Chapter 14: Rematch

Kazumi and Sayo soon became fairly adept at using their artifacts in tandem. It didn't take much to figure out that, after Sayo had made an object light, Kazumi could strike it with twice as much force to create a devastating projectile. The evidence lay in the Academy forest, where several trees were demolished.

"This is great girls… but what am I going to tell the headmaster?" Negi stood in a newly created clearing, staring around with sweat pouring down his back.

"We're sorry sensei!" Sayo exclaimed, "Um, we sorta got carried away."

"Yeah, y'know, trees make great stationary targets," Kazumi added in their defense.

"Well, I could get Eva-chan to help me clean it up I suppose…"

"Really? You'd do that Negi? You're just great!" Sayo ran and hugged him.

"Um, no problem, really!" Negi said, "But, what are you two planning on doing now?"

"Well all this training is getting boring…" Kazumi replied.

"Let's go take a walk!" Sayo suggested.

"Whaaat? But that's boring too…" Kazumi complained.

"Hehe, not when you're with me!" Sayo winked, grabbing Kazumi's arm. Negi blushed, knowing that something was going to happen that his young mind had yet to understand. The two girls left him where he was and wandered off into the school's expansive forest. They stopped after a few dozen yards though when Sayo pushed Kazumi against a tree. They started kissing and touching each other, when suddenly they heard voices.

"Where is she?" Setsuna could be heard saying, "I know she attacked us right here!"

"Oh Setsuna, do you really have to do this? We're both okay after all!" came Konoka's somewhat distraught reply. They appeared a few feet away through the trees.

"Oh, hi Sakurazaki…" Kazumi muttered, a light blush crossing her face, "Konoe…"

"Oh! Kazumi! Sayo!" Konoka greeted them cheerfully. Setsuna merely acknowledged them with a nod.

"What're you two doing out here?" Sayo asked curiously.

"Well, you see, Se-chan has got this notion in her head that-" Konoka began but was cut off by her companion.

"I'm here to rematch Tsukuyomi, that bitch. She only beat me last time because I was so worried about Konoka!"

"You mean that crazy maid from Cinema Village?" Kazumi wondered.

"Yeah her, and she beat me last time with one punch. If she hadn't run off and Konoka was bleeding, I-"

"Sh, Setsuna," Her girlfriend soothed, "I'm sure you'll beat her next time you meet, but do you have to go looking for a fight?"

"The fight is right here!"

All four girls spun around at the sound of a familiar singsong voice. Tsukuyomi stood on a tree branch above them, her sword drawn and pointed at Setsuna.

"You!" Setsuna growled, drawing Yuunagi and pushing the sheathe into Konoka's arms.

"Yes me, sempai! C'mere and say hello!" Tsukuyomi leapt off the branch, swinging her sword down. Setsuna easily blocked the blow, but the combined force of Tsukuyomi's strength, her weight, and the gravity from her jump, pushed the swordswoman to her knee. Setsuna swung back, forcing the maid-girl away.

"Setsuna!" Konoka called in worry. Setsuna glanced at her, "Be careful, okay?"

With a smile, the black-haired girl spread her white wings and flew at her opponent. Tsukuyomi grinned and kicked up a cloud of sand. Setsuna covered her eyes with her arm, throwing off her attack. She flew on, accidentally sinking Yuunagi's blade into a tree. Tsukuyomi lunged at her, but instead of striking flesh, her blade met with a ringing clash against Kazumi's sword.

"What!" she exclaimed, trying to draw back, "But when did you- oomph!" she was suddenly dragged down by her sword, which had more than doubled in weight, "What the hell?"

"Ha, nifty trick, ain't it?" Kazumi asked her, "Good luck picking up your little sword now!"

"My turn?" Sayo asked. Kazumi nodded, and the former ghost grinned, lifting her sword over her head. Tsukuyomi flinched, but was shocked when she barely felt the contact.

"Is that all you can do?" She scoffed, but when she tried to move, she was thrown off balance by her now lighter-than-normal body, almost floating sideways. Sayo hit her again and again, until she actually floated off the ground. Tsukuyomi squealed in embarrassment and anger as she floated upside down, her frilly dress falling over her face and revealing her white underwear.

Setsuna snorted, trying to hold back laughter, and Konoka just shook her head pityingly.

"Ready Sayo?" Kazumi asked.

"Always," Sayo responded. She rushed forward and struck Tsukuyomi one last time, sending her spiraling up in the air, then returned to Kazumi, lessening her weight as well. Kazumi leapt as high as she could, then brought her blade down on Tsukuyomi's rear with a solid whack. The girl in the maid costume was sent earthward with incredible weight, and Konoka looked away, not wanting to see.

However, rather than a sickening crunch, there was nothing. Just before hitting the ground, Tsukuyomi disappeared, leaving only a taunting laugh to echo through the trees.

"Goddamnit!" Setsuna pounded her fist against a tree, "Will that girl never cease?"

"Aw, c'mon Setsuna, let's go clean that sand out of your eyes, ok?" Konoka suggested. Setsuna didn't argue. Instead, she took Konoka's arm and followed her, nearly blind, back to the school.

Kazumi looked around in disappointment.

"Well that was anticlimactic…" she muttered.

"Yeah, I kinda wish we could've beaten her for Setsuna-san…" Sayo agreed.

"I feel sorry for her. First she feels like she can't have Konoka, but now that she does, her crazy rival wants to ruin it."

"At least Setsuna and Konoka have each other now. They're so sweet together."

"I don't think Setsuna is gonna let her girlfriend out of her sight," Kazumi laughed.

"Don't you ever leave my side," Sayo told her.

"Don't worry hun, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Sayo made her sword dissappear, as did Kazumi. The smaller girl grabbed Kazumi's arm and wrapped it around her, kissing her gently.

"Don't ever leave my side…" she muttered, closing her eyes as she pressed herself against her lover.

End ~ Don't Ever Leave My Side

Longest chapter in this story, so not a bad ending really. Please review and look forward to my next fanfic. This is JuusanOkami, signing out.