Disclaimer: I'm giving away money, not making it.

The taxi was idling in the parking lot; it's soft rumble being the only noise. Holly J's parents were discussing directions to the airport with the driver. Her eyes were focused on the entrance to the apartment complex, refusing to let them be torn away in case she missed it.

They hadn't spoken in three days, since the break up, but Holly J believed that Eli would come and see her off. He said that he would see what he could do and she knew that he didn't have work. She chanced taking a second to check the time. 9:58 am. Her father was trying to squeeze the last suitcase in the trunk with little success. They were leaving as soon as he got that one in.

"Holly J, come grab your backpack. That can go inside the cab," he insisted, pulling it out and placing it next to the wheel. The girl didn't move. If she picked it up, they would leave, and she knew that as soon as they pulled out of the parking lot, Eli would pull in.

9:59 am. He was coming. He had to be coming. That's how it worked in these situations. The hero shows up at the last minute, and now was the last minute. Her mother was already seated in the back, buckled up and ready to go. Holly J's ears strained desperately to hear Morty's familiar growl, any indication that he was almost there. Eli wouldn't leave her like this. He was always there when she needed him.

"Come on, it's time to go," her mother gently chided as her father got in the front seat, the backpack between his legs. Holly J swallowed and shook her head, chancing another look at the time.

10:00 am

His eyes watched the time flick over on Morty's dashboard, being momentarily distracted from the familiar road. He had taken this route time and time again this summer, yet this morning it seemed never-ending. Holly J was leaving and he wouldn't be able to deal with it if he didn't get there. The businesses gave way to houses and more nature as Eli pulled up to where he wanted to be.

It was mid-morning but the path was dark to him. The branches that reached out scratched his skin, but he did nothing to avoid them. He could barely feel them anymore. The woods cleared around three statues, each cracked and worn with time. The world had not been kind to them and Eli felt a sadness grow as he studied the woman's face.

He could still remember everything about that first day; how hesitant and guarded Holly J was, how there was a small moment where Eli could tell she mirrored the statue's state. Holly J was broken when they first met, as much as she didn't want to admit it. She needed someone, and Eli was lucky enough to be the person who saw that in her.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't go to her apartment and watch her drive away and out of his life. She would probably never forgive him and he could deal with that, but to add the memory of her leaving him to all of the rest of her? Eli knew that image would haunt him if he allowed himself to see it. It was just better if he didn't go. She would get over it. Holly J was strong enough.

He tore his eyes away from the cold, stone eyes of the face and swallowed hard, trying to push those memories down. Taking a breath, he walked over to the hand and sat in the palm. This was her spot. This was their place. No one else would be privileged to sit here. He made the mistake of showing Clare the church he shared with Julia, he wasn't going to do that again. This was only for Holly J. No one else would understand.

Eli's phone buzzed in his pocket and he grunted slightly in anger. Now was not the time to talk about comics or other trivial shit with Adam. All Eli wanted was to be alone with his thoughts, to sort through and figure out what happens next. Shaking his head, he took the phone out of his pocket and read the text:

"We'll be sure to see each other when I'm home for break."

Eli stared at the words, each one cutting him to the bone, and his own slipped out before he knew what he was saying.

"That's a 'when', not an 'if', right?"

A/N: I want to thank every single person who read or reviewed this story along the way. I can't tell you guys how much it means to me that others are interested in my writing and it was because of your love for this story that I was able to bounce back and continue writing it after I got sick. Thank you so, so much.

I'm thinking that I'll start posting the sequel, 9 Crimes, on November 18th and, again, update every Friday (or Saturday). Now, here is where you guys come in! If you follow me on Tumblr, you know that I promote the new chapters with a photoset that is headed by a banner, and if any of you lovely readers are artistically or photoshop inclined, I'm having a banner contest and the winner gets a $15 iTunes giftcard! Full details of that are on my profile page on here, so go over and check that out please! See you all in two weeks!