TheSalvatoreGirl4eva - Thank you so much Emma, it means a lot that you like it ! I hope you enjoy this update 33

AlisaPhenom - Thank you so much for always telling me if you liked the update or not :) I hope you like this one as well ! 3

CHAPTER 3 Road Trip

Everyone knows that I love Stefan and Damon both but I tend to hide my feelings for Damon more but I always seem to hurt him because of that and it kills me.

I told Stefan everything last night about my little date with my 'new' brothers. He didn't seem too concerned about them knowing about him and Damon. I quietly sat up and set my feet on the cold hardwood floors, a chill shooting up my spine. When I reached the door, I looked back to make sure I hadn't waken up Stefan then I quietly made my way to Damon's room. The sun shone in on his face and looked so peaceful. I climbed into his much bigger bed and slid under the blanket where the warmth of his body was radiating. I couldn't help but slide closer and closer to him until we were touching.

I slid my hand between us to where his was and took it in mine. Damon slowly opened his eyes and just stared into mine.
"Am I dreaming ?" He asked quietly, his voice raspy from sleeping. I smiled and lightly shook my head. "What are you doing here ?" He asked, his face both delighted and confused. "Where's Stefan ?"
"Sleeping. I didn't want to wake him and I know you tend to wake up before him." I explained smiling.
"You want me to make you breakfast ?" He asked sleepily.
"Sure." I smiled.

"Fried or sunny side up ?" Damon asked pulling the eggs out of the fridge.
"Fried please." Damon wore black jeans and no t-shirt. It was chilly but I guess it didn't affect him as it did me.
"Someone's pulling up in the driveway, watch these while I go see who's bothering us this early in the morning." Damon said handing me the spatula.
"Course." I said, taking it from him.

Damon answered the door before Dean and Sam could even come to the door.
"Can I help you ?" Damon asked rudely.
"Is Elena here ?" Dean asked.
"Why ?"
"We're her brothers." Sam answered.
"Ohhh, so you're Sam and Dean, come in." Damon said welcoming them inside. He was a little mad for his time with Elena being interrupted and rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind them.

"We have guests." Damon announced. I was a little surprised to turn around to see Dean and Sam.
"Oh hi, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you so early." I apologized, walking towards them to greet them with a hug.

Dean's P.O.V

I was taken back when Elena hugged me. I grew up with guys and so there wasn't a whole lot of hugging that went down.
"It's our fault, we didn't even call first, we're just excited to get to know you." I assured her. She had dad's eyes and it kinda freaked me out.
"So I see you've met Damon." Elena told us, pulling away from Sam.
"I thought this was Stefan." I shared. "You know, because he's half nude and making you breakfast." I finished. I could see Elena blushing and looking away from Damon's view. I could tell right off the bat that there was something between them.

"Nope, I'm Damon. Stefan is my little brother and he's awake now so you'll be meeting him soon." Damon cut in, clearly seeing the embarrassment on Elena's face. I don't know what it was but there was something about him I didn't like.
"Hi, you guys must be Sam and Dean." Stefan said behind us, fully dressed unlike Damon. Vampire hearing was something to get used to.
"Yes, that's us." Sam told him, extending an arm.
"It's nice to meet you." He sincerely said, reaching out to shake Sam's hand and then mine.
"Would you guys like some coffee or anything to eat ?" He offered making his way to Elena, kissing her on the forehead. You could immediately see the jealousy on Damon's face.
"No thank you, we just ate." I answered. "So we were wondering if you wanted to meet some family of ours." I told Elena who was now in leaning against the counter facing us.
"I'd love too, when ?"
"As soon as we can, we'd have to travel a couple states over." Sam explained.
"I have school but I think Jenna would understand." Elena told us, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Elena's P.O.V

"So you're telling me that you have been to Hell and heaven ?" I asked Dean amazed.
"Yepp." Dean answered, glancing in the rearview mirror at me.
"So this angel, Castiel, is he powerful ?" I asked leaning forward.
"He is quite powerful." Sam answered. "Why do you ask ?"
"Well, I've had to come off as brave for Stefan and Damon but the truth is that I'm terrified. Everyone around me is in danger all because of me. That's part of the reason I can't be mad at our Dad, I'm in his shoes." I explained. "The most powerful vampire in the history of vampires is coming after me and he'll kill anyone that gets in his way and Stefan and Damon will most definitely get in his way." I finished, sitting back and exhaling. "I just don't understand what I ever did to deserve this big of a burden." I said mostly to myself as I stared out at the trees, rain just starting to drop.

Sam turned to look at me.
"You didn't do anything." He reassured me. "This family is just cursed and unfortunately Dad still didn't save you despite how hard he tried but we're here now and we'll finish what he set out to accomplish in the first place. We'll do everything we can to save you." Sam promised. I almost wanted to cry. They barely new me yet they acted as if they had known me their whole lives.
"But you barely know me." I protested. "I means sure we're related but up until a couple of days ago, you guys didn't even know I existed."
"Doesn't matter, you're family. That automatically obligates you to us. Besides we have to keep you alive so we can get to know you. Our family is wearing a little thin if you haven't noticed." Dean smiled warmly.

"We've met some amazing people in our life because of this burden and we've saved so many innocent lives and brought justice to so many people that it's worth it some days." Sam cut in.
"So this burden that you have on your shoulders, it's up to you how you view it." Dean finished for Sam. "But you're situation is a little different from ours."

"Yeah, I'm not really helping anyone with this burden but the vampires or werewolves that break it and I die in the process." I mumbled disappointingly.
"It's okay Elena. Us finding you has opened up a world of powerful connections that you didn't know about before. We'll find a way to fix this." Dean promised, pulling into a motel parking lot.

"It's getting late and the storm has really picked up so we'll stay here for tonight and get going early in the morning. We only have about 3 hours of driving until we reach Illinois." Dean informed us before cutting the engine.

Meanwhile in Ohio.

Hiding was getting old for Ruby. She hadn't seen Sam in months and he was her ticket to safety. She needed to find another life jacket and fast. The abandoned alley was dark and had graffiti everywhere. She was supposed to be meeting a rogue demon from Hell, much like herself, who was supposed to have connections. She had been waiting an hour past their meeting time and the rain was picking up.
"Whatever." Ruby mumbled to herself, the ends of her medium blonde hair forming rain drops. Just as she was walking away she heard a whooshing sound. She quickly turned to find a blonde man in his late thirties.
"What the hell ?" Ruby exclaimed.
"It's been a while Ruby." The man said while walking closer to her. Ruby's eyes widened as she realized who it was. It was the very thing she had been running from for years now.
"Lucifer." She breathed, her voice quaking.

"Hello my darling." He smiled.
"W-what do you want ?" Ruby asked nervously, slowly backing up.
"What ? No hello, nice to see you daddy ?" Lucifer pretended to look hurt.
"If you're going to kill me, just do it." Ruby spat.
"Kill you ?" Lucifer looked appalled.
"I have a deal for you Ruby." Lucifer informed her, now close enough to touch her.

Authors P.O.V

"So what's in Illinois ?" Elena asked Dean, plopping down onto her cot.
"Some good friends, Jo and Helen Harvelle and Bobby. Are you sure you don't want one of the beds ?" Dean asked.
"Please, you guys couldn't fit on this cot if you wanted to." Elena laughed.
"Bobby wasn't supposed to be there but he has something he needs to show us. He really wants to meet you also." Sam informed Elena.

"I'm going to go get some food, anyone want to go ?" Dean asked, slipping his jacket on. Sam and Elena both shook their heads no.
"Okay, I'll be back then." Dean mumbled, opening the door. The rain's volume went up then went back down when the door closed behind Dean.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Elena informed Sam getting up from the cot. "I want to look decent tomorrow when I meet everyone." She smiled before entering the bathroom and starting up the shower.

Sam sat back and rested his head on his pillow. The thought that he had a sister still hadn't kicked into full blast yet.
"So I leave for a couple of months and I'm already replaced." Ruby complained, taking a seat at the foot of the bed. Sam jumped up at the sound of that familiar voice.
"Ruby." Sam whispered out of breath. "What are you doing here ?" He asked confused. The last time Sam had seen Ruby was back in Utah when she had admitted to tricking him into drinking her blood so he could see how powerful he could be in hopes he would help her take down Lucifer who was after her.

"Look I'm sorry Sam. I liked you a lot and I regretted what I did after I figured that out. I was scared. Lucifer was coming after me and I didn't know what else to do. I panicked." Ruby explained.
"You could have told me. I might have been able to help you." Sam told her angrily.
"I did and you freaked out and left and tell me honestly Sam. If I had come to you in the beginning and asked for your help, would you have honestly helped a demon ?" Ruby asked. She had a point Sam thought.
"No, I guess not but why didn't you explain this months ago ?"
"I thought you needed time." Ruby answered, setting a hand on Sam's leg. "I'm sorry." She told him again, looking him straight in the eyes. Sam didn't think to remove her hand. Come to think of it, he kind of missed her touch. He proved to himself that something meant to be evil could be good. Question was, was he proof enough ?

"Who's this ?" Elena asked, as she ringed her hair with a towel.
"Oh." Sam said surprised, sitting up from Ruby's touch. Sam had forgotten all about Elena.
"This is an old friend of mine. She's a demon but she's not like the others." Sam explained. Elena was a little unsure of the word 'demon' but Stefan and Damon was set out to seem evil and dangerous but wasn't so maybe the same was true about Ruby.
"Hi, I'm Elena, Dean and Sam's little sister." Elena introduced, extending a hand. Ruby lightly took it in hers and shook it carefully.
"Nice to meet you." Ruby said, looking deeply into her eyes as if she knew she would be here. "It's very, very nice to meet you."

Any questions, please ask :)

What do you think the deal was between Ruby and Lucifer ?

And Remember to vote on the poll I currently have going. If one of the choices there aren't doing it for you than just tell me who you'd like to see.
