Warriors School



Head teachers: Firestar and Bluestar

Students (4 toms, 4 she-cats):









ThunderSchool is for the younger warriors. It is much like a college. They have two separate dorm buildings—one for the toms, one for the she-cats. Often they will sneak over to each other's dorms to chat. There are bunk beds in each dorm. The campus section is a large building with a science lab, a library, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, and many classrooms. There are many pools of various sizes and depths for the summer.


Head Teachers: Blackstar and Russetfur

Students (3 toms, 3 she-kits):



Lark that Sings at Dawn

Pine that Clings to Rock




ShadowSchool is a sort of nursery school for the kits. The dorms are smaller buildings with twin beds for the kits to sleep in, fitted with side rails to keep them from rolling off. The school has a few classrooms and a small playground outside, as well as a kiddie pool for the summer.


Head Teachers: Mistystar and Reedwhisker

Students (5 toms, 5 she-cats):











RiverSchool is an elementary school for the apprentices. The dorms are one building, separated by a door that is almost always locked. The cats sleep on bunk beds. The school has classrooms, a gymnasium, and a playground outside for recess. There is also a pool.


Manager: Onestar









Brook Where Small Fish Swim







WindDorms are where some of the adults cats live. They have no need to go to school, and their kits (if any) are in the dorms. The WindDorms are much more luxurious than their name suggests: they have separate bedrooms, a master bathroom leading off of the bedroom, and a small living room. They go to a buffet hall for meals, and the she-cats love to pay visits to the spa. The toms enjoy themselves playing sports. Some of the she-cats also play the sports. There is even a theatre for watching movies.

School nurses: Barkface and Spottedleaf

WindDorms doctors: Yellowfang, Leafpool, Littlecloud, and Goosefeather

Chapter One: What a Weird Morning

The camera focuses on the master bedroom of Stormfur and Brook. Their wallpaper is an image of a mountain with a waterfall in front, and a relaxing stream pattern is pale compared to the tabby head of Brook Where Small Fish Swim and the gray head of Stormfur poking out from underneath.

Suddenly a loud ringing noise comes from an intercom. Onestar's voice crackles out of it.

"Up and at 'em!"

Stormfur moans. "Ugh...just five more minutes..."

Onestar persists. "If you don't come now, I'll have Purdy eat your portion of breakfast!"

Stormfur sits up suddenly. "Breakfast? !" He stands up right where he is and dashes off the bed, stepping on Brook.

Brook sits up with curlers in the fur by her ears and yowls, "Get back here, you insolent Clan cat! ...You're still in your pajamas!"

Stormfur yells from down the hall, "I don't care, and don't call me insolent!"

Brook sighs and climbs out of bed.

The camera switches to the boy's dorms of ThunderSchool. The girls are in there, chitchatting with the boys.

Firestar's voice screams from the hallway. "Where are my starliiiings? !"

Whitewing sighs. "Does anyone know who ate his starlings?"

Breezepelt belches.

Firestar: runs in, knocking down the door. He snatches up Breezepelt by his neck and shakes him vigorously. "Give! Me! My! Starlingsssss! !"

Breezepelt coughs in a strangled manner. "I'll regurgitate them if you put me down and let go of my—" He breaks off to wheeze pathetically. "—neck!"

Jayfeather, sensing trouble, says "Uh-oh" and hides under the covers.

Firestar drops Breezepelt, who immediately vomits half-digested birds all over the floor.

Firestar gasps like a father reunited with a long-lost child. "OMW! My starlings!" He picks up the soggy carcasses and cuddles them to his chest. "You guys need a bath!" He leaves with a flounce in his step.

After a pause, Birchfall speaks up. "Who's going to clean that up?"

Daisy leaps to her paws. "I love kits, and kits puke, so I love puke!" She produces a mop and bucket from somewhere. "Go out the back door!"

Jayfeather climbs off the top bunk and begins to fall. The puke is right underneath him. "Oh snap!" She falls with a gross squelching noise.

The camera switches to the boy's dorms of ShadowSchool. Blackstar is there, screaming at the sleeping kittens. "Get up, ya stinkin' kits!"

Pine sits up and yawns. "Welcome to McDonald's…," he mutters deliriously.

Blackstar seemingly takes on the form of an army general. "Outta that daze! We've got work to do! The sooner we finish, the sooner I can stop with you!"

Molekit, who is now awake, adds in a tiny voice, "And the sooner I can play with Mousewhisker!" He holds up a stuffed animal mouse with whiskers drawn on the muzzle in smudged black marker.

Blackstar replies furiously, "Get in gear!"

The camera moves to the boy's dorms of RiverSchool.

Reedwhisker pads into the dorm. "Come on! Let's get…oh boy."

Dustpaw and Scorchpaw are staring with bloodshot eyes at a TV. They are also holding controllers in their paws.

Sneezepaw sits up and complains loudly, "They've been up all night playing that…that thing!" He moans. "I haven't gotten a wink of…." He falls over backwards, comic-style, and snores loudly.

Tigerpaw is peeking through the keyhole into the girl's dorm. "Maybe I can see Dovepaw…," he murmurs hopefully.

Reedwhisker comes over and clouts him gently over the ear. "Okay, Tigerpaw, knock it off!"

The camera moves through the keyhole and into the girl's dorms. The girls are sitting on a top bunk, chatting.

Fernpaw is speaking. "I know that Dustpaw likes me! He tries not to show it, but I've seen him staring!"

Ivypaw giggles. "Dovepaw, Tigerpaw's trying to see you again."

Dovepaw lashes her tail. "I'm not going to give him the pleasure of seeing me half-naked again!" She climbs off the bunk-bed, pads over to the door and sticks a finger through the keyhole, jabbing Tigerpaw in the eye.

Willowpaw winks as sounds of Tigerpaw moaning over his poked eye come through the keyhole. "Nice one, Dovepaw."

A knock sounds on the main door (not the one separating the dorms), and Mistystar pads in. "Okay, time to get ready! Remember to be there by 7:30 or you'll miss breakfast!"

The camera fades briefly to black before showing the buffet hall in WindDorms.

Heavystep and Crookedstar are sitting in a booth. Heavystep picks up a croissant and bites into it, talking to Crookedstar. "Y'know, it seems that every time I get a croissant, it's burned!"

Crookedstar swallows a bite of Eggs Benedict. "That's strange…the croissants are never burnt." He accepts the piece of Heavystep's croissant, chewing thoughtfully. "This isn't burnt, it's fine."

Heavystep shows the bottom of the croissant. "But can't you see the burned spots? !" he objects.

Crookedstar examines the outstretched croissant carefully. "This croissant is flawless! How can you say it is burnt?"

Heavystep puts it on Crookedstar's plate and mutters, "Maybe I'll get a piece of toast…." He pads off dejectedly.

Crookedstar gets up and sits at a table across from Leopardstar.

Leopardstar waves cheerfully. "Good morning, Crookedstar."

Crookedstar inclines his head. "Good morning."

Heavystep's voice is heard as he yells, "DARN YOU, FIRE! DARN YOU!"

Leopardstar shakes her head slowly. "I'm not even going to ask..."

Heavystep comes up to Crookedstar's table with a perfectly toasted piece of toast with one bite in it. "They hate me…they all hate me…." He leans on Crookedstar's shoulder and starts sobbing.

Leopardstar glances around uncomfortably. "Ummmm…Iiiii'm going to go sit with Mosspelt, okay?" She departs with her plate. Heavystep, still sobbing, throws the piece of toast at the RiverClan leader's back.

Leopardstar turns around, shock all over her face. "Hey! What was that—?" She is interrupted as a fried egg hits her where her tail connects to her body. She turns around, glaring at a sheepishly grinning Longtail and fingering the hash browns on her plate. "It's on!" she growls.

Purdy yowls jubilantly, "FOOD FIGHT!"

Onestar runs in just in time. "Stop!" he cries. "You're acting like apprentices!"

Everyone settles down to eat, muttering.

The camera changes to the RiverSchool cafeteria.

It is total havoc. Dovepaw and Tigerpaw are smashing omelets in each other's faces; Sneezepaw is creaming Hollowpaw in the face with a pie, and Hollowpaw is taking out all the mushrooms from the mushroom omelets and throwing them at Sneezepaw, who hates mushrooms; Dustpaw is hurling whole eggs at Scorchpaw; Sneezepaw is running around insanely, scared out of his wits from the mushrooms; Flamepaw is slicing up steak quickly and using the knife to hit home runs into other cats; Scorchpaw just dumped syrup all over Dustpaw; Sneezepaw just got covered in raw egg and syrup from running between Dustpaw and Scorchpaw; Ivypaw is helping Dovepaw beat up on Tigerpaw with hard-boiled eggs and ham, while Tigerpaw is futilely defending himself with a soup spoon; Dawnpaw just threw two lemon-meringue pies into the air, smashing accurately onto Dustpaw's and Scorchpaw's heads; it is basically chaos.

Mistystar tries to make peace. "Everyone! Be quiet! Please!"

No one hears her.

Beside her, Reedwhisker bellows, "KNOCK IT OFF! ! !"

Everyone freezes.


Everyone but Mistystar and Reedwhisker salutes. "Yes, SIR!"

Reedwhisker waves a paw. "Dismissed!"

The apprentices go back to eating quietly.

Mistystar faces her assistant teacher. "Was that really necessary?"

Reedwhisker nods. "You knew that I was a military general when you hired me."

"No, I didn't!" Mistystar argues.

The camera moves to the ShadowSchool cafeteria. The kits are eating and talking amongst themselves.

Blackstar lets out an agonized groan. "I hate this job. Russetfur, take over for me for a bit."

Russetfur nods halfheartedly. "Blah, sure."

Blackstar leaves, sighing in relief. The instant he is gone, Russetfur pulls out a fashion magazine and starts reading it.

Pine nods sharply. "Quick, let's go." He heads to the playground with the other kits.

Russetfur, not looking up from her magazine, mumbles, "Let me know when it's 8:30."

Oh dear…what a normal morning! Please review! The next chapter will be their insane school day! XD Insanity…

~ Mothy and WarriorsRule

(The above was written by Mothstat