Disclaimer:I don't own Pokemon, I own myself though.

This fic is based of the nuzlocke challenge I learned about a while ago and decided to write my own after being inspired by pettyartists nuzlocke challenge on deviantart, I decided to write one myself.

Note, this is based of my own Red game console nuzlocke run that I am currently doing. It's also the first nuzlocke challenge I've ever done. And if anyone asks, my other fics, are Mewtwo's Journey Redux and Harry Potter and the Web of Beginnings are going to be updated soon.

Anyways, let the fun begin!

Karl came into existence in some sort of a blank white plain. "What the-" he said looking around. "Where am I? And why is my voice lower and I'm pretty sure I didn't have these clothes last time I checked."

Suddenly a man in a scientist appeared in front of him and said,"Hello there, welcome to the world of Pokemon!"

Karl blinked and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't having a realistic dream and said,"P-professor Oak?"

"My name is Oak," said the Professor acting as he had not hear Karl, people call me the Pokemon professor!"

"Yeah, I already know that," said Karl sarcastically wondering how the hell this was happening.

His appearance was then replaced by a Nidorino which made Karl gasp. "Whoa, I want that," said Karl who realized he didn't have any Pokeballs.

"This world," said Oak's voice. "This is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon." The Nidorono let out it's cry.

"For some people, Pokemon are pets," said Oak. "Which in where I come from, is no one." "Others use them for fights." "Ah now your making your making more sense."

"Myself...I study Pokemon as a profession." "How much does that pay?" asked Karl.

Professor Oak continued to ignore him and said,"First, what is your name?" "Um, it's Karl, with a K."

"Right, so your name is Karl!" "Obviously."

Then an image of Gary Oak in rather uncool clothes for himself appeared. "This is my grandson, he's been your rival ever since you were a baby." Karl blinked and said,"How the hell can a baby be a rival to someone when they're babies?"

"Erm, what was is name again?" "How could you forget your grandsons name, even if you are old and absent minded?" said Karl in disbelief. "Oh well, his name is Gary."

"That's right, I remember now! His name is Gary!" "Sure you did?" said Karl in a I-don't-believe-you- sort-of-voice.

Gary disappeared and Oak's voice continued,"Karl! Your very own Pokemon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventure with Pokemon awaits! Let's go!"

Karl felt like the world was spinning around him and a bright light caused him to shut his eyes and when it dimmed he was in a room with a SNES attached to a tv and a pc in a up left corner. A bed was to the far left and a plant was in the far right.

Suddenly the notation that an old gaming was in front of him, Karl eagerly looked to see what game was in it, but there was nothing there. "Darn, and I wanted to play Star Fox." Remembering what happened he wondered,'What's going on?'

"YOUR IN A AUTHOR INSERT FANFIC," said a voice that sounded very much like his older voice.

"Uh no, don't tell me..." said Karl face palming. "I've been reduced to..."


"Fine," said Karl knowing he would have to win or lose to get out of here. "What are the rules?"


"Which means I can get Zapdos and Articuno," Karl smirked.

"Oh well, thanks author version of me, fanfic me is going to go on this nuzlocke and hope I don't get up getting a gameover."


"Okay, first I better go get a potion so I don't end up getting my starter knocked in it's first battle." Karl walked up to the pc.

He logged on and pressed the withdraw option with a mouse and in oval beneath the pc, a potion materialized in existence. "Nice, so that's how it's done."

Karl walked down the stairs and saw a woman he supposed was his in game mother sitting on a chair.

"Um, mom I'm going out to catch and train wild animals that can kill me and use them in a style reminiscent of cockfighting only more much cooler and humane by some standards," said Karl.

"Okay, dear, remember to change your underwear, every day," said Karl's in-game mother tonelessly.

"Wow, she really is nothing like my mother," said Karl who walked out of the door and into the world.

Karl walked upwards towards the edge of the town and saw the so called tall grass that wild Pokemon lived. "Okay, how does something other than a small insect make a home out of this?" He took a step forward and expected Oak's voice to shout out to him, but instead he was grabbed from the neck with Oak's voice saying,"WAIT! It's unsafe!" "Grabbing my neck like that is unsafe!" "Wild Pokemon live in tall grass!" "It's only Pidgeys and Ratata's! You just step on them or yell at them to leave you alone!"

"You need your own Pokemon for your protection. I know! Here, come with me!" Prof Oak then dragged Karl who was kicking and screaming obscenities that a ten year old boy shouldn't know.

Eventually they reached his lab and Oak let go of Karl who rubbed his neck gingerly and growled,"The old man deserves to be in a mental asylum..."

"Gramps!" yelled Gary who sounded as Karl suspected as a complete and total douchebag. "I'm fed up with waiting," he whined.

"Gary? Let me think... Oh, that's right, I told you to come! Just wait! There are 3 Pokemon." "Obviously, " muttered Karl sarcastically who wondered where the heck would he and Gary have gone to school then, or was there even a school.

"They are inside the Pokeballs. When I was young, I was a serious Pokemon trainer." 'He had a Charmeleon in the 4th movie, maybe the Charmander there is an egg of his original.'

"In my old age, I have only 3 Pokemon left, but you can have one! Choose!"

Gary of course pitched a fit and yelled,"Gramps, what about me!"

"Be patient! Gary, you can have one too!" said Oak sternly before turning to Karl asking,"Now, Karl which Pokemon do you want?"

Karl weighed his options, Bulbasaur a good Pokemon with excellent typing in the early part of the game, and was defensively strong and his Razor Leaf almost always had a critical hit in the 1st generation. Charmander was probably his first choice he personally and he loved Charizard fore it's dragon like characteristics. Squirtle was also a good choice in game but it was not one of his favorite's, preparing Carrocosta as a turtle Pokemon.

"All right, I pick...Charmander!" said Karl picking up the said Pokeball with Charmander in it. "And I'll nickname e'm Charlie. That way if he's a boy or girl Charlie won't be made fun of."

"Ha!" sneered Gary taking Squirtle for himself. "You really are a loser! Pokemon don't have genders, Hahahahah!"

"Some male Gardevoirs, Lopunnys, and Gothitelle's would probably have a word with you on that Gary," Karl said. And with he let out his Charmander who appeared in a flash of white.

"Hello, Charmander, my name is Karl. I'm gonna be your new trainer, that is, if you'll accept me as a partner.

Charmander smiled and,"Char! Charmander, Char!" "Sure, you seem nice, I'd be proud to call my partner!"

Karl chuckled and said,"Great, what do you think about Charlie as a nickname for you?"

Charmander nodded with a grunt and Karl,"Alright then, Charlie it is then. Let's go then."

Karl and Charlie started to walk down out of the laboratory when Gary yelled,"Wait Karl! Let's check out our Pokemon!" "Um, how bout no?" "C'mon I'll take you on!" "There's no no option, is there?"

"Char char." "Don't worry, we'll kick his douche bag ass."

"Go Squirtle," yelled Gary sending out his water starter.

"Go Charlie!" said Karl as Charlie growled and faced Squirtle.

"Ha, Squirtle hit Charmander with a Hydro Pump!" commanded Gary cockily. Squirtle opened his mouth, took a deep breathe, exhaled... and nothing but air came out.

"Quick Charlie, Scratch up his face!" commanded Karl. Charlie quickly ran up and raked Squirtle with his right claws as Squirtle bounced back looking wounded.

"What the heck? Your a Water type! You should know that move!" shouted Gary angrily as Squirtle sweat dropped nervously. Professor Oak frowned at this.

"Try using Water Gun then!" Squirtle tried, and failed. This time Charlie scratched with his right left and Squirtle fell down from the force.

"Grr, what do you know?" asked Gary angrily. "He knows Tackle and maybe Growl," said Karl in a tone you would use on a idiot.

"Alright, use Growl!" pointed Gary with his index finger. Squirtle yet again tried, and failed to perform a move. Charlie grinned and said,"Char!" 'Too Easy!" He scratched Squirtle again and now the turtle looked ready to collapse. "Squirtle, use Tackle!" Squirtle charged at Charlie who banged his tail to jump, causing Squirtle to miss and hit his head against a wall, leaving him dizzy.

"Now Charlie, finish him off with one more Scratch!" "Squirtle, knock him out with a Tackle!"

Claw met head as Charlie was brushed back and Squirtle fell down fainting with swirly eyes.

"WHAT!" yelled Gary overdramatically. "Unbelievable! I picked the wrong Pokemon!"

"No, your just a dumbass who has ambush people when they're weak to win," said Karl cheeckily. Smiling at Charlie, he picked him and said,"Great job buddy, we did it!" "Char Charmander!" "And we'll keep this up the rest of the way"

Gary called back Squirtle and said,"Okay, I'll make my Pokemon fight to toughen it up!" 'Hey wait a minute,' Karl thought. 'How's he going to heal Squirtle anyways?"

"Karl! Gramps! Smell you later!" and with, Gary strutted his way out of the lab like he was the king of the world or something.

"Who says smell you later, anyways," Karl said bemused as he and his partner walked out as well. Charlie shrugged and said,"Beats me, I spent a good time stuck in that ball, haven't been in the loop for a while."

"Wait a minute, what's Prof Oak going to do with the last Pokemon, Bulbasaur?" said Karl looking uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't eat him or something," said Charlie.


"Hmm, normally I prefer Squirtle soup or fried Charmander tail, but I don't mind a vegetarian dish," said Oak with knives to cut up Bulbasaur.

"Why couldn't have either of those boys picked me?" screamed Bulbasaur not wanting to get eaten.

"All right then, what's in my backpack," said Karl taking the said thing off and looking inside. "One Potion, an ipod, a near infinite supply of food, water, and essentials, sleeping bags, a laptop for entertainment purposes, a two cans of booze, an Pokemon hentai manga with only fire Pokemon?"

"Oh, can I have that?" asked Charlie grinning hopefully. "Sure," snickered Karl. "Just dont touch yourself too much or you'll end up blind and end up being boxed."

Karl put the ipod in his hands and placed the earbuds on his ears and quite happily listened to, We're on the Road to Viridian City.

"We should start our own band when we catch more Pokemon," said Karl. "It'd be a real hit."

"Aren't you doing that in another fic soon?" asked Charlie.

"...How do you know that?" "I don't know..."

They're journey into Viridian was short and uneventful, Charlie fought Pidgey's and Ratata's and gained a level.

"Well, that was quick," said Karl stretching. Charlie panted and said,"I need some healing." "Don't worry," said Karl. "There's a Pokemon Center right ahead.

The human and lizard walked inside the building and went up to Nurse Joy who said,"Welcome to our Pokemon Center! We heal your Pokemon back to perfect health!" 'Obviously, otherwise people would have revive they're in non nuzlocke challenges with buckets.' thought Karl. "Shall we heal your Pokemon?" "Yes, please," said Karl returning Charlie to his Pokeball and giving it to Nurse Joy. She placed it on a healing machine complete with the old school tone it produced.

She gave Charlie's Pokeball back to him and said,"Thank you! You Pokemon are fighting fit!" She bowed and added,"We wish to see you again!"

Karl gulped and walked out muttering,She wants my Pokemon to get mauled, that pink haired monster!

I knew pink the color of evil, except for Shiny Lugia's."

"Hmm, I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to get a Pikachu," Karl wondered as he and Charlie now out walked towards Viridian Forest, but unfortunately...

"You can't go through here!" An old man who was lying on the ground angrily said. "This is private property!"

Karl face palmed and said,"The old geezer can't be serious, can he?" The old man's granddaughter sighed and said,"He hasn't had his coffee yet."

Charlie grinned and said,"What if we just go ahead anyways? What can the old man do to you or me?"

"Your right," smirked Karl triumphantly. He walked ahead and challengingly said,"What if I go ahead anyways?"

The old man glared at him and threw out a Pokeball, releasing a gigantic, scary, and at level 100 Gyarados! It roared an earth shattering roar that scared the crap out of Karl and Charlie

"Ah, that's what he would do," chuckled Charlie sweating like crazy at seeing something a Level 100. "Um, I think I need to go train." "Yeah," nodded Karl rapidly. "I better go help him, see yah!"

The two ran like they're lives depended on it and Karl wheezed,"Okay, note to self, try not to go against the games coding."

"Yeah," said Charlie breathing hard. "Let's just follow the programming"

"Well, if memory serves, of wait, I'd played this too many times not to remember, we have to go to the Pokemart."

The two quickly walked over to the Pokemart and got a package for Prof Oak. Annoyed with his new status as a delivery boy, Karl scurried over back to Pallet Town and went back in Oak's Lab.

"Oh, Karl! How is my old Pokemon?" "Charlie's doing awesome," cut Karl before Oak could ramble. "Here, I think this is yours," he added giving Oak a parcel.

Oak thanked him and then as Karl expected, Mr-He-who-is-a-mother#$%^*)-jerk showed up.

"Gramps! What did you call me for?" 'He can call him, what does he have a cell phone or something?'

"Oh, that's right, I have a request for you two. On my desk is my invention, Pokedex!" "Ah, that brings fond memories of getting 150 Pokemon, only now there are more than 600 to catch!' "It automatically records data on Pokemon you seen or caught! It's a high tech-encyclopedia!" 'Please, bulbapedia and the fans are better encyclopedias than something that's been filled up as you go along.'

"Karl and Gary, take these with you!" The two were given Pokedex's and Oak continued,To make a complete guide on all the Pokemon in the world...that was my dream! But I'm too old, I can't do it!"

"Yet you can travel from Kanto to Johto and even Sinnoh and have showed up in the Orange Islands, Hoenn, and even Unova," Karl muttered.

"So I want you two to fulfill my dream for me."

"Will you pay us?" asked Karl hopefully. "No," said Prof Oak simply. "Shoot..."

"Get moving you two! This is a great undertaking in Pokemon history!"

Gary turned to Karl and said,"Alright gramps! Leave it to me! Karl, I hate to say it, but I don't need you! I know! I'll borrow a Town Map from my sis! I'll tell her not to you lend you one, Karl! Hahaha!"

"Thank you Gary, what a douchebag thing for you to say," Karl said pleasantly. Suddenly it occurred to him that there was still Bulbasaur's Pokeball on the table.

"Hey Professor, could I have Bulbasaur?" asked Karl, hoping that he would somehow would. Oak in turned put on a demonic face and roared,"NO SECOND STARTER! AND DON'T LET ME FIND YOU USING A GAME SHARK CODE!"

"Okay okay, okay, okay, I'll don't even have a gameshark anyways, good bye!" Karl yelled as he and Charlie bolted out of the lab.

They ran upward into Route and Charlie gasped,"Well, I'm glad we got out of there, but how are we going to get more team members? I can't do well against water, grounds, rocks, and electrics when I evolve, where are we going to get more Pokeballs?"

"In the Pokemart, let's just get there safely," said Karl.

The two got to Viridian and after a healing, Karl bought 5 pokeballs to use. After that, they went north to go into Viridian forest when Charlie's Pokegirl magazine was suddenly stolen by a Pidgey!

"Oi! Hand's of my magazine, you bird!" Charlie shouted. "Well it's mine now!" mocked the Pidgey snickering.

"Charlie hit him with a Scratch!" commanded Karl. Charlie did so but the Pidgey blocked it with the magazine causing them both to yell in horror.

"You bastard, that's the only one I had!" Charlie yelled using Scratch again, and nailing Pidgey with it.

"Alright, he's in range now, Pokeball, go!" said Karl throwing it at Pidgey and after a few seconds, captured it.

"Yes! We caught our first Pokemon!" cheered Karl. Charlie looked bitter and said,"Wish he wasn't a thief..."

"You'll get over it, now he-wait is Pidgey or a girl?" Karl asked. "Charlie shrugged and said,"Eh, beats me, genders are in generation 2 and above."

"I'll get the info from Stadium 2," Karl muttered. "Well, let's go onward!

"Okay, this is more creepier than I thought," said Karl looking quesy at the noise around him. "Your telling me," murmed Charlie. Suddenly a piece of grass rustled and Karl quickly turned and saw to his shock and delight, a Pikachu!

"Sweet! Lucky me! Charlie scratch him!"

Charlie quickly scratched the Pikachu who yelped and then growled and let out a Thundershock on Charlie. "Ow, that's gonna get worser when I'm Charizard..."

"Pokeball go!" said Karl throwing a ball at the electric mouse and after a few tense seconds a click confirmed it's capture.

"Alright! Pikachu get do da ze!" "Geto what?" asked Charlie sounding confused. "The japanese dub Pokemon show has the character's say that when they catch a Pokemon," Karl explained.

"Now, let's go for a healing and see if we can get a Nidoran..."

"Awesome! We got Nidoran M!" exclaimed Karl. He took this moment to analyze his current team.

Charlie was at level 8 and still only knew his basic moves. He was a bit reckless, and loved to fight. Ace was the nickname for his Pidgey and she was a bit mischievousness and consistently liked to pull pranks. Lightning was his Pikachu who was quite friendly got along well with the other's, but got angry quite easily and reminded Karl of a type tsundere who was in dere mode usually. Zane his Nidoran M was a bit of loner and shied away from the others. If Karl had to guess, they all in order would have a Rash, Naughty, Docile, and Lonely nature.

"Okay guys," said Karl putting on dark sun glasses. "Time to grind."