A/N: Okay! So this is my first try at drabbles. This has presented a challenge seeing as I love to add detail and usually write a lot! BUT! I wanted the challenge, so hope you like it!
"Ugh!" Merlin cried in frustration as Arthur approached him. "I can't get this song out of my head! I've never even heard it before in my life!"
He ignored Merlin. "I need to speak to my father…"
"You're the voice, try and understand it!" Merlin chimed, not knowing why the words came out.
The prince smirked. "Don't sing, and be quiet."
"I'm not gonna sit in silence!" he exclaimed, covering his mouth instantly.
"Sing that again, and I'll throw you in the stocks, Merlin," Arthur snapped.
Merlin shook his head. "I'm not gonna live with fear!"
"You want to bet?"
A/N: Well…? How'd I do? Reviews = Love… and cookies!