Hey! Look, i know some of you are expecting Kogan, but i wanted to make a Style fanfic.

From you know, South Park. Enjoy! (Oh, and my girls aren't here because they stay in my BTR fanfics, not my other stories.)

It's weird. Feeling this way for someone you've known your whole life. Sometimes, life isn't fair. It makes me want to scream. I already have the bruises on wrists for feeling sorry for myself. No one knows of what i do, so i'm pretty much in my own cave. Yes, it's very weird.

If only he didn't torture me. With his perfect smile and hair. Not to mention, hes sweet to. But, he could never feel the same. I mean, I'm Kyle. He's Stan. Perfect Stan. Sometimes i scream in the middle of the night. I'm waiting for my Romeo who will never come. Because he has a Juliet.

I hate the fact he dosen't notice. Come to think of it, nobody notices. Exept, Kenny. Kenny told me he's always known. He always holds me when i cry. Stan has no clue that he's the one who leaves the real brusies. It feels like he's stabbed me in the heart. I wake up, and I think of him.

I woke up this morning with my alarm yelling at me. I punched it off my table and got up and put on my usal clothes. White undershirt, orange jacket, green pants, orange converse, and my hat. I laugh. I think of the time that Stan and I switched hats for a day. Wendy was pissed.

Why dont you switch hats with me? She asked him. Because your hats dumb and girly. Kyle's is cool and green. I smiled. He thought my hat was cool. I snapped out of it and ran downstairs. "Hey big bro." Ike greeted me. "Hey Ike." Ike was now 10 and i was 16. I'm so proud of him.

I went to the kitchen to get some potato pancakes. I remember the time Stan gave me regular pancakes. I love them way more then these things my family calls "food". After I'm done eating, I tell Ike to have a good day and left. I walked down my street to see Stan. I smile. Yes!

"Hey dude." He greets me. "Hey, wheres Kenny?" I ask. "I don't know... But i wanted to talk to you." He tells me with serious eyes. "Ok... Whats up?" He gets closer. "I've seen you Kyle." He tells me. "Seen me do what?" I ask acting stupid. Oh no!

He puts his arms around my neck. "Staring. I broke up with Wendy." Wait, whats happening? "Why?" I ask. He laughs. The next thing i know, his lips are kissing mine. He pulls away and puts his hands in his pockets, smiling. "That answer your question?"

I dont answer, i just kiss him. When we pull away, he wraps his arm around my waist. We hear something in the distance.

"Way to go Kyle!"

Hope you enjoyed that! Anyways, dont worry BTR fans, i'll be wrighting new stories on Kogan later =P