Spain smoothed Romano's hair down, trying his best to just soothe the shaking nation with silky words and soothing touches. With a pounding head and tense muscles, Romano laid his head on Spain's shoulder, his eyes shut tight as he took shuddering breaths. Spain rubbed light circles on the back of Romano's hand, trying to be as comforting and slow as possible; anything to dull the ache.
Romano buried his face in Spain's neck, biting back a sob as the pain spiked to a sharp stabbing in his spine. Spain felt his heart clench and he squeezed Romano's hand, trying his best to hush him. There was nothing to do as Romano gripped his shirt, tears falling to darken the red cotton.
"Sp-Spain…" he gasped out as said nation kissed the top of his head, nuzzling his nose in Romano's hair, breathing in his shampoo. "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
The tears fell heavier as long fingers raked gently through the Italian's hair. Feeling so completely useless, Spain rocked Romano gently, telling him it'd all be over soon. It would all be okay. Don't be sorry.
"Shh… Baby, it's okay, it's okay…" Spain whispered, lifting Romano's face gently by the chin, staring into his shining eyes. Spain brushed his thumb over Romano's cheek, ridding him of tears. "It's okay, my love. I'm here. I'm right here. I'll protect you; I'll keep you safe."
"I-it hurts… Oh God, it hurts…" Romano answered, voice thick with tears. He leant forward, pressing his lips to Spain's before a response could be formed. Desperate need burned on his lips, fingers clutched tighter and tighter. Spain took Romano's hands in his own, dipping his head to place gentle kisses along the sharp collarbone. Breathy gasps left Romano's lips as Spain trailed his own up Romano's throat, humming lightly before Romano rolled his head to the side, allowing better access for Spain's wet mouth on his neck.
Slow and comforting. That's what Spain needed to be now to drive the pain away from Romano's aching bones. There could be another time for his passion to be driven by lust and power and selfishness. Slow and comforting to distract the pain. Gentle touches and slow strokes to dominate the pounding and burning.
Slow and comforting.
Comforting and slow.