Reading Poison Study

Chapter 1

On entering his office the Commander noticed 3 books on his desk. He walked up to them and picked the top one up. He noticed it was called Poison Study. As he sat down and studied the book he wondered why someone was sending him books about poisons. Was it a warning? Was there a plan to poison him or someone close to him? He wasn't particularly worried about himself. Even though his most recent food taster had died he still had Valek tasting his food and he had complete confidence that Valek would notice if anything had been added to it. He decided to send his aid to get Valek. Whatever was going on, he was sure his chief of security would want to know about it.

Valek arrived a few minutes later looking confused. "Valek, did you leave any books on my desk last night?" Commander Ambrose asked as soon as Valek had entered the room and shut the door.

"No Sir, What is going on?" Valek replied.

"When I entered my office this morning there were these books on my desk. The first one is called Poison Study. Do you think this could be a warning?"

Valek walked across the room and picked up the book. "I don't know. I have definitely not seen this book before though." He said looking at the book with interest.

As he flipped through the book a note fell out onto the floor. "There is a note inside," he said picking it up. "Did you see this before?"

"No, what does it say?" asked the Commander looking confused.

Dear Commander Ambrose,

These books give information about events that take place in Ixia and Sitia over the next few years. We hope you will use these books to help prevent a war which will cost many lives and also to improve relations between the two countries.

We know that you distrust magicians but hopefully these books will show you what can be accomplished when both countries work together and that not all magic is wrong.

From a friend.

"From a friend! What is that meant to mean? Do you recognise the writing? How are we meant to know we can trust them."

"Hang on, it isn't finished yet."

PS. You may decide who you read these books with but we advise you to invite Ari and Janco. Also although this may sound strange you have a prisoner in your dungeons called Yelena. It would be advisable to invite her too. You will realise the reason why when you start reading. The reason we have not mentioned Valek is because we assume he is already there. Please pass on our regards to Ambrosia.

"Ambrosia! Why would they say that?" yelled the commander turning pale.

"Maybe that is their way of letting us know they are on our side. You would only let someone you really trust know your secret."

"Maybe, is that it?" the commander asked.

"Yes, what do you want to do about it?"

"If it for the benefit of Ixia. I suppose we better read it. Are you sure this isn't some joke?" the Commander asked looking at Valek suspiciously.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I wouldn't joke about either your or Ixia's safety."

"You are the only one who knows about Ambrosia."

"Well, it is not me. Maybe the book will give us some clues as to who sent the note."