Hi everyone:) Sorry for taking so many days again to update but life isn't easy for me lately...anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter and if you like let me know what you think. Would you like something more or less?...Also,you can listen to the song I've used .com/watch?v=D9AFMVMl9qE...:)Nic
Arizona pulled up the blanket which slided on her body and brought it under her chin. In the dark living room, the dim light from the TV was falling on her face. She was watching one of her favourite movies for the millionth time. Notting Hill. Despite being a lesbian, she loved Hugh Grant, and the pairing with Julia Roberts in one of the most romantic movies of all time, was all Arizona could ask for in a movie. She would never admit it out loud but she was a helpless romantic and had seen all the chick flicks released multiple times. But there was something that made Notting Hill one of the movies that she was never bored to watch again and again..England. The blonde's dream was to travel to England one day, see the streets of Notting Hill with her own eyes and wonder at the markets and the small book shops. Unfortunately, this was something that she still hadn't managed to do.
''I knew a girl at school called Pandora. Never got to see her box, though.'' Arizona mouthed the line of Spike seconds before he said it. She knew most of the lines by heart, especially the witty and funny ones.
She was so lost in the movie that she didn't hear the knocking on her door until the voice of Teddy was heard.
''Open up princess...I know you're in there, I can hear Hugh!'' Teddy knew Arizona's soft spot for these movies and she also knew that she usually watched them whenever she wasn't in the best psychological state.
''What do you want? Can you just leave me in my misery ?'' Arizona appeared behind the door. It was very obvious that she hadn't been away from her couch all day. Her hair was up in a ponytail but a loose strand was making an appearance on the right part of her head. She was wearing her light blue pyjamas which were stained with what looked like oil.
''Look at you! Your hair is a mess and you're also dirty..What's wrong with you Ari?'' Teddy didn't wait for Arizona to invite her in, she was already sitted on the couch, facing Arizona who was curled up on the other corner.
''I'm not dirty! I showered...last night.'' She almost whispered the last two words.
''And you're watching Notting Hill...I'm sure you're gonna watch Sleepless in Seattle after that. I know you very well Ari..''
''I am not! I was thinking You've Got Mail would be a good change.'' She grinned playfully towards a pissed Teddy.
''Oh Ari..What am I gonna do with you?...hmmm... I forgot to tell you..You're coming with me tomorrow.''
''What's tomorrow?''
''Meredith, from the hospital, is having a birthday party. I'm not going alone, so you're coming. Dress good and please, please have a proper bath. I don't want you all stinky next to me.''
''I'm so not!'' Obviously terrified with the idea, Arizona refused immediately.
''You're not having a bath?''
''Don't play silly on me Teddy Altman. I'm not coming to your coleague's party and as you already know the reason starts with 'Call' and ends with 'iope'. Don't try to talk me into this, it won't work.'' Arizona looked quite determined, the playful tone of her voice was lost.
''You don't have to talk to her, you know. I'm not even sure she's gonna be there..but even if she does, you can just ignore her. You've done it so well until now.''
''Ted..we've talked about it..I know I've acted like an ass. That's one additional reason I don't feel comfortable meeting her. I know I don't have to talk to her and I'm 100% sure she's not talking to me either, however, I cannot avoid her judgemental eyes and..her sexiness all over the place. Don't forget I'm still attracted to her. So why would I want to pass my night feeling awful?'' Arizona took a gulp of water from a small bottle that was on the coffee table.
''Because I'm your best friend, you love me and you wouldn't let me go to my first party in Seattle alone, would you? And besides, it sounds like a good opportunity to apologise...I've been talking to Mark, as you already know, and he'd told me that she's not THAT bitter about the situation.''
''THAT bitter?..oh my god Ted, you're not helping.''
''Ok Ari..listen to me..Life is passing you by. It started a year ago and it's still happening. You used to be brave and spontaneous but lately you're not like that, at all! I understood it when you needed some time to forget the previous bad situations that you've been through but Ari...'' Teddy closed the gap between them and cupped Arizona's hands with hers. '' you can't become a nun. Don't do this to the lesbian community.'' Teddy chuckled by her attempt to lighten up the atmosphere and gained a small slap from Arizona. '' I'm serious now. Get out, meet people...I don't mean Callie-people..I mean anyone. Just don't let more days pass in misery and depression.''
Arizona lowered her head, tears were ready to escape her eyes. ''You're right. They don't deserve it, I have to move on. I sabotaged the whole thing with Calliope because of my insecurities. I should apologise, I feel shame for my behavior. No matter what the outcome will be, at least I'm gonna feel better with myself.''
''Is that a 'yes' then? Are you coming?''
''Al'right.I'm coming.'' The blonde raised her head and smiled to Teddy.
''Yay!'' She raised her hand as if her team had scored. '' Do you have any beer?''
''Yeah, help yourself.''
''Good...put the movie from the beginning and I'm bringing the beer. You're not watching this on your own. Who's gonna hand you the napkin when you start crying at the end?''
''Thank you Ted...I mean it.''
''Don't mention it...'' As soon as Teddy vanished into the kitchen, she took out her cell and send a quick message to Mark. ' She's coming!Hehe!'
''Meredith, can I talk to you?'' Mark whispered in order not to be heard from anyone else.
'' Sure Mark, what's up? Is it about the nurse who refuses to work with you since you slept with her and then dumped her?''
''No, no, that's not it. What nurse though?'' He furrowed his eyes and looked thoughtfully to a puzzled Meredith. ''Anyway, we're gonna talk about it some other time. I want you to do me a small favor...I want you to talk to Callie and convince her to come to your party.''
''Why? Is there a possibility that she's not coming to my party?'' Meredith seemed a bit irritated.
''It has nothing to do with you...She's not well lately..''
''Huh!Tell me something new. Everyone has noticed that Callie is back to her old self, it reminds me of these hell months after the you-know-who.''
''Exactly!This is why I believe that she's gonna avoid the party with some lame excuse, so that she can stay at home alone, drink tons of beer and watch soaps on TV. You're my last chance Meredith, I know she wont be able to refuse if you ask her. ''
''Hmmm. I think I got your point. I'll do my best but can't promise anything.''
Meredith waited for the most suitable moment to discuss it with Callie. She chose the only place that Callie wouldn't be able to storm out in an attempt to avoid the conversation...the OR.
''Scalpel no 4 please'' the brunette muttered under the surgical mask and raised her left open palm in front of Meredith.
Meredith noticed that this was a routine operation which was going well up to that point, so she didn't miss the opportunity.
''You know that I'm having a party this weekend, right Callie?''
Callie quickly realised where was Meredith going with it and rolled her eyes in disbelief. ''Yep,I certainly do Meredith.''
''Cool, I expect you around ten then, we need some extra hands to help with the preparations.''
''Uhhh...I don't know Meredith...don't take it personal but lately I'm not in the mood for parties. I'll give you your present on Monday.''
Meredith was a tiny bit surprised that Callie didn't use an excuse and reveal the real reasonfrom the start. ''Callie...I know you're not at your best but I don't have parties every day, it'd mean a lot to me if everyone from here comes to my place and celebrate with me, even if it would be for just an hour...You know that I consider you all my family.'' She was now playing her best card. Since she knew that Callie was a softie at heart, it would be almost impossible to refuse after that.
And that was exactly what happened. ''Ok Meredith, I'll be there.''
''I don't get it. Why did we have to buy all that alcohol? And a karaoke machine? Are you kidding me Mer? Are we still in college and I don't know it?'' Cristina was filling the fridge with bottles and cans of beer, looking confused and irritated as usual.
''A little alcohol fun wouldn't do any harm Cristina. Besides, everybody loves karaoke, even if they don't admit it out loudly. I clearly remember that two years ago we couldn't separate you from the microphone''
''I was completely drunk! I don't even know any song's lyrics!''
''That was the problem! You didn't know any song. It was torture listening to you just humming.''
''Sorry to interrupt girls but I think we should hurry. It's eleven and the guests will be arriving any time soon.'' Callie's voice was heard from the living room.
Mark arrived at ten past eleven, he was intentionally the first because he thought it'd be wise to check Callie's mood. He wanted her to be distracted until Teddy would arrive with Arizona.
''Happy birthday Meredith! I wish you good sex and ...oh well...good sex, what else?'' He handed a purple bag to Meredith. ''It's lingerie of course. That's the only female gift I'm good at.'' He winked and headed towards the living room, scanning the room for Callie.
''There you are...wow...you look stunning!'' He tried really hard not to let his jaw drop because of the sight in front of him. Callie was wearing a red satin dress that hugged her curves very delicately. It stopped right above her knees and she had perfectly matched it with a black necklace and black high-heel shoes. But most important of all, even on her slighlty sad face, the make-up she'd worn toned her big eyes and attractive lips.
''Thanks Mark...Now stop drooling and grab yourself some beer, I need to talk to you.''
After a minute or two, Mark returned with a cold beer in his hand. ''Ok sexy latina woman, I'm all yours, what's up?''
''Is Teddy coming?''
''As far as I know, she is.''
''I hope so! I'm planning on making a move tonight.''
''Gosh Mark! I'm not talking about a man...I'm talking about Arizona, is she coming too?''
Mark, although a bit self centered most of the times, understood where Callie was heading from the beginning of the conversation but decided to play dumb. ''How could I know Cal? If you're asking for my personal opinion, I don't think she's coming.''
''Why do you believe so?'' Callie seemed very irritated by his comment, like she was secretly wishing for Arizona to show up.
''Well...according to what had happened lately, she's been avoiding you, isn't she? So, I would be surprised if she shows up. It would mean something...maybe remorse.''
''Remorse huh?...oh well,I don't care. You know what they say, once an ass always an ass.''
Not even a second had passed since Callie had finished her sentence and the subject of their conversation arrived with her good friend Teddy. Meredith didn't hear the doorbell because of the loud rock music that Cristina had chosen, but fortunately Mark did and went to open the door.
''Hello ladies.'' He took a good look from top to bottom at Teddy and smirked naughtily.
''Gorgeous as always Teddy.'' When he managed to tear his eyes from her, he noticed a shy Arizona almost hiding behind her friend. ''Arizona, I must say you look great as well.''
Callie had her eyes fixed on the door the whole time but since both women hadn't stepped in the house yet, it was impossible for her to see if Teddy had come alone or not.
''Thank you Mark..can we get in now?'' Teddy smiled appreciatively.
''Sure sure..welcome to the party. I'm gonna tell Meredith that you came.''
And there she was, Callie's desire and headache for the past few weeks. No matter howmuch anger she felt for the blonde woman, Callie couldn't fail to notice that she was breathtaking. Arizona was wearing a dark blue strapless dress which matched her eyes perfectly. Her hair was a perfect ponytail that fell over her right shoulder. Callie found herself unable to take her eyes away from her creamy skin and delicate features.
A couple of hours had passed and all the guests had arrived. Owen was having lots of fun, dancing with a slightly drunk Cristina, while Lexie was sending darts with her eyes towards Mark and Teddy who couldn't stop flirting and having sex with their eyes.
''As much as I enjoy talking to you Mark, I think we should do something about Ms Stubborn and Ms Stupid over there.'' She pointed at Callie and Arizona . '' They've been sitting there stealing glances. I'm pretty sure the party will end and they'll just leave without exchanging a single word.''
''You're right. Why don't you have a word with Arizona? She wanted to apologise, didn't she?''
''uhhh...I hope that helps because these two lovebirds are starting to get on my nerves with their games.'' She put her glass down and moved next to Arizona who looked more nervous than ever.
''Are you planning on doing nothing all night? You're finishing your fourth drink for tonight and you still haven't found the courage to go there and talk to the latina undressing you with her eyes.''
''It's the fifth...I think...and it seems to me that she hasn't even noticed me. Ted... after that drink I'm gonna head home.''
Teddy couldn't believe her ears, Arizona was acting like a schoolgirl and most important of all, she was ready to give up without making any effort first. ''Listen up Ms! We've talked about it and we had agreed that you should at least apologise to the woman. If you're not doing it for you, do it for me. I work with Callie and I don't want her to think that my friend is an ass.'' She didn't mean her last words but she had to tell something that would shake Arizona for good.
''Ok ok Ted. Calm down,I'll apologise first...'' Arizona noticed how irritated Teddy looked because of the whole situation and knew she couldn't take her words back. ''I'm going...'' Teddy kept looking expectedly with her arms crossed in front of her. ''..like now..''Arizona took a deep breath and put her empty glass down.
It's now or never. I wasn't raised as a coward and I ain't gonna be one now. If she's impolite, I'll just turn and leave.
Callie was standing alone, trying hard to look indiferent but she couldn't mask her surprise when she saw Arizona in front of her.
''Hi Calliope. I...''
''What is it? Are we gonna talk about your very busy schedule and the fact that you can't be my therapist anymore? There's no need you know, I got the message.'' Callie immediately scolded herself for sounding so bitter. She wished she had bitten her tongue before speaking.
''No, I didn't want to talk bout that actually.'' Arizona understood the reasons for Callie's response and knew the fault was all hers. ''I came here to apologise...'' She paused for a while searching for the right words. ''I'm sorry Calliope, for letting you down and for being completely unprofessional. I lied and I'll understand it if you never wanna talk to me again. You don't know me so you can judge me from that. But that's the whole point...I wanted you to know me. As your therapist I don't think you'd have the chance to get to know me cause that's what therapists do, they listen and don't share things about themselves. But I wantedto share things about myself with you. Do you understand?''
Callie hadn't uttered a word the whole time. She kept looking at Arizona with her mouth half open, taking in every word that came out of the blonde's mouth. The truth was that she didn't want to say anything, she just wanted to kiss her, she wanted it so badly from the moment she saw her stepping into the room and now she craved for it.
''Cal! Come over here!'' Cristina grabbed her abruptly from the arm and dragged her near the karaoke stage. It only consisted of a microphone and a notebook where they could choose the song they wanted to sing through a program with a wide variety of songs. It wasn't like the karaokes you find in bars but it was decent and they had laughed a lot with Owen's and Meredith's falied attempts to sing. ''Somebody...and by that I mean Mark...told me that you're really good at singing and you know that I'm never impressed with anything until I witness it. So...sing..come on...entertain me.''
''Al'right al'right...Just gimme two seconds to find the appropriate song.'' She gave a look to Arizona, she was still waiting for an answer , ready to storm out of the house. Callie lowered her head and searched for the perfect song for the situation. She smiled widely when she found it. There was no music on the background now and everyone was focused on Callie. A low piano rhythm was gradually audible.
It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide...
I don't have much money , but boy if i did, I'd buy a big house where, we both could live...
Mark already knew how good Callie could sing, so he must have been the only one who wasn't surprised by the melodic sound coming out from the latina's throat. All the others listened in awe and some of them couldn't keep their jaws from falling to the floor. Among them was Arizona, she'd noticed from the beginning the glances and the smiles that the gorgeous latina was sending her way.
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do, see i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue..
anyway the thing is , what I really mean, yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen..
At that moment their eyes locked and Callie found herself standing very close to Arizona. It was like noone else existed in the room except for them. Callie raised the microphone to her lips without losing eye contact with the blonde. This was one of her favourite songs of all time, she knew every lyric by heart.
And you can tell everybody, this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that is done...
I hope you don't mind, i hope you don't mind
that I put down in words
how wonderful life is now you're in the world...
Callie looked deep in Arizona's eyes for two more seconds and turned around moving again to the centre of the room. She closed her big chocolate eyes and got ready for the next verse. She'd managed to leave everyone speechless, Derek was hugging Meredith by her waist and Cristina was sending meaningful looks to Owen. However, more touched of all was Arizona, she knew that the song was about her and the situation with Callie.
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss..
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross..
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song, it's for people like you that keep it turned on..
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do, see i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue..
anyway the thing is , what I really mean, yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen..
Now Callie was preparing for the big end, she knew she had impressed the blonde, she could feel her eyes burning her face. But she wanted to finish big, to touch her through the lyrics and give her the answer that didn't have the chance to offer previously.
And you can tell everybody, this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that is done...
I hope you don't mind, i hope you don't mind
that I put down in words
how wonderful life is now you're... in the world...
When she let the last few words slip her mouth in a very melodic and harmonic tone, noone reacted right away. They couldn't believe that the badass surgeon had this delicate and beautiful talent as well. After a few seconds had passed everyone burst into cheers and applause for some minutes. Cristina approached the latina and whispered.
''Don't tell anyone but I'm impressed...and this is something that doesn't happen often...Now I have to give Mark twenty bucks!Pfff''
''Another bet? Again? You guys will never change.'' Callie shook her head disapprovingly. It took her a few moments to realise that the subject of her song dedication wasn't in the room anymore. She scanned the kitchen quickly but she was neither there.
''Mark, have you seen Arizona ?''
''Yep...it's next to New Mexico actually.'' Mark was obviously far from tipsy anymore. ''Ouch!'' That's why he received a quick and strong slapping from Callie.
''Ok ok,I was just joking. I think I saw her getting into that room over there.'' He pointed to a closed door opposite the kitchen.
Callie found herself in front of the door in one second and took a deep breath before knocking.
''Arizona are you in? I'm Callie, I need to talk to you.''
Nothing again.
This time the door opened instantly and two small hands, but with a strong grip, pulled Callie inside the dark room. There were no lights at all, so Callie didn't realise how she was having her lips pressed on a pair of very soft lips. She didn't fight it at all, she knew whose lips they were from the moment she felt them on hers. She had experienced this moment millions of times in her sleep but they were nothing compared to the real thing. She'd been longing for that kiss from the first time, their meeting at that bus stop. Now her luscious lips were moving in synchronisation with the woman of her dreams and she didn't want this to end. Their movements were clumpsy and a little harsh but Callie didn't mind at all. Her hands were now on the blonde's face, trying to feel her facial features with her fingertips. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe, a couple of minutes had passed and they hadn't taken a singel breathe. She pulled back in order to catch her breath and she immediately felt Arizona moving to the door.
She's gonna run from me, again! I cannot believe it! I'm not letting this happen this time.
Callie extended her hand and grabbed her by the arm. She was determined not to leave her.
''You're not leaving Arizona...''