Title: Everyday
Pairings: Nina/Fabian, Amber/Mick, Mara/Jerome, Alfie/Stephanie, Jason/Patrcia
Summary: Bonding on the most ridiculous things, Fabian and Nina form a special friendship. No one really understands it, but as long as they have each other nothing can really ruin it. Except maybe love.
Rating: T
Words: 1,145
Author's Note: I know I should have updated sooner and I'm trying to but every time I sit down to write, I just freeze up. I don't know why but I hope someone's reading this story. I don't care if people review. I mean I do care but I'm not going to go nuts if people don't. All I really want is to know that people are reading. Anyway I hope whoever reads this enjoys it.
Nina POV
Fabian. Was. Awesome.
Only way one could describe him. We didn't have much in common but we had enough. There was the fact that we were both glass half empty type of people. And the fact that we were both sarcastic and cynical.
What I didn't like was the fact that we fought. Like a lot. In the four hours that I spent with Fabian last night, I'm pretty sure we got into six arguments. Over the most meaningless things, too. There was the fight about Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. The fight about movies. The fight over music. Oh and the fight over what the people in the puzzle were talking about. That was the other thing we had in common. We liked to fight, liked to be right, and we both had more than enough pride.
I was positive that Fabian would be my new best friend. I was also positive that Fabian and I had many many many more fights in our future.
I woke up early. I was excited. I had plans with Fabian. He was going to give me the tour of the school.
I went downstairs and saw Amber, Mara , and Patricia at the table, heads closely together.
"Hey." All three heads shot up and looked in my direction. I smiled.
"So Nina you came to bed late last night. Where were you?" Amber asked. I should have seen it coming. She was my chipper roommate. She was going to want to know everything. Lying to her would not be the right way to make friends.
"I was with Fabian" Mara frowned and Patricia's friendly smiled faltered. Amber on the other hand looked like she might explode with happiness.
"Fabian? Oh you guys are perfect for each other! This is perfect. You can go on double dates with me and Mick. Oh My. You are going to be the best roommate ever." Mara raised her eyebrow. "Oh Mara. I'm sorry but it's true. I could never sleep with you highlighting and flipping pages at two in the morning." Mara and I laughed. Patricia stayed serious.
"Is something wrong Patricia?" I asked. She put on a fake smile. Oh Shit, this wasn't going to end awesomely.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you that Fabian has a girlfriend so it would be in your best interest to back off." After what Amber told, I was sure Fabian was available, but it didn't matter to me. I don't like him.
"Ok. I don't understand why this concerns me. If Fabian thought I liked him, he'd tell so I wouldn't get any ideas. It isn't a big deal to me if he has a girlfriend, I don't own. I just met him."
"Oh Patricia, you know as well as I do that Fabian only thinks of Joy as a friend. They are nowhere near dating" Mara said.
"That's true. Just because your Joy's best friends doesn't mean you need to spread lies about the boy she likes Patricia. It's very catty. Right Nina?" Amber looked at me and winked.
"Right" I smiled. Fabian walked in and grabbed a piece of toast.
"I like your shoes Nina" I looked down at my black Converse. They weren't anything special. I didn't understand why he liked them. "Don't you like my shoes?" I looked at his feet. He was wearing the same shoes as me. I smiled.
"Nahh, they aren't really my style" Fabian laughed and Patricia murmured something about how she might gag. Patricia cleared her throat and looked pointedly at Fabian.
"Are you coming with me to walk Joy to school?"
"No I'm walking with Nina" He smirked "Joy doesn't need to be walked to school. She's not six."
"Well, Nina's not six either. Yet you're going to walk her to school Fabian" Amber said. She looked at Patricia. "Obviously he likes Nina more than Joy. Really everybody does. Especially me. I can barely look at her flat hair and her split ends. Nina, on the other hand has fabulous hair. Don't you agree Fabian?" Amber placed her attention on Fabian, who choked on his juice.
"Well um Yes. Nina has fabulous hair" Mara and I laughed as Mick walked in.
"Already falling for new girl?" He said to Fabian. Fabian took a bite of toast and walked over to Mick. Mick looked at him with innocent eyes. Then, Fabian punched him right on the shoulder. He walked back to his seat and continued eating. Mick winked at me. "You know I'm just kidding, Nina" I took a seat next to Fabian.
"I don't agree with you Ambers. I think Nina's hair is too frizzy." My hand shot up to my hair. I glared at Patricia. "So Fabian you're eating lunch with me and Joy right? She thinks today is finally the day."
"The day for…"
"Oh Fabian you're so funny. You know, that day you ask her out." Fabian stopped eating and Jerome and Alfie laughed like crazy. Fabian looked at me and mouthed 'watch this'.
"But Patricia, I'm sure Joy doesn't want me to ask her out. She always talks about Jason. I'm positive she'd rather Jason asks her out" Patricia froze. Jason walked in to the room, looked at every one's face, grabbed an apple and toast.
"I don't even wanna know" He called over his shoulder as he left. "Don't even go in Steph. Theres drama in the air" I heard Stephanie giggle. "We're leaving. Anyone coming?" Alfie ran out of the room in hope that he could walk with Stephanie. Jerome and Mara looked at each other, grabbed their things and ran after Alfie. I looked at Patricia's shocked face. Amber was slightly smirking and Mick was scarfing down eggs and bacon.
"Joy wouldn't. Sh-She'd tell me if she liked Jason. I have to go talk to her." Patricia ran out of the room. When we heard the door shut, Amber, Fabian and I burst in to laughter.
Fabian stood up and grabbed my hand.
"Come on, Nina. We better go I have a feeling it's going to be a long day."