupid at all."

"Can you believe we've lasted this long?"

She chuckled. "No…I would have thought I'd be driving you crazy by now."

"Oh, you do…but in a good way."

"Freddie…about what I said about not getting you something."

"Hey, it's okay," he said as he held her tightly. "I told you, it doesn't matter and…"

"I lied."

Freddie blinked and shifted so he could look at her. "What?"

She grinned. "I lied." She got up from his lap and fished something out of her pocket and held it out. "Happy two months."

Freddie grabbed the tickets she held in her hand…and his jaws dropped. "Oh my god," he whispered as he darted to his feet. "These…these are two tickets to the Galaxy Wars Convention next month."

"That would be correct."

"But…how…I mean…those were sold out in like three seconds, how on earth did you get these?"

"I have my ways and yes they were legal ways."

"Hey, I don't care either way," he said with a laugh and then swooped in for a hug, lifting her off her feet. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She laughed. "You're welcome, welcome, welcome."

He tilted her head back for a long, deep, satisfying kiss. "You're coming with me, right?"

"Can I make fun of people?"

He grinned. "Of course."

"Then I wouldn't miss it."

He captured her lips once more as he slowly set her on her feet, and then trailed his lips to her cheek and down her jaw line before pulling her into a hug. "I love you, Princess Puckett."

Her heart tumbled over in her chest…just like it did every time he told her he loved her. "I love you, too, nub."