Once Bitten

Pairing: Kagome and Harem, and other pairings
Rating: T for now
Genre: Romance, Drama, Horror
Summary: They discovered a castle filled with people enthroned by thorns; they thought it was legend until one pricked his finger and awoke an age old curse. There are some things worse than rogue Uchiha and more monstrous than Chakra Beasts.

Knock. Knock.

If they had known that the knocks were to be the last thing they ever heard; they would've never answered the door. They may not care for human affairs, but they weren't heartless despite what the Sage thought. The door opened with a groan and violet eyes gazed at the man cloaked in tattered brown robes. He didn't think much of intruders or enemies, because who would dare enter the City of Death and cause harm? With a smile and bored eyes he focused on the stranger at the door.

"May I help you?"

The cloaked man looked up and the violet eyes widened in realization. He opened his mouth to call out, but it was too late. Maybe, they had been foolish he thought as he moved backwards. He couldn't go down without at least trying to do something.


A chuckle echoed behind him and he watched the girl upon the throne perk in interest. She saw the mass of vines extending forward and he watched her look darken. Their Dominion pushed the child that rested at her side away and ordered him to run.

"Who dares attack the house of Izanami?"

The sound of metal sliding against sheath and she saw a flash of silver. The vines came at her, but he had cut them down in a mere flick. She smirked as she stood from her throne and placed her hands upon her hips.

"Such a foolish move," she murmured, eyes bored.

"Your house has fallen and your clan is weak." The thorn parted and she watched as the cloaked figure moved forward. "Your time has ended." Her eyes widened as the vines and thorns gathered once more. "I shall bind you with your name." Calmly she sat back upon her throne and smirked as she rested her head upon her palm.

"A curse, eh?" She questioned. "Let this play out, Sesshoumaru."

A silver brow arched, but he sheathed his weapon and sighed as he watched the thorns slither.

"This is foolish," Sesshoumaru muttered.

"Very," the cloaked man agreed.

It wasn't until he pulled the hood free that her sapphire eyes widened in realization. Her arms pushed her from her throne as he mouth struggled to form the name that she sought.

'Killing with pleasure,
All we sought,
Gone forever.
Of a curse born,
May our hearts mend,
Enthroned by thorns.'

"May you never awaken."

The thorns consumed them all.

The castle loomed over them; seemingly darker than the night and yet their eyes could clearly see the structure. Twisted angels forever crying out to the heavens marked the gates; guarding the iron bars in their eternal stone sorrow. Rose bushes twisted along the bars; their vines brown in their death and leaves curled in anguish. A sliver of moonlight escaped the black clouds and they were able to glimpse the cathedral like doors which were blocked by crumbled stone pillars. It was one of the worst things Sakura and Naruto had ever witnessed for a building. The odd darkness surrounding the castle caused their gut to clench.

"Old geezer was wrong!"

"Naruto, this is where the light was seen from."

Dark eyes turned to pinkette and regarded her silently for a moment before he let his gaze shift to the blonde. Crystal blue eyes stared at him hard as he regarded him for a decision. The castle looked abandoned and it did seem pointless to search out such a place.

"What's the decision, Itachi?"

Itachi sighed as he remained crouched and gazing at the looming structure. They had orders to investigate the area where the light had been reported. Shikaku had never been one to be wrong. He blinked as he watched the kunoichi get to her feet and promptly smack Naruto upon the head causing him to cross his arms and look away. Itachi shut his eyes and briefly wondered how these two Nin came to be apprenticed under the Sanin. He could admit that they were strong; even if they were childish in some of their ways.

"We will enter and scout the area," Itachi finally announced, dark eyes already focused on the mansion.

Naruto stood up and popped his shoulders as he laughed, "Hopefully this won't be completely boring."

Sakura sighed as she readjusted her fingerless gloves and clenched her hands. Satisfied that they wouldn't be coming off she looked to Naruto who merely grinned at her. Itachi lifted a hand and then they vanished in a blur. It wasn't until they were next to the gates that noticed something odd. Sakura approached the iron gates and ran her fingers over the oddly carved words in the metal.

"Here rests the City of Death," Sakura read out.

"That makes no sense," Naruto grumbled as he moved closer to inspect the gates. He flicked the bar and it made a 'thud' noise.

Itachi kept his gaze fixed on the building ahead of them as he took in his surroundings. As far as he could tell, none had been upon this land in a long time. For that he was grateful; Naruto's orange jumpsuit stuck out in the darkness like a target. He wondered why Kakashi had never made the boy dress more sensible, or better yet the Hokage. Naruto jumped and landed upon the gate; dead vines crunching under his feet as he dropped to the other side. Itachi and Sakura followed him with ease each amazed at what they saw.

Itachi assumed that this entrance must have once been a beautiful garden, but now it was a desolate land. Sakura grumbled as a flash of blue consumed her hands and she cut through the thorn brush that consumed the land. The land was overrun by thousands of vines with thorns. It didn't matter that they were dead; the thorns were still sharp. Sakura took another swipe with her chakra scalpels and cleared a path. Naruto's chuckles caused her to glare at the blonde.

"You sure do hate roses, eh Sakura?" Naruto chuckled.

A glowing hand swiped above his head cutting off a lock of blonde as she calmly said, "I also hate bad jokes."

Naruto held up his hands as a sign of peace and shook his head. He didn't want to get into a fight and chance being thrown into the thorn bushes. Granted, the Kyuubi healed him, but it was still painfully annoying to get such embarrassing injuries. Sakura rolled her eyes and saw that Itachi was already approaching the gates of the castle. His slender hand reached out and she narrowed her eyes; there was more writing upon the door.

"The House of Izanami," Itachi read off.

"The Izanami Clan?" Sakura questioned as she crossed the distance and studied the name carved into the door. "I thought the Izanami Clan was just a legend."

"They are," Itachi assured, but the evidence under his hand suggested otherwise.

"What's the Izanami clan?" Naruto finally interrupted.

"A foolish legend," Itachi calmly assured.

"Legend or not," Naruto grumbled. "I still want to know what it is!"

Itachi softly frowned as he motioned for Sakura to open the door. She gave a nod and poked the lock right out of the door with a chakra charged motion. The door groaned as it slowly slid backwards into the castle, leaving them staring into more darkness.

"I've got this!" Naruto assured as he held up his hand.

A ball of blue chakra swirled into life illuminating they space they stood in. A sound of awe escaped the blonde as he once more gazed into a sea of thorns. It was odd to see such an overgrowth of flora in any area; especially inside such a mansion where the windows weren't broken and the door still locked. Sakura shifted her foot and turned her awed gaze to the floor which was splintered with cracks where thorned vines had sprung forth.

"I don't sense any other chakra signatures," Sakura announced causing Itachi to glance at her.

"Then Shikaku is an old geezer!" Naruto loudly proclaimed and laughed, he loved being right.

It sounded like a pebble falling down stairs; soft clicks and clacks skipping until a final clack echoed in the darkness. The sound caused Naruto to tense as he squinted and looked around for the cause of the noise.

"The Izanami legend isn't about ghosts…right?" Naruto nervously questioned.

"It's about a clan that consumes their enemies!" Sakura snapped. "So shut it!"

"Both of you, quiet!" Itachi hissed as he took in the surroundings.

There was nothing but thorns in the way and they would never be able to do any recon if they couldn't see. His dark eyes searched the room for answers and he smirked when he saw a candle chandelier above them. He hoped the candles still had wicks as he made a few seals and puffed up his cheeks. The fire warmed his throat as he spat small marble sized balls at the candles. Sakura's horrified gasped filled the silence as the room was illuminated. As he continued to illuminate the room he could see that the ceiling was made of stained glass that was twisted with various mixtures of pinks to dark violet; a swirling chaos of colors.

Itachi ceased his candle task and finally took in the room. The vines in this huge hall were bright green with life; the thorns vibrantly strong as they stood out against their rows. It was then that he caught sight of something odd; a shriveled hand was sticking out of a mass of knotted vines and thorns. His eyes took in the peeling ivory paint of the walls and the faded gold of the borders. There was a mirror ahead of them that was shattered; pieces lay scattered around a grand throne of gold with torn crimson material. He spotted the body that lay resting over the armrest of the throne a shriveled hand lay limp and reaching for the floor. There was no reaching the throne with the sea of thorns that rest between them.

The room was fairly large and to have this much flora was quite a feat. It crawled along the walls and up to the ceiling. The vines encircled pillars and tore up paintings. There were bodies scattered within the vines and some vines growing from out the bodies.

"This is disgusting," Sakura muttered as she pointed out something distance. Naruto snorted, but giggled as Itachi turned his gaze.

Two more shriveled bodies rested in the distance, but they were embracing each other and standing upright as green vines entangled them. Vaguely, it looked the corpse dressed in black had a hand on the coral beings rear. Whatever had happened here had taken place at an in opportune moment.

"Should I cut it down?" Sakura questioned.

Itachi gave a nod and her hands summoned forth her chakra scalpels. She glanced ahead and realized that he hadn't given her a destination. Not bothering to ask; she decided she wanted to move toward the throne. Quickly, she began hacking away the plants careful to not scratch her skin. It was only thorns, but something set her nerves on fire with worry at the thought of being scratched by the thorns. Soon enough a path was cleared to throne and she let her chakra scalpels ebb away as she gazed upon the throne.

There were four small, yet wide steps that led a right up to the chair where the corpse was at. Sakura could clearly see that the runner than led up to the chair; though torn and worn with age that it had once been a soft pink. She could also clearly see that the thorns were embedded into the skin of what she could now identify as a woman.

"She looks like a princess," Naruto pointed out as he approached the throne.

He had voiced their thoughts. She wasn't dressed in any style of Konoha nor did she look as if she were a type of Kage. Her outfit was scanty and yet it fully covered everything. The sleeveless dress had to only reach just a bit above her knees; it dark violet colors were offset by the pink peonies. There was a collar attached to the dress that covered her neck was lined by a dark pink. This corpse didn't have a crown, but a silver band intricately of woven metals twisted the front of her in what looked like a bat shape, but where a body should sit rested a gem of pink. It was odd, but he could make out a pattern of ebony scales lining her shoulders.

Naruto was the one to move closer and peer into her face; his crystal eyes scrutinizing her sunken face and dry lips. Once he was satisfied that she was truly dead he stood up and glanced to the right and noted there were no halls, but two staircases that twisted to the second floor.

"There's no symbol of their allegiance," Itachi pointed out as he studied a few of the corpses.

"Wow," Sakura murmured as she stood next to the throne and gazed at the way they had come. "Look at the wall."

Itachi shifted his gaze and his eyes widened. Behind the throne rested a mirror, but in front at the entrances was a life sized portrait of the room to every last detail, but unlike reality; the people in the painting looked alive. The woman that was dead upon the throne sat with crossed legs and a goblet of crimson within her palm. Her sapphire eyes stared out into the room and smile curving her pink lips. Beside her rested a child with auburn hair and lively green eyes leaning into the touch of her free hand. Itachi could make what appeared to various servants and occupants all painted standing within the room and completing various tasks.

"It's undamaged," Naruto pointed out as he jumped halfway back to the painting and continued toward it.

He tilted his head in curiosity as his hand twitched and then reached out. Gently, he traced a few details of the painting wondering if it was wall or some type of material. He failed to notice a single thorn embedded in the heart of the woman upon the throne and as he ran his fingers over the material he pricked his finger. He softly grunted and pulled his hand back to stare at the small smeared blood upon his digit. His eyes darted to the painting to see that the thorn that he pricked himself upon softly pulse.

"What could've killed them?" Sakura muttered in confusion.

"An attack from the village of Kuni," Itachi had suggested.

"They aren't known for involving themselves in wars outside their borders," Sakura pointed out as she placed her glowing green hand upon the chest of the corpse queen. Maybe she could discover something about their conditions. Her attention was drawn upward as the room went cold and a breeze stirred her hair. Eyes narrowed, she noticed the drawn lips of the corpse and the elongated canine teeth.

Sakura carefully reached between the thorns to grip the vines that embedded themselves in the skin. Her fingers released the plant when she felt a dull thrum echoing within the plant. Itachi oddly stared at her as she stepped back. Something within her felt wrong at the situation as she kept her gaze upon the corpse.

"Hey guys…"

Naruto's nervous voice caused Sakura and Itachi to glance at their teammate as he slowly moved away from the painting. The thorns around the area were pulsing as the vines quivered. The flora seemed to take on a life of their own as they began to twist.

"A jutsu that's still active!" Sakura called out, confusion and fear evident.

"There's no chakra," Itachi calmly informed as the thorned vines twisted and gathered in clumps and pulsed.

Naruto cursed as he dodged a mass of vines. A thorn caught his palm and sliced into his skin. Glaring at the plant, he lunged backward and landed next to the stiff forms of his teammates. Itachi quickly made seals and both teens grinned as he brought his hand to his mouth deeply inhaled. When he exhaled a ball of fire exploded forth and consumed the slithering vines. They winced at the sounds of the vines popping and hissing. Instead of seeing the plants wither and dry up; blood bubbled up from the thorns.

"What the hell!" Naruto shouted as he sneered in disgust.

Whatever had happened in this place wasn't anything good. Sakura could only assume that these thorns had dried the occupants of their blood by the way they coiled so tightly against the skin. Sakura grimaced as the vines clenched deeper into the skin, tearing the dried corpses. The vines suddenly quivered and they watched with wide eyes as they shot forward in a wave. Itachi and Sakura jumped backwards. Naruto went to move and stumbled against the throne; his bleeding hand smacked the corpse in the face. His eyes widened as the vines began to descend upon him. Sakura screamed his name and he decided to try something. He tugged his hand away from the corpse determined to destroy these plants.

His eyes widened when his hand didn't come forward. Glancing over his shoulder he realized he felt a something pointed probing at his wounded hand. His crystal blue eyes widened as he watched the corpse press its mouth over his bleeding slit.

Dark sapphire eyes lifted and stared him in the eyes as it continued to suck. Naruto did the only thing possible; he screamed. The girlish tone echoed in the hall to Sakura and Itachi's surprise. They watched the corpse twist and saw the thorns tighten as if to restrain the thing. A growl echoed in the room; the vibration echoing through his palm as he heard the corpse hiss.

"Not again!" Naruto felt his blood run cold as the creature stared up at him with intelligent eyes. A curl twisted upon its dried lips as it questioned, "Ready for some fun, human?"

It wasn't chakra and it was something they had never felt before. Itachi clearly remembered what a Chakra Beast felt like when not contained in a host. This energy was darker than anything he had ever recalled feeling. The creature manifested energy in a visible glow of off white that consumed her being. He watched as she arched her chest forward; the vines shriveled and her body began to restore. She tore the remains from her body and stood; pushing Naruto away in the process.

Itachi couldn't believe what he was seeing. As the seconds ticked by the corpse was reanimating into a young looking woman with wrath clearly upon her face. She turned her gaze to Naruto and before they could react; her slender fingers were tangled in his hair and she lifted him as if he were the lightest thing on the planet.

"I will have my revenge for this blasphemy against the Izanami clan!" She called out.

Itachi reacted first as he withdrew a kunai. He saw the way her face was twisted in rage and saw her mouth open wide; her canines elongated. He attacked and she caught the kunai in the palm of her hand without dropping Naruto. She flicked the kunai away and tossed Naruto to the side as she caught Itachi by the fist aimed at her face. Her lips curled into a cruel smirk and he saw her gaze flicker briefly to the still present thorns.

"I won't bite," she cooed to him as she tugged him forward. "Hard." And then she dug her fangs into his wrist, clamping down like a starved animal.

"What the hell!" Naruto shouted as he got to his feet.

"Itachi!" Sakura screamed.

His eyes went wide and he slammed his hand against the side of her head attempting to dislodge her to no avail. Without releasing her hold upon his wrist; her eyes focused upon the vines. Holding up an open palm she grinned against his ravaged flesh and pulled away; blood flowing freely as she stepped forward.


The vines suddenly stopped their attack and merely shriveled. It was like time had caught up to them and demanded payment. The woman loudly laughed as she watched the things that invaded her home die. She scoffed at the weak plants and kicked a piece from the throne. Her eyes searched her castle and she sighed at the destruction she saw. Faintly, her nose twitched and she turned her attention to the humans. The blonde was standing between the boy she had bitten and the girl trying to heal his wound. No matter how much of the healing chakra she used; it was futile.

"Do you want your friend to die?" She calmly questioned and saw the blonde snarl at her.

"It won't heal," Sakura worriedly muttered.

"Of course it won't heal!" The woman derided with a proud smirk. "My bite is poisonous!"

"Leave me and report back!" Itachi ordered as his eyes glazed.

Naruto clenched the kunai as he watched the petite woman take a bare step forward. Her hips swayed and he was vaguely reminded of a serpent before it struck. Her tongue ran across her bloodied lips as she stared at him.

"I can heal him," she softly promised.

"Leave!" Itachi ordered as Sakura tried to apply more pressure upon the wound.

"How?" Sakura cried.

The woman took another step and saw Naruto's muscles tense. She rolled her eyes and assured, "If I wanted you dead, it would be so."

She calmly moved past Naruto and came to kneel in front of the bleeding Itachi and shaken pinkette. Idly, she scented the air and shut her eyes as a shiver ran down her spine. Her eyes opened and Sakura froze at the sight of the sapphire gaze; her pupils reminded her of a cat's pupil. She lifted her index finger to her mouth and slit the tip upon her fang. A drop of crimson welled to the surface and she grinned.

"What shall my price be for saving him?" The woman honestly questioned, gaze directed at Sakura.


"It's your fault! I'll kill…"

"His life is leaving him…speak a prize," the woman softly sang with a fanged smirk.

"Anything!" Sakura shot back to Naruto's outraged cry.

"Blood of my blood," she softly murmured as she reached out and let the drop fall from her finger and into his wound.

Silence consumed the room as everything went silent. A smirk of triumph lit the woman's face as she watched the boy hiss and squirm as his flesh began to knit together. She reached out and smoothed a hand along his face; gaining his gaze.


Sakura supported the suddenly limp Itachi and helped ease him to the floor. She checked his wound to find it sealed with angry red flesh. Relief spread through her as she realized that Itachi would be safe. A cold hand grasped her wrist and fear filled her being as she stared at the strange woman with crusted blood upon her face.

"Sakura!" Naruto protested.

"Silence!" The woman snapped at Naruto, literally baring her fangs. Her features softened as she spoke to Sakura, "I need you to awaken a few friends of mine."

"How?" Sakura nervously questioned.

She was steered over the remains of the dead thorns; they crunched under her boots and turned to ash under the woman's feet. They came to the upright corpses strangely embracing.

"Just a small drop," she whispered.

Sakura's eyes focused on the smeared blood of the woman's face and panic set in. The woman gently cooed at her and assured, "Nothing but a drop and I shall do the rest."

She winced as the woman pricked her finger. A glance at Naruto and saw him tense, but she stared at the dried bodies. It was with a brave step and fearful pounding heart that Sakura reached out her bleeding finger and smeared it along the tongues of both corpses. The woman grinned and griped Sakura by her wrist and dragged her to a collapses body upon the floor. Sakura repeated the process and Kagome pulled her back.

"Who are you?" Sakura questioned as she stepped back toward her teammates.

She honestly smirked and replied, "I am a woman scorned seeking revenge." The woman then turned her gaze back to the fallen corpses and announced, "Hear me!" She licked the dried blood from her lips and continued, "Blood of my blood! The Flesh of my flesh! I, Kagome, Izanami clan matriarch call you!"

These people were dead; nothing was going to happen. Sakura kept repeating that as she reached out and gripped Naruto's hand. He gave her a comforting squeeze.


The room remained silent, but they knew it a facade for what was to come. A groan filled the room and Kagome kneeled to the fallen being on the floor. She slit her palm and squeezed the blood onto its face. Quickly, she moved to the other figures that were withering. She smeared the blood across their faces and the two ninja could only watch as the bodies reformed faster than Kagome.

The two embracing figures pulled apart; each male and female. Brown and royal purple eyes focused on Kagome; despite the tattered state of their clothes, the fell to one knee and bowed their head.

"My Dominion," they reverently whispered.

It wasn't until the last figure raised that Sakura and Naruto tensed. The golden gaze was alert and focused upon them. His features were predatory, but he shifted and his ivory hair moved with the motion as he got to both knees and stared at Kagome.

"Dominion," he evenly said, voice void of emotions. "Your will be my own."

"Sango, Miroku," Kagome spoke as she gestured at the two forms that nodded. "Sesshoumaru." Kagome turned her gaze to the predator on his knees. "We will seek revenge."

"What of the humans?" Sango questioned; brown eyes upon them as she smirked.

Kagome reached up and tapped her lip before laughing; she spoke, "They will be treated as we have always treated them."

Author's Notes:

Notes: There was no Uchiha Massacre and Minato Namikaze is the Fourth Hokage. The Nine-tails attack was stopped and the Chakra beast successfully sealed inside Naruto by Hiruzen Sarutobi sacrifice; so he's dead.

The Uchiha clan issues will be explained as the story continues.

Yes, Madara Uchiha is running free with his little band of men.

Orochimaru is dead; just because I'm sick of him

This is going to be a Kagome and Harem fic and the Harem will include; Itachi, Naruto, Sakura (no yuri, you'll understand) and some others I've yet to decide

Much thanks and love for reading!

And all concerns will be answered if you choose to comment and/or ask!