Time Changes.

A/N: Sorry guys, for not updating my other stories. I had a busy week, trying to finish my project that I stayed up until 4 in the morning to finish. This week has been hard, so that's why I haven't been able to update. Truly sorry, but I'm going to try to make it up to you guys.

So one day, when I was my math class, I got this idea for a story. It suddenly started to piece together, and bam, last weekend I wrote the whole plot line. I wrote everything what happens from the beginning to the end. I started to write it more in depth, and I'm getting there.

I wanted to start off by saying what inspired me. As you read on, you will understand this more. With my aunt's cancer progressing, I deal with it through writing, but this story is inspired by my cousins. Two of my cousins were obese, and people made fun of them, as they went into their teen years they began to exercise and eat healthy, but one of them actually almost became anorexic. He was hurt by comments, and his own appearance that he starved himself. Luckily he got out of that period and now is living a healthy lifestyle. Another one of my cousins has autism or Down's syndrome I'm still not one hundred percent sure. She gets made fun of when they go out, and personally I am hurt by comments that I hear about these children.

Everyday people commit suicide, start shootings or do something bad because they were made fun of, because they weren't accepted. They go up to the extremes of starving themselves just so they could lose weight, to get friends. They never realize just how amazing they are. How special they are, how special every single person is. Yes, you are special, one of a kind. You're amazing, and never let anyone tell you otherwise, because you are amazing they way you are. As I was listening to "Hero" by Superchick I was really hit by the lyrics. It was true, what do we do to stand up for them? Are we the bully, the kid getting bullied, or are we a bystander?

I have seen many other stories such as the one I started to write, but my inspiration was not directly Zammie, but to convey the message of how amazing you are. Everyday we are confronted with choices, but are we making the right ones? So I wrote this story, to hopefully send that message. I love Zammie and the characters fit into it.

There is a part where Zach addresses what he did, and I guess that's where it started.

The whole thing may not come of as what I intended it to be, because I did also make it a love story.

I hope you guys like it, and well just wanted to you guys to know the inspiration for this particular story.

So here's the preview.

"You're my best friend"

"You're my best friend too"

I ran towards them, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

"Thank you Cammie"

I love her, but I had to do this,

"No! Stop…."

Why? Why did he do this? Why….?

I looked outside and it reflected how I felt inside.

As I hurried to class, I cast a sideway glance, I saw a flash of emerald eyes.

They haunted me, reminding me.

No, it couldn't be.

"Hey Josh." I hugged him.

"Look, it's piggy! The cow is back!"

I felt bad, but I couldn't do anything.

I was cast out.

"Honey, they're coming over for dinner"

I couldn't do this. It hurt too much.

"Please, Josh, just do this."


"we're going camping, with them."


"No, stop."

I couldn't do this. It hurt too much.

"Please, Josh, just do this."

"Why? No, please. Don't do this. I promise.. please Josh?"

"Are you ok?"

He stared back at me. The sunset in the background, and I felt my heart beat faster.

There was a party.

He was there, and I had to keep the charade.

Just at that moment, something was spilled and my eyes became red and puffy.

"Tell me, is this because of Jimmy?"

"Why do you hate me?"

"Do you remember when we were kids?"

"Why did you say that?"

"I'm sorry"

"You hurt me, every night like this, I could only cry myself to sleep."

"If I knew what it would cause, I would have never done that."

That summer was amazing.

We went up there, looking at everything we had done.

The pictures, memories flooded back.

We stared out the window, looking at the sunset.



With that I turned around and I felt his arms around me.

At last, my heart felt complete. It was healed, he was the only thing that could.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, the second time, but more meaningful.

A story about two friends, a challenge, a separation, and budding love.

Coming soon.

Well there you go. I hope you're looking forward to it!