Author's Note: (Updated as of November 22, 2013) This is an old story that I've written quite a long time ago and this was originally a One-Shot. Reading it again made me realize that there was something... childish about this story that I really don't like so I decided to revise it. But to all who read this a couple of years ago, rest assured that I didn't change the very plot of it and just added some words to make it more detailed and added some scenes that I thought would be for the better.

This story was inspired by my other fic, A Dream come true which is a Post Brotherhood story that was set years after the end that I originally wrote before this. The other is more RoyAi based, so this time I'll write about Edward, Alphonse and Winry's Future. But before we head to their future... Let's first relived their pasts when they were still young kids with ambitious dreams.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA nor it's characters. This is clearly just an old fan fiction. XD

~~~ Fairy Tale ~~~

Chapter One: A Pleasant Start

= Some time ago =

It was another peaceful day in the rural town of Resembool. The sun is up, brightening all the residents lives. The birds are singing a sweet melody and a gentle breeze makes the grass sway in perfect harmony.

With the arrival of morning, sunlight started peering over the Elric Residence's windows and in a room upstairs, their lies the young alchemists, Edward and Alphonse who were still fast asleep on their beds.

Carefully opening the door inside the room, Trisha went in and look at her sons. She smiled as she saw her boys still asleep and shook her head at the look of them. Edward was sleeping with his mouth wide open and his right hand holding his tummy again while Alphonse slept like a cat resting on his side and both of them have alchemy books and papers scattered near their beds.

Trisha picked them all up and placed all the alchemy books and papers neatly in a desk nearby. As she placed the last book in the desk, she placed her hands on both side of her hips and look at the boys sternly. " Geez, I just told this boys to return all this books and papers back to his study after they finished reading them and now look, they're scattered everywhere in the house! "

Edward let out incoherent words in his sleep while Alphonse started mumbling something. Though she didn't hear or even understand what the boys said, it was definitely about alchemy.

" They are his sons, after all. " Trisha said as she walked towards Edward's bed and sat down near the edge. She smiled as she heard Edward snoring softly. She then stroke his cheeks lovingly and softly ruffled his golden hair.

" My little Edward is slowly growing to be just like his father. Stubborn and Persistent. " She thought to herself as she bent down and planted a soft kiss on Edward's forehead, " Ed, wake up. " She called out sweetly, making the young boy stir from his sleep and slowly opened his eyes a few seconds later.

" Good Morning, Mom. " Edward called out sleepily as he slowly sit up and rubbed his tired eyes. Trisha smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him once more in the cheek. " Good Morning, Honey. Pleasant Dreams? " She asked.

In response, Edward let out a long, soft yawn and fell back on bed. " It looks like he's still in one. " She added and giggled when she heard him snoring again.

" Brother sure is lazy. " Alphonse said sleepily while he sat up from his bed and made his way towards his mom, rubbing his eyes as he did.

Trisha smiled and welcomed Alphonse with wide arms as he reached her and she pulled him for a warm embrace. " My baby Alphonse is slowly growing to be like me. Gentle and Stern. " She thought to herself before she leaned back and kissed Alphonse tenderly on his forehead, " Good Morning my little baby. Slept well? " She asked sweetly.

Alphonse smiled lovingly at her and nodded, " Good morning, mom and I was sleeping well until brother's snore was getting louder last night. " He replied, pouting cutely at his brother afterwards.

Trisha couldn't help but laugh at the look of him. " Mind your brother, Al. He's just tired from reading too much of your father's notes. "

" Though I was up all night reading the same books with him. " Alphonse stated, Trisha raised a brow at him, " Then you're right. He is just lazy. " she agreed as both of them laugh in agreement.

" No, I am not lazy. " Edward suddenly spoke as he sat back up and rubbed his eyes. Trisha turned to look at him and patted his head, " Is that so? "

" Alright then, now that you're both up. Why don't we all head down and help me prepare breakfast? " She added and she quirked a brow at Edward when he slumped back in his bed. " Five more minutes. " He called out.

" Lazy potato. " Trisha said teasingly as she stood up. Then she turned to Alphonse, " Al, I'll go and head down to the kitchen first. Make sure to get your brother up within five minutes. After all, we have to get ready for our trip to the Rockbell's later today. " She added and smiled as she saw Alphonse nod.

" Okay, mom. " Alphonse said endearingly as Trisha leaned down and kissed him in the cheek before she head towards the door and leave the room to head down to the kitchen for breakfast.

Meanwhile, Alphonse looked back at Edward and sat down on his brother's bed before he crossed his arms. " Let's see... " He uttered as he started thinking about ways to wake his brother up.

After a few minutes, He tried to shook him up, but that only resorted on Edward pushing his younger brother off his bed.

Alphonse let out a groan as he fell down the floor. " Alright Brother, this means war. " He stated as he stood back up and eyed his brother slyly.

Edward slowly opened his eyes as he heard Alphonse words. What greeted his eyes though wasn't his younger brother, just the bare wooden floor. " Al? " He called out.

Unknowingly, Alphonse had managed to move to his blind side at the rear end of the bed. Once he heard his brother call out his name did he make his move. Successfully ambushing his brother and attacking him in all sides. His infamous tickle attack.

" Ah! Alphonse! Ha! ha! ha! Get off of me! Ha ha! Right this instance! Ha! Ha! Ha! " Edward managed breath out as he tried to push his brother away to no avail. He was too weak to even move.

" Promise me, you'll get up right now and head back down to the kitchen with me afterwards. " Alphonse demanded as Edward nodded and replied desperately between pants and gasps, " Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, I'll head.. Ha! Ha! ... head down now! Ha ha!"

Hearing that, Alphonse stopped his attack with a satisfied look on his face as he emerge victorious in their battle. He watched in amusement as his brother fell limply to his bed once more panting hard. Desperately catching his breath. " That... was, a mean move... Al. Taking, me, by surprise... like that. " He managed to breathed out.

Alphonse smiled toothily at this brother, " That's what you get after pushing me off your bed earlier! " He said teasingly. Then he stood up while Edward sat back up and eyed his younger brother. " Al, are you going to the kitchen now? " He asked as he saw Alphonse heading for the door.

Alphonse nodded, " I think I'll go help, mom prepare breakfast. Have you heard that we're going to the Rockbell's later? " He said as he held the door's knob then looked back. He was a bit surprised to see his brother hastily jumped out from his bed and hurriedly made his way towards him, asking " We're going to visit Winry? "

Alphonse nodded and then looked at his brother teasingly, " Yep. But why are you suddenly so eager, Brother? Did you miss Winry that much already? We just saw each other at school yesterday. "

Edward blushed, " Hey, that's not it! It's just that there's something I want the three of us to do this afternoon! " He explained while they left their room and proceeded on heading down the kitchen.

Then Alphonse eyed his brother curiously, "...and that would be? " He asked as they reached the very end of the stairs.

Edward looked at his brother and grinned, " Let's just say that I heard about this great place from someone and they said that the view there is fantastic! " He said excitedly as they entered the kitchen.

As they got inside, they were immediately greeted by a warm smile from their mother who has just place the last bowl she needed in the table. " Hi, boys. Took you guys long enough to go down. I've already finished preparing breakfast. " She said as she sat down on the dining chair.

Seeing food in the table, Edward and Alphonse cheered and excitedly jumped to their seats.

" Thank you for the food! " They all said in unison.

Trisha took a loaf of bread from a plate and grab the bread knife, after cutting the loaf in half, she added butter to it and ate it. Alphonse on the other hand took the bottle of milk in his left hand and poured all it's contents in the bowl. Then he reached for the box of cereal and poured some of it's contents in his bowl as well.

While Edward was busy glaring at the milk bottle in front of him. " We meet again, milk. " He said disdainfully.

" Drink your milk honey. You know that it's good for you to grow strong and tall. " Trisha replied as she prepared to eat a second buttered, bread.

" I can't. I don't like it. " Edward uttered, still glaring at the bottle.

" But it taste good if you mix it with cereal, Brother. Look! " Alphonse said as he took a spoonful of his cereal in his mouth. " Delicious! " He added as he swallowed it. Then he look at his brother again, " You should try it, Brother! "

Seeing no other meal beside cereal and buttered bread, Edward reached for a loaf, " Pass. I really can't stand milk. Maybe I'll just try what mom is eating. " He said as he copied what Trisha was making. Once he was done with his butter sandwich, he took a large bite on it. Then his eyes grew wide.

Alphonse was a bit shock upon this. " But Brother... Butter is also made from milk so that really doesn't make any difference. "

Edward eyed his sandwich dejectedly, " Yes. I've noticed it earlier... " He was silent about it and continued looking at it for a few more seconds before Trisha and Alphonse laughed at the look of his funny face.

Realizing that he was dazing at a sandwich and hearing his mom and younger brother laugh. Edward couldn't help but laugh along as well while he finished eating the entire sandwich quickly. After a good laugh, Trisha stood up and took out another plate and head towards the oven and took the frying pan with her free hand and carefully put it's contents in the plate.

Edward and Alphonse look at their mother curiously as she approached them and eagerly eyed the plate as soon as she placed it down the table. It was a fresh batch of sunny-side up eggs making Edward feel agitated about being tricked and frowned. He didn't had to eat the buttered sandwich after all.

" Sorry, Ed. I couldn't help but tease you. Though, I was honestly not expecting you to fall for it as well. " Trisha said apologetically as she humored Edward by tickling his sides in an attempt to make him smile. Alphonse on the other hand was having difficulty in suppressing his laughter.

Giving in a few seconds later. Edward sighed and smiled. " Oh well. " he uttered as he took another loaf of bread and began eating breakfast once more.

After that, the family enjoyed their breakfast and happily talked about trivial things until they're finished eating.

Meanwhile, Trisha took all the dishes to the sink, Edward cleaned the tables and Alphonse place the now empty milk bottles outside the house. He then couldn't help but lightly chuckle as he remembered his brother's face when their mom convinced Edward to drink his milk by saying that he's not coming with them to the Rockbell's until he drank all of the bottle's contents.

Once Alphonse returned to the kitchen. Trisha looked back at the boys, " Ed, Al, why don't you two get ready for our trip to the Rockbell's now? I'll get ready as well once I've finished this dishes. " She said as the two boys nodded. " Okay. "

With that, Edward and Alphonse quickly made their way out the kitchen and back to their room to get everything they may need before heading out.

~~~ End of Chapter One: A Pleasant Start ~~~

Author's Note: I just wanted to say that everything in this chapter is newly written. None of this was originally part of my old version of this story but I thought that this would be a sweet start for it. I rarely have stories involving Trisha, you see so I couldn't help but add this scene to write more about her since she's really a sweet character and I realize that there are not much stories involving her as well.

The next chapter contains half of what I originally wrote for this story though. But of course, I'll be adding a lot of new scenes so I hope you'll give it another try if you can. Thanks for reading this chapter and hope you'll look forward to the rest. :)