Soo I hated the Second Season Finale. I don't think that hate is a strong enough word, but yeah…I hated it; but nevertheless, it put a little plot bunny in my head and I am trying it out.

Damon of course is still suffering from the wolf bite, Stefan goes to Klaus to make a deal but he also takes Bonnie along…

Disclaimer: I own nothing…


"Did you really believe that I would give you any of my blood to help your brother?" Klaus smirked as Stefan Salvatore stood in front of her in the abandoned house as Katherine watched from afar.

"What can I give you…Damon can't die…I will do anything, do you want something from me…do you want me to do something?" Stefan asked walking closer to Klaus.

Klaus smiled as he peered around Stefan, "Oh Stefan, I am shocked…did you bring a witch with you to force me to give my blood?"

Stefan turned around as Bonnie Bennett entered the room and stood by the doorway. He knew that she was ready to help him take Klaus' blood by force if she had to. He wasn't sure how he managed to get her to agree to help him save Damon; but he was relieved that she agreed.

"I would never do that", Stefan lied.

"Good, but you know what…I will give you my blood and you can save your brother…you can be the hero…", Klaus smirked.

"What do you want me to do in return?"

"You can serve me. I am without people to help me in my…endeavors and you would be perfect", Klaus replied.

"Stefan…no…you can't do that!" Bonnie charged over and stood next to Stefan.

"Bonnie, when he gives me the blood…I need you to take the blood to Damon and make sure he gets it", Stefan turned to her.

"Katerina", Klaus turned to her.

Katherine hesitated before bringing over a bottle. Stefan watched as Klaus bent into his wrist and lowered his wrist over the bottle as his blood began to flow inside.

"Stefan, we can't trust him", Bonnie replied.

"It's the only option we have", Stefan answered her.

Bonnie shook her head. Her entire body was starting to hum with an energy that she could not recognize or understand. She watched as Klaus smiled as he sealed the bottle and handed it to Stefan, "Now, you will serve me?" Klaus asked.

Stefan nodded, "Yes, I will serve you".

Klaus grinned, "Good", he walked closer to Stefan and Bonnie, "but you know what, I decided that I want to change the terms".

"What?" Stefan asked as he clutched the bottle.

"You have my blood and now I want the witch, your brother left me without one and now I need another!" Klaus announced and before Stefan or Bonnie could react, Bonnie felt herself being grabbed and flying through a window with Klaus clutching onto her. She could feel a definite sting in her face, but it was only second to the pain she felt in her neck as Klaus fangs sunk into her and darkness took over.


Katherine walked into the boarding house searching for Damon and Elena; Stefan had given her the blood as he searched for Klaus and Bonnie. Although, she hated the witch and wasn't too fond of Stefan at times, she didn't have the heart to tell him that Klaus was probably long gone with the witch. Stefan was determined to find Bonnie, so she kept quiet and volunteered to bring the blood to Damon.

Katherine walked down the hallway towards Damon's room and stood in the doorway as she observed Elena and Damon lying in the bed with their faces dangerously close to each other, "Am I disturbing something?" Katherine asked coyly.

Elena jumped away from Damon who was sweating profusely and appeared to be at death's door, "Good news…Stefan got Klaus to give you his blood", Katherine sat down on the bed as Elena moved away and fed Damon the blood from the bottle.

"Where is Stefan…is he all right?" Elena asked panicked.

Katherine turned to her and raised an eyebrow, "Do you care?"

"Yes, I care", Elena replied steadfast, "where is Stefan".

Katherine turned to look at Damon, who appeared to be healing from the wolf's bite at a rapid rate, "Oh Stefan…well you see, he was soo hellbent on saving his brother, the brother who you were just lying in bed with, with your lips inches away from his, so he told Klaus that he would serve him in return for his servitude".

"No…no…Stefan…he can't do that", Elena shook her head as she fished her phone out of her jeans and began to dial.

"He didn't", Katherine answered with a smirk.

"What…what happened?" Elena asked.

"Elena", Stefan's voice drifted from the doorway.

Elena turned to him and ran to him throwing her arms around him, "Katherine said that you gave yourself to Klaus to save Damon…what happened? Did you kill Klaus?"

Stefan looked over at Damon, who was sitting up looking much better than he had in days and then back at Elena whose eyes were filled with unshed tears, "I didn't kill Klaus".

"Then he just gave you the blood?"

"No…he took someone else in my place".

"Who…who did he take in your place?" Elena asked.

"Bon…Bonnie", Stefan choked out.

Elena shook her head and backed away from Stefan, "Noo…no…we have to find her…we have to find them…why would he take Bonnie?"

"Why wouldn't he take Bonnie, she's a powerful witch and thanks to all of your antics over the past couple of days, Klaus knows it", Katherine spoke up.

"What will he do with her…we have to find her Stefan, we have to", Elena pleaded.

"I will find Bonnie, I promise you", Stefan answered as Elena held onto him.


Bonnie felt the gentle rocking of her seat as she opened her eyes and glanced out of the window to the right of her. She was on a train heading…she had no idea where. "You have awakened", a voice said from beside her.

She turned to see Klaus sitting next to her smiling. She quickly felt a restriction on her face as her hand flew to a place on her cheek covered in a bandage and then went to her neck where she felt another bandage. "If you make one movement to let anyone on this train know what you are or what I am, I will slaughter everyone on this train starting with that little girl over there coloring in her book", Klaus whispered in Bonnie's ear.

Bonnie looked over at the girl with two pigtails humming a tune and coloring away without a care in the world. She bit back the tears that appeared in her eyes, "What are you going to do with me?" she choked out.

"Oh Bonnie, I have so many plans for us…trust me, this will not be as bad as you think", Klaus whispered, "and just think about all the people you are saving by serving me, that should please you…no?"

She reached up and touched the bandages.

"I thought about giving you some of my blood to heal your wounds", Klaus whispered, "but I knew that you would never want to forget our love marks. I had to tell people that you were in a car accident, they believed me…but they again, they had no other choice".

"I want to go home", Bonnie spoke in a wavy and unsteady voice.

Klaus touched her cheek and made her look directly into his eyes, "Your home is with me".

"My home is with you", Bonnie repeated as if she was in a trance.

"I am glad that you agree", Klaus smiled sitting back in his chair and focusing on his book, "now go back to your slumber, you will need to be refreshed when you get to our destination".

Bonnie wanted to fight to keep her eyes open. She wanted to use every bit of her powers to stop this train and run away, but she knew that Klaus had done something to her to paralyze her powers and she also believed that he would make good on his promise by killing the little girl sitting across from them. As Bonnie felt the tears felt the tears fall from her eyes, she felt an increasing sadness come over her. While she watched the scenery fly past as her eyes became heavy, she thought about her life or what her life would be like now and it made her want to scream and all she could think about is that her life was virtually taken away from her because of Damon Salvatore…a person she loathed.