
I take in the sound of silence,

The stillness in the breeze.

Upon Hylia Lake's long shore,

Among the grass and trees.


Sheik has gone and I'm alone,

Navi's shouting "hey!"

But I don't listen, not this time,

Not by the lake this day.


But I've linger long, I can't delay,

So I play Water's Serenade.

A change of tunic, iron boots,

It's like a masquerade.


So into lake I thus descend,

The Water Temple I thus find.

Surely it can't be that bad,

It shouldn't take much time.


One day later I return,

Having eaten my own words.

Well at least I'm back on the surface,

With the wind and sun and birds.


This was derived from some notes I made in regards to an outdoor spaces project for uni. Like in Ocarina of Time, a lake was featured. Unlike Ocarina of Time, the Water Temple didn't.

Quite thankfully I might add. ;)