Seras sighed and stared out of the window at the stars.

"You miss him, don't you." Integra asked, coming up behind her.

"Yes. It's his favourite type of night." She commented.

The sky was pitch black, the sky was cloudless and the moon was high and full.

"Yes, it is." They were quiet for a moment.

"Seras, you think he'll ever...come back?"

"Yes, he will." She said firmly. A memory passed through her mind and she giggled.

"What?" Integra asked.

"Do you remember when The Wild Geese and Alucard first met. He scared the life out of them coming through that wall." Integra snorted.

"Yes, he did have a habit of that didn't he."

"He still does. He's coming back. I know it."

"Seras, I've been meaning to ask you. What happened exactly in South America?" Seras was silent for a minute.

"He killed that entire SWAT team without a scrap of mercy. He tore them apart, their blood painted the walls, and he laughed." She said. "When I said that they were humans, he turned on me. He told me that it is the way it must be and no one could change that. Not God, the Devil or me. I've never been so scared in my life. He's a monster."

"It's not really his fault you know. He was made to be like that. He's never really know love, mercy...compassion. Sometimes I wonder how he would be if he wasn't stuck in constant blood lust."

"He may be a monster. But I can't hate him. Never him." Seras sighed. "I miss him so much."

"As do I, Police Girl, as do I."