The Missing Hero

A/N:I do not own anything,

"Jinx?" a sweet voice woke her. " Come on Jinx, you have to get up it's your first day remember?" A strong hand shook her shoulders. She shrugged it off originally, then it came back. This time more violently. "Jinx, babe you need to get up!" he spoke a little louder.

"Ugh!" she groaned as she threw her hand around, attempting to swat off the annoying pest called her boyfriend. She missed by several inches, several times. Cold wind slammed into her face each time, telling her that he was using his powers to zoom around the small bedroom.

"Seriously, you have to get up!" he ran over next to the bed and picked her up in one quick swoop. He dropped her down on her own feet. She grogily walked over to the closet and picked out a black shirt and checkered white and black pants. It was her first day of work as a ninth grade theatre teacher. (A/N: I made her a theatre teacher cuz she's so dramatic) She thought herself crazy for taking the job, but she had hung up her tights a couple of years after she had turned hero.
"Need me to run you by the school? I pass it on the way up to the airfield," Wally worked at an airfield with his uncle's friend Hal Jordan. She truely didn't want to go today, but she needed a job.

"Sure why not, its definetly cheaper than a cab in Jump City," she went into the bathroom to change into what she had been taught to call street clothes.

She stood at the front steps of Jump High School. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I mean, me, Jinx, with kids?" she was actually freaking out over teaching a bunch of children.

"Technically, they are teenagers," he said plainly as he shrugged his shoulder.

She turned and glared at him, her pink cat like eyes shone through her blue contacts. She wore the contacts to look normal, along with her newly died black hair. She restrained throwing a couple of hexes at him, and "Your an idiot," came out instead.

He smiled and walked over to her to peck her on the forehead. "Oh, come on. You'll do great," he told her. "Your dramtic enough," he said as he winked at her. He began to walk away. "I'll see you at the apartment tonight."

Staring up at the high school, she felt more like a freshman rather than a new teacher. When she walked in, she glanced around the opening hall. The trophies for best football team and theatre teams shined light all over the hall. A office window could be seen across the hall. Waltzing over was easy, being ready to teach was hard.

Seeing as how she didn't really have an identity, Robin made her one. Robin had the tools to give her an alias and a background. Her "name" was Ashley Luck, but she still went by Lucky. So, when the office attendent called her Ashley she almost asked her What did you call me? but then she remembered her new "name".

The attendent handed her a stack of papers and showed her to a classroom. There were tables instead of desk, probably to give the teens more room to preform. The lady left Jinx alone in the quite room.

Wally might have worked on the other side of the state, but at least his powers allowed him to zip across cities in just minutes. This way, he could get to see her at lunch, but lunch was coming slow today. For once things were actaully slow at the airfield. The plane science guys hadn't made any new test planes recently so nobody was doing anything important.

"Hey Wall," he heard Hal call to him. He spinned in his chair toward his boss and friend. "Since things are going pretty slow today why don't you take off early? Go meet up with Lucky or whatever," and with that he was gone in a flash.

Originally, I was making this for entertainment, but now I've started using it for a school paper so it takes a little loger to update. But no worries the update will come!

So what do ya think? ReadandReveiw! No Flames!