Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own Twilight or any of the characters they all belong SM.

A/N: Hi anyone that's currently reading this, weather that is one person or twenty people. This came in to my mind as I like odd pairings and I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone. This is really just setting the scene and to test the waters, to see if I should continue with this.

Well please read on, but if you do not like slash fiction then kindly turn away. You have been warned. And on with the show!

Chapter I ~ It All Started With a Kiss

Edward POV

Finishing off the last school report, I heard a loud insistent knock on my front door, followed by my name being shouted by a very drunk person. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose, I stood and casually walked to the door. Glancing through the peep hole I saw Jacob swaying drunkenly as he tried not to fall on the floor. Swiftly pulling the door open, I was greeted with an ecstatic smile and enthusiastic greeting as he threw his arms out to give me a hug but fell when he took a shaky step forwards.

Grabbing him by the arm, before he hit the floor I awkwardly threw one of his arms round my neck and pulled him into the living room, depositing him on my sofa. As soon as I dropped him he slumped forwards, leaning with his head in his hands, a desolate cry escaping his lips.

"Jake, weren't you meant to be on your date?" Jacob was gay, had been ever since he came out at 18, but he knew long before that or so he said. We met at college, when I came across him beating up two guys for calling him a faggot. You would never know he was gay unless he told you and it never bothered me, he was just any other guy and it was never awkward between us.

"Me and Paul broke up" I shook my head, Paul was Jacob's on/off boyfriend they were crazy in love with each other, but because Jacob hated to be controlled by anyone they argued all the time.

"I'm sure you'll work it out, you always do" he shook his head dejectedly.

"Not this time" he paused rubbing his eyes sleepily "He broke up with me" at these words he slumped back on the couch, his eyes closing as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What happened?" he remained so quiet that for a moment I thought he had fallen asleep, until he uncrossed his arms and let out a deep sigh.

"It doesn't matter now" he opened his eyes and looked down at me his expression neutral. Standing up I moved over to the other end of the sofa and sat down, next to Jacob placing a hand on his back and patting him, in what I hoped was a reassuring manner.

"It'll be alright Jake"

"Will it?" he lapsed into silence again, still looking at me for reassurance. It was then that I realised how close we were sitting next to each other, my hand still on his back I moved it to his shoulder. Squeezing his shoulder lightly and giving him a small smile I was about to move away, when he reached out and placed his hand on the back of my neck, in a very intimate gesture.

Before I could move away, he leaned in closer so that I could feel the warmth of his toned chest pressed up against my own. Tilting his head towards me slowly, I still had a chance to stop this, to move away or push him off me.

But some reason, I didn't want to.

So he lifted his hands to my face quickly removing my glasses and placing them on the coffee table, then he leaned into me, his lips brushing against mine gently at first. But then my hands found them grasping his hair and on his lower back holding him even closer to me. He opened his lips and his warm tongue pushed against my lips for entrance, which I gladly gave him, our tongues intertwining as he let out a groan closer to a growl. Instead of shocking me into realising what I was doing, it spurred me on, one of Jacob's hands making it's way down my body to cup my ass. Biting my lip he squeezed my ass, which made me groan in pleasure as I continued to kiss him deeply with more fervour.

Roughly pushing me back I was on my back with Jacob hovering on top of me as he smirked at me and leaned in to continue the kiss our groins rubbed against each other, Jacob let out another sexy growl as I felt how aroused he was getting. Then I realised that this had to stop, leaning away to stop the kiss and then standing up swiftly I turned my back to him, hearing a low groan of disappointment as I did so. I turned my back to him so that he would not see how turned on I was.

"Edward" he whined as he attempted to stand up, but he fell due to being excessively drunk. He landed back on the sofa with a soft thump, I pinched the bridge of my nose before I started talking.

"You can stay here tonight, I'll get you some pillows and a blanket" I heard no response from him, so I turned around and saw him sleeping, light snores emanating from his chest. Walking over to him, I looked at his sleeping form for a moment and then slowly pushed aside a lock of hair, my hand lingering for longer than was necessary.

Sighing deeply, I adjusted myself painfully before leaving my friend to sleep.


The next day, I left before Jacob woke up leaving him a glass of water and a couple of aspirin on the coffee table. After all of the alcohol he consumed last night, he would have a major hangover when he woke up.

Slipping out quietly I avoided having to talk to Jacob to see if remembered the events of last night. I did not think he would remember it, not after being so drunk but it would be best if he didn't. After all it didn't mean anything did it, it didn't make me gay for having a kiss with my friend. What made me gay was if I liked the kiss or wanted to do it again. Shaking my head to clear all thoughts of Jacob and being gay, I drove to work fairly fast arriving at the school I worked at in only twenty minutes.

Getting out of the car, I got out my phone and sent a quick text to Bella, reminding her of the birthday dinner I have planned for her tonight.

Her response was quick, telling me that she loves me with a few kisses on the end which made me smile and forget about how Jacob's lips felt on mine.

Knocking on Bella's apartment door that night, I straightened my cuff links and she opened the door moments later. With a midnight blue dress, it had a scoop neck and broad straps with studs on them, a low waist with a thin silver belt to show off her tiny waist. The dress was made of floaty material that ended just above her knees, she paired it with strappy silver heels, a matching clutch and a silver wrap. Her hair was in a low bun, a few curls escaping to frame her face, light make up and no jewellery apart from a pair of silver drop earrings and a ring on the small finger on her right hand.

She smiled wildly at me, and locked the door behind her before standing close to me and kissing me. Feeling her soft lips as she gently kissed me wrapping her arms round my neck I couldn't help but compare it to my kiss with Jacob. Bella was all soft and gentle where Jacob was dominant and a little bit rough, a small part of me wanted the person kissing me to be him. When this though entered my mind I broke of the kiss abruptly, leaving Bella with a confused look on her face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. But we should get going or we'll miss our reservation" she simply nodded and took my hand as we walked to where my Volvo was parked.

An hour later, after we had gotten to the restaurant we had just finished the main course and we were sipping our wine, laughing and enjoying each other's company. I felt that this was the perfect moment, it was either now or never.

Pushing my chair back I stood up and walked round the table so I was in front of her. Getting down on one knee her face broke out into a wide smile, as I took her left hand and reached into my jacket pocket taking out a small box that could only hold one thing.

Jacob POV

Shit. I kissed Edward, my best friend. My straight friend. Double shit.

Having woken up with a major hangover I saw the water and aspirin laid out for me, gratefully taking it I went to the bathroom to clean up. Not remembering how the hell I got to Edward's, the last thing me being aware of being the massive fight with Paul and him walking out which was when I started to drink copious amounts of vodka.

I only remembered the events of last night when I walked past his room and got a whiff of his favoured aftershave. The musky scent reminding me just how close me and my friend got. The details was fuzzy, but I know he pulled away first after I forced myself on him. How bloody embarrassing, how the hell am I going to face him now?

Currently I was in my apartment after hailing a cab from outside Edward's; I was in my kitchen cooking something up for dinner, wondering what Edward was up to. It was at that moment my mobile rang, the phone vibrating wildly on the counter top. Checking the caller ID, I saw that it was Edward frowning in confusion I answered the phone.


"Hi Jake, I guess even after all that alcohol your alright?" concern coloured his voice and it made me feel a little better knowing he cared for me and was still my friend.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, fit as a fiddle" why did I say that, who says that anymore? I cringed inwardly at how stupid I sounded.

"Good, I'm glad. I have something to tell you"

"Really? Good or bad news?"

"Good news fricking great news. I proposed to Bella and she said yes!" he sounded so happy but for some stupid reason, my stomach dropped and a flare of jealousy crept over me. I shouldn't be surprised he got the ring a month ago, he kept harping on how he would pop the question to Bella.

"That's great Edward, congrats" my voice sounded fake and much too high but if he noticed he said nothing.

"Thanks, so will you be my best man?" I took a deep breath before responding.

"Of course I will, who else can amuse the guests with embarrassing stories about you mate?" he let out a low chuckle, and I could imagine how he would tilt his head back his forest green eyes crinkling up in amusement.

"That's true, I have to go. Call you later"

"Sure, sure" I replied as I hung up. Dropping the phone onto the counter top, beside me I leaned back on the counter and rubbed circles on my temples sighing.

Why the hell did I feel so damn jealous, I have no reason to, he my friend, my straight friend, a friend who is engaged to be wed and wants me to be his best man. The best way to get through it would be to pretend it never happened, unless he brought it up, which I doubt seeing as he has probably forgotten by now, so I would do just that.

A/N: So what do you think, should I continue or stick to what I know?

If I do continue this it won't be until after I have finished one of my other stories. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Until next time xx