First of all, I must apologize for not posting a story on here for almost 5 years. I was busy with college. Well I'm back, and I hope people will like these stories as they did before.
Timmy Turner is now 20 years old. When a 26 year old Vicki sees him, she is shocked and lovestruck after seeing him. Love blossoms between the two.
Chapter One- Nice Vicky?
"I'm sure you're glad to be back home sport." says Wanda who was one pair of fuzzy dice on Timmy's car.
"Sure am, I wonder how my parents are." says Timmy
"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be glad to see you." Says Cosmo who was the other pair of fuzzy dice
Timmy who is now 20 years old, and still has godparents due to Timmy saving Fairy World in a Fairy vs. Pixies War 7 years ago. Timmy was allowed to have one wish, immune to the rules of fairy world. He wished that he would keep his fairies, and his children would inherit then when they were born. Every since then, Cosmo and Wanda have been at Timmy's side ever since.
When Timmy arrived, no one was there. Timmy couldn't help but heave a sigh
"Typical. Same old parents." said Timmy
Timmy dropped his bag and flopped on the bed.
Timmy was about to close his eyes when the doorbell rang. Timmy didn't feel like leaving his bed, but the constant ringing of the door forced him to get up and respond.
Timmy opened the door.
"Hello Ms. Turner, I just wanted to let you know that my mom has-"
Timmy couldn't believe who it was.
Both their jaws dropped.
Vicki couldn't believe Timmy was standing in front of her. 4 years did a lot to him. Taller, more muscular. Vicki was shocked that the twerp she picked on had become a man.
Timmy, on the other hand, was speechless. Vicki had become a tall beautiful lady. Like she was carved out of stone.
"Twerp, how long has it been?" asked Vicki who was trying to fight a blush
"Not long enough if you're still calling me twerp." said Timmy
"Sorry, its just that I haven't seen you in so long."
Now Timmy was shocked. Vicki apologizing…to him. 20 questions were swirling in his head all at once.
"Vicki are you alright?" asked Timmy
"Yes I am. Why do you- oh I see." said Vicki
Vicki then grabbed Timmy's hand
"We have a lot of catching up to do. Let's go have dinner this weekend." said Vicki
"I-sure." said Timmy
"Great. I'll pick you up a 4:00." said Vicki who walked back to her house. Before she opened the door, she looked back and blew a kiss at Timmy.
Timmy stood there a moment, collected his thoughts and prepared for tomorrow.