A/n: This is the product of a warped mind, being angsty, and watching cartoons at the same time. This is going to be a short collection of slightly connected oneshots detailing the unexpected separation on both ends. So please, leave a review at the end!

He almost hadn't come. This visit to nostalgia land was one that he had no intention of allowing anyone (and he did mean anyone) find out. Because it was stupid and sentimental, and the mighty Duck Dodgers did not do sentimental.

Even if Daffy was prone to it at times.

But Daffy was supposed to be dead. He had died over two hundred years ago when he'd been frozen in time, and a new him had been born when he had been unfrozen!

The mournful whistle of air rushed by the empty, abandoned buildings making him deflate just a little, looking around at the buildings.

Once upon a time, he had been here, and had worked here during high school and college years, earning a part-time wage by acting. That's right, acting, and he was a darn good actor as well!

The upraised hand, a second nature gesture to him paused in the still air. There were no adoring fans to laugh, there was no Cadet to look on proudly, there was just him, and the empty studio that surrounded him.

The cockiness melted off of him slowly, bit by bit, slowly dripping to the ground, leaving behind Daffy. And just Daffy. A black duck just barely out of high school that had been technologically frozen, and had only through some truth bending managed to become what his toons never were.

And frankly, when he stopped to think about it, he was scared.

Oooh, no you don't duck! You spent the past year stealthily searching this place up, and now that you've finally managed to find it, you're going to march right on in, and talk to a special person you've been meaning too!

He deliberately ignored the quiet whisper of the fact that he had only searched for one week after finally screwing up the courage and coming on down. Sneakily of course, since absolutely no one was allowed to hear about this.

He had even left behind his special Duck Dodgers uniform, choosing instead to come down 'naked'- just like old times. Well, except for when he cross-dressed.

The silence was really beginning to eat at his nerves. He'd never been good with silence- that's why he filled it with words and found a person to annoy over and over again, always pushing to see just how far one could go.

Pretty far actually-

The slosh of water overhead made him look up.

A water tower, it's paint peeled and just about gone, stood proudly, having withstood the test of time. He smiled as he patted the bottom of it, remembering fondly of the three toons that lived within the tower, and the conversations they'd had. He wondered what had become of them, if they had gotten that show they had so desperately begged for.

"Well, I hope you got your dreams." The slight lisp marred the perfect silence, as the duck turned his head towards the other edge of the studio.

It only took a few minutes worth of walking, but in the mind of Daffy, each step grew heavier and heavier as he approached the resting spot of the one person he had ever, ever respected.

"…Hi." How lame was he? "I-I just stopped by to dazzle you with my presence! That's right! I'm here…" His voice trailed off lamely, the silence weighing down heavily upon his soul.

"I'm here to say goodbye." It was a lie. The biggest lie he'd ever said in his life. And considering the number of lies he'd told, it was an accomplishment. "I'm here to say goodbye to you, to one Daffy Duck, and to everyone else! Duck Dodgers is going to be the mighty one from now on!"

The silence mocked him, and he could practically hear the question, If youse was so sure, why are you here as Daffy Duck? Huh?

"Duck Dodgers has a wonderful life!" The black duck shouted at the heavens. "He has a cadet that does everything for him, who worships the ground he walks upon! A cadet that is honest and hardworking, and lets Duck Dodgers steal all the credit! You'd of course would've loved him! But I was the one who met him, so hah!"

The shouting was making his voice hoarse and raw, and there was a suspicious puddle beginning to form on top of the old, overgrown grave. "And that screwball martian! Hah! While you would've been running circles around him, Duck Dodgers foils every attempt! The martian can never win! Never! For Duck Dodgers will always foil him along with his trusty sidekick Cadet! No wait, that's all wrong… Duck Dodgers foils every attempt while letting his sidekick tag along!"

A choking, rasping sob filled the air.

"Duck Dodgers doesn't need you! He can do everything… everything… all on his own." The voice shook from emotion, hitching at every breath. "He… (sniff) doesn't need anyone (sniff)…"

In a voice so low and soft one couldn't hear it even if one was standing next to him, came the whisper of, "But Daffy does. So why'd you do it Bugs? Why'd you have to go and leave me?"

Never mind that it had been him that had stupidly agreed to the scam, and gotten himself frozen without telling a soul.

Never mind that it wasn't Bugs who had broken the decades old promise that they'd eventually go to the same retirement home.

It was all Bug's fault, because he should've realized that Daffy was too stupid to take care of himself, and should have found him and unfrozen him before he'd died and Duck Dodgers had taken over. It was all the stupid rabbits fault…

"What am I supposed to do without you?"

It was that stupid rabbits fault that he made Daffy's life so interesting. That he injected that special spark that kept the duck going on bad days.

For being able to argue with him, no matter the situation.

For getting just as scared as him when something big and frightening came, and left both of them clutching at each other, screaming for mom.

For kickstarting his career as an actor.

For acting with him in his usual way, both of them arguing, and he always ending up on top.

For making him be able to actually buy a vegetable- a carrot- on the way out of a market.

For getting them both lost, and into situations without batting an eyelid.

For making him walk all the way to this stupid grave where only a name was visible on the crumbling stone.

For being the only person that Daffy would ever cry over. Ever.

Wings, clenched in fists, pounded the ground. It wasn't fair, just wasn't fair! Why did Bugs still manage to get the last laugh, no matter what? Because in the end, Daffy was going to die alone.

And Duck Dodgers would take over, all ego and bluster, while trying to cover up that hollow inside that cried out for someone, anyone, to argue him into a corner with insane logic, without breaking into a sweat.

The puddle slowly seeped into the ground, it's salty water taunting the plants that grew with bitterness. A head threw back in a wordless cry of sorrow, agony and loss.

Silence fell a few moments later, this time light and thin. Easily breakable. Forgiving perhaps.

It was lost on the duck that sat half-bent over a grave.

"So… I'm here to say goodbye. Because you deserved better friends then me, and I sincerely hope that you got those friends. No, I know you got those friends, because it ain't hard to get a better friend then one Daffy Duck. So, I'm just gonna bury Daffy right next to you, if you don't mind. So that way the graves will be close together just like we- you two always joked."

Never mind that he didn't have a grave marker. Never mind that he didn't have anything really.

He was just going to bury Daffy Duck next to Bugs Bunny, and then leave. Without looking back. He could do that right?

Black feathers touched dirt, before he noticed something, a stone nearby, right next to where he should have been. With a slight frown, he scooted over to it, and wiped away the grime. One the headstone it simply read,

Reserved for Daffy Duck
And don't no one else dare take this spot!
Sincerely, Bugs Bunny

A choked, smothered laugh broke its way out of the duck.

Bugs hadn't forgotten. He hadn't forgotten at all.

Daffy Duck rocked back onto his heels, the tears flowing once again for a completely different reason this time. Bugs had remembered. And acted. He poked at the surrounding shrubbery, before carelessly ripping up a piece.

It was a carrot.

Daffy's eyebrows went up, even as something wailed in response to the veggie. At the same time…

"Here, for you Bugs." He placed the carrot down on the other grave. "You'd snark at me for regifting, but that is what I do best…"

He took a deep, fortifying breath, standing slowly, carefully. "So… I'm going now. And I'm leaving Daffy behind, so that way he can rest with you. Duck Dodgers is going in alone… But don't fret, I, the mighty Duck Dodgers, will be visiting you later. To brag you know."

Duck Dodgers turned, and left without looking back, leaving behind two graves of two very different people.