Judging by the ambiance of the room, it was snowing outside. The room was dark and mellow even with the curtains over the windows slightly left open, and with the clock reading past seven in the morning, Peter knew that if it weren't snowing he'd have a face-full of sun at the moment. Not now, though, and that was just fine with him.

He shifted in bed, his head rolling first to the left; the empty glass of wine on the nightstand and his watch, open wallet and phone strewn across the nightstand the first objects that came into his vision. A smile creased the edges of his mouth and, loving the warmth of the sheets and duvet around him, he slid down further into the almost too comfortable spot he had made in the bed before his head turned back to the right. This time, no personal affects caught his eye first – just the small, blanket-clad blonde mess of hair at his side. Even curled almost as tight as she could go, her back to him, Peter thought she might be the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in the morning.

Despite the comfort in his current position, Peter rolled over to his right until his bare hip slid against the sheet, laying on his side and watching the little blonde ball of covers rise and fall steadily. Olivia was still asleep. This time there was no 7 a.m. alarm to jar them from blissful unconsciousness and Peter couldn't have been happier about it. Being able to watch her sleep, even if she was half-hidden, well, it was just worth it.

His eyes dragged from the back of her head to the nightstand on her side of the bed, neater than his by far but, hey, she lived here, of course half her personal belongings weren't cluttered on it. Instead, her own empty glass of wine to match Peter's, a glass of water and oddly enough, Peter's driver's license.

His eyes narrowed, then relaxed a moment later, a very quick smile coming to him and this time a chuckle, too, closing his eyes again as his hand found its way under the covers and to Olivia's warm hip, stroking her skin softly as he thought about the night before.

So they were just sandwiches. Sitting in Olivia's kitchen, two half-empty plates in front of them and half-full glasses of wine, Peter couldn't have been happier to occupy his night anywhere else but with her. The kiss, the invitation to stay from Olivia was enough for Peter on its own but a night with her to just relax and not think about people icing over or spontaneous combustion or the world falling apart… that just made it better.

"You're kidding, you're lying!" Peter laughed, sitting back in his chair as Olivia stood to clear the plates in front of them, taking both to the sink and rinsing them as Peter's voice raised an octave from mock outrage. "How have you never seen Indiana Jones? Any of them!"

"I thought they looked stupid, I never saw them!" Olivia laughed, too, her back turned from Peter as both the dishes found their way into the dishwasher. By that time, he was up, both glasses of wine in his hands as he came to stand next to her.

The glasses hit the counter as Peter only half-feigned shock, his head shaking slowly as the petite blonde turned her head to look up at him. "I cannot believe what I'm hearing. I should go."

Laughter, again, this time the both of them as Olivia reached back and grabbed the bottle of wine they had opened together. The first refill she had asked if he wanted more, this time she poured without permission, filling both their glasses once more before her eyes raised to his coyly, almost affectionately.

"Do you want to go sit on the couch?" Peter nodded in response to the question, picking up both the glasses again as Olivia took the bottle, disappearing first to the couch with him close on her heels.

Peter's eyes opened. Had he dozed? At least twenty minutes, according to the clock near Olivia's glass of wine. It didn't seem that she had moved at all next to him, the bump of covers that made up Olivia Dunham still rose and fell as steadily as they had when he had first awoke and under them his hand was still on her waistline. One small change to the setting; she may have not woken while he slept but her hand had crept over his and now her fingers were gently half-laced with his on her hip. He smiled sleepily into the pillow, eyes falling shut once more. It wasn't the first time he had ever felt her fingers laying against his, but it was one of the first like this, like the night before.

"I just knew then, you know? I always knew what I wanted to do. Ever since I was a kid this is the life I wanted. Maybe not this weird one in particular but something like this. FBI work."

Peter nodded, his eyes set and steady at the woman on the couch with him. Their bodies were turned into one another and at only a few inches apart, they were close enough to touch if they wanted. Almost four hours they had been talking about life and joking, the bottle of wine disappearing in no hurry and more casually now than to calm their nerves. If they had been lying down together, Peter might have considered it pillow talk. Sitting up, they were getting to know each other.

"That's impressive. Commendable. I never had that feeling. My mother and I were too busy just living without Walter around for me to think about what I wanted to do. At some point, it was easier to just drop out and find my own way. Find my way.. away from where I was. It never sat right."

Olivia smiled. Her body shifted, knee gently brushing against his as she turned just slightly more toward him. Body language would say she was interested in what he was saying, or him, even, and both were true. "You were lucky. Even dropping out, with as smart as you are it worked."

Peter laughed softly, the creases around his eyes coming into play as his smile formed at her compliment. It was subtle but it was there; as smart as he was was something she liked about him.

"There are smarter."


Now it was a compliment, she had rejected his modesty. The IQ was something easy to ignore until someone pointed it out to him, otherwise it seemed like anyone else's test scores. Coming from anyone else it would mean very little, but from Olivia it had potential to make him smile.

"Well," he said, his hand relocating from the back of the couch to her knee, rubbing her skin through the fabric of the pantsuit. "It wasn't doing me too much good until someone came along and gave me some purpose."

"Peter," And she leaned in, finally, their lips sealed tightly and everything else faded from him.

He must have been thinking about it. Her voice, the tone, so soft and welcoming was echoing in his head but Olivia was still fast asleep. He could watch her forever, he still thought, but if the previous night was any indication of their future Peter thought he might finally have the chance to actually watch her morning after morning. And if that were the case, waking her today wouldn't make him miss out on too much.

"Livia," He spoke softly, his voice thick with sleep still as he slid up until his chest was pressed against her bare back, the hand on her hip shaking her own fingers away and sliding down her taunt stomach, around her small abdomen until he had her locked in his arm. "Livia."

He pressed his lips to the concave of her ear, kissing her skin not once, but twice, his fingers almost playfully tickling her hip that was still pressed tightly into the bed. The movement she gave off told him that she was waking up and when he pressed his chest into her back a little more, leaning over with the purpose of kissing around her temple, her eyes opened lazily.

It seemed to take her a moment to clear her head and come to, no doubt inwardly questioning for a moment why Peter was in bed with her, literally nuzzling his nose against the side of her head. It had taken Peter a moment, too, and any fears that had momentarily sprung up about her regretting this again were washed away when she rolled more onto her back, or attempted; rather rolling her shoulder into his chest until they were pressed tightly together.

"You're still here."

There was shock in her voice, not outwardly noticeable but there all the same and Peter nodded down at her a couple of times, fingers splaying along the ultra-soft skin along her hip bone. "Where else would I go, Liv?"

It was rhetorical and she knew he wasn't looking for an answer. He wanted her to know, to be completely sure that he wasn't going to run or leave, and that he hadn't changed his mind from the previous night. He hadn't changed his mind since Seattle and, finally, it seemed to be hitting her just how serious Peter was.

She rolled further against him, her shoulder pressing hard against his chest until he slid back enough to give her the room to roll over completely so they were chest to chest. Peter's hand around her abdomen stayed below the covers, locking her against him, while the other moved into her hair. Somewhere Peter had heard that eye contact became uncomfortable after nine seconds time, but looking down at Olivia, his fingers twisting into her hair as his blue orbs focused on her greenish-hazel ones, he couldn't imagine ever feeling uncomfortable locking that look with her.

"What are you doing?" Peter entered Olivia's bedroom again with a laugh, a glass of water in his hand. Olivia, still in bed, though now sitting up against the headboard, with the sheet pulled up under her arms, hair down and fanned out over her shoulders, had fished Peter's wallet out of his jeans and was slowly going through the contents.

"I wanted to see if you took a bad driver's license photo," she paused, setting down the contents in her lap and reaching for the glass of water as he came to the bed. She thanked him with a smile before bringing it to her lips, drinking and setting it on the bedside table. "You know this thing is expired?"

"I was out of the country."

"You drove my government car with this."

Peter smiled. Olivia had a feeling it was the look he gave to people when he was trying to get out of trouble. Too charming for his own good, too handsome. Olivia knew she'd run into trouble trying to be angry at him in the future if he flashed her that look.

"I work for the FBI. It's okay," He told her, sliding back down under the sheets with her and fitting himself close enough so their shoulders touched. He watched her rifle through the cards in his possession, everything from credit cards to frequent eater punch cards, no doubt several of which he kept for Walter. "You know you're going through my entire life, here."

Olivia smiled, pursing her lips as she slipped a few cards back in the slots, nodding and speaking without making eye contact. "Better than any file I could have had on you, I'm sure."

Peter laughed, reaching down into her lap and scooping up the wallet and cards, quickly setting them on the surface near the bed before he leaned back into Olivia. She was so different than she had been in the past, even different than the days in Seattle. Maybe he was a fool not to ask her how she felt now that he was back in her good graces but even unspoken, Peter was sure there was no running now.

He turned, pushing Olivia's shoulder gently until she slid back down; back flat against the mattress and he crawled over her, grinning. "I'll give you a file.."

"Where are you?"

Peter blinked, his eyes refocusing on Olivia's face in front of him. Slight concern showed around her brows and the corners of her mouth and Peter knew without asking what she was worried about. One day she'd learn he wasn't going anywhere.

"Right here. I'm right here with you," He smiled down at her, his fingers twisting out of her hair enough to trail down her face. He cupped her cheek in his hand, prepared to tell her more, comfort her, but she never gave him the chance.

Peter's mouth met Olivia's in time for her to catch his bottom lip between both of hers. When she slid over, laying once again on her back and spreading her legs ever so slightly, Peter moved over, too, following the hints she gave him, that he was learning, until he was over her again. She had been more subtle the night before; her hand gently resting on his thigh or her fingers twisting into his hair – hints that signaled she wanted something, him. He was sure they were still there but now, at least at the very moment they were in now, he knew exactly what was on her mind.

Sliding between her legs, his bare flesh met hers instantly. The feeling was enough to make him draw in a breath against her lips. There needn't be anything even overly sexual about what they were doing; just the simple feel of Olivia's skin on his was enough to make him feel like he had to gasp for her. But like this, completely pressed to her, it made him feel like he was drowning. The swell of her breasts pressed into his chest was more prevalent as Peter could feel her nipples pebbling against his skin, pressed hard to him as her arousal grew. Every breath she took against his slightly parted mouth drew her stomach muscles in, creating a small space between them that disappeared every time Olivia wiggled herself closer up against Peter's abdomen. And, god, her hips; no doubt now slightly bruised from the night before, rolling up against his slowly, teasingly, and he could feel her growing wet for him, against him.

How was it possible this woman was even real?

Olivia's thighs raised and pressed around Peter's waistline, the pads of her feet coming to repose against the backs of his calves. Even the feeling of her toes, cool but soft, pressing into the muscles lining the back of his legs made the blood rush out of Peter's head. He groaned, allowing her to slide her smooth inner thigh up his side a bit more, the room allowing his now completely full erection to slide between her thighs without entering her.

"You're horrible," he whispered softly, Olivia only proving his point further by rocking her hips forward, letting his length slide through her wet warmth. "Livia."

Unable to take the tone in Peter's voice, she arched up, her hips sliding up gracefully until his head pressed eagerly to her core and, with the roll of her hips upward as his angled down, he entered her, filling her as their lips met, too. He swallowed down her moan but the clench of her walls around him and her fingers already biting into the skin along his shoulders went untamed and when Peter, confident that Olivia was ready, began to thrust his hips forward into hers, both actions on her part only increased.

As Peter pushed forward, his hips meeting Olivia's completely, he felt her body tense and arch as the small of her back left the bed, forcing a wedge between them as she gasped at the feeling of his fullness. He shifted, leaving one hand on the bed against her side while he brought the other between them, cupping her perfect handful of a breast in his palm as he lowered his head to her chest. With his hips never missing a beat, his tongue trailed around her nipple, still entirely hard from the skin-to-skin contact between them, teasing and toying with it against his mouth before sucking it past his lips. When her back arched again, this time from his mouth on her chest, Peter only switched from breast to breast, leaving Olivia to call out his name softly into the otherwise quiet room.

Seemingly unbeknown to either of them his hips had picked up speed and in return, hers had as well, rocking into one another hurriedly as each approached their peaks. When Peter's hand moved away from her breasts, although his lips didn't, he slid his fingers down between her ribcage and abdomen, between her hipbones to her rocking lower half. The slick heat between them was like a magnet to his hand and as he twisted his palm to face her skin, his fingertips brushed her clit once, twice, gently, testing her reaction.

Olivia's hips left the bed again, this time more violently and as they did so, Peter was buried deep in her warmth. In unison they moaned, Olivia's head tilting back into the pillow while Peter's finally left her breast, coming to rest with his forehead against hers. Peter's fingers, slick now against Olivia's hot skin, only continued for a few more moments before Olivia's body tensed into his chest, her muscles quivering around Peter's impressive length for a second more before a wave of warmth washed over her and she said his name again, clawing at the skin on his back as she came. Her cries and the tightness of her body left Peter no choice and before Olivia had even relaxed, he had joined her over the edge.

"What are we going to do?"

Peter, on his back, looked down at Olivia as she spoke, curled on her side against him, head resting on his chest. They had both regained their composure and Peter's only regret was the glass of water brought before was empty, and this time he wasn't getting up so quickly to refill it.

"We're going to be fine. Didn't I tell you that in Seattle?"

"You said I'd be fine." It was clearer now; her voice was thicker with sleep than he had caught the first time. Her worries, hopefully the last of them for the time been, were sleep-ridden fears about not just their relationship, but their lifestyle in general. And Peter had already promised her safety.

"You will be fine." Peter paused; his finger raking through Olivia's slightly tangled blonde locks. "I'm going to see to it."

Silence. When he glanced down again, she had fallen asleep.

Olivia was back on her side, Peter still on his back as his breathing evened back out. Hers had, too, from the sound of it, and he reached over for her, rubbing her shoulder, he felt her move back to get more from his touch.


"I'm here."

A pause. "What you said in Seattle."


Her pause, longer this time, told him that the previous night's conversation had been too late for her – insecurities were still something present for her. And instead of letting Olivia run from him again, instead of not talking like Seattle after their night together, Peter didn't wait for Olivia to speak first.

"What I told you was Charlie wasn't the only one to care for you. To look out for you." He raised himself up, closing the little space between them on the bed and again pressing his chest against her back, both of his arms circling her this time in a full hug. His head, too, dropped and he kissed her jaw to her ear, his voice low.

"I'm not the only one to care for you, either." He paused, arms squeezing her small frame as he dropped his voice; his tone protective, serious. "But nobody else is going to care more than I do. Livia, you're gonna be fine."