The two embraced each other longingly as they bided their goodbyes. He boarded the plane, with her watching him with his back to her as he boarded the plane. Her eyes watched him until she could no longer see the amber eyed man. While Syaoran is on the airplane heading back to China, on the way the air plane is hijacked by terrorists, little did Sakura know that very moment she has saw him last would be the last time emerald would clash with amber for good…

With Syaoran knowing this could be it he calls Sakura, to bid farewell…



A/N: I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you to all the reviews and alerts for this story I received for my previous chapters, and the encouraging words I received. I'd like to apologize to all those faithful readers who have been keeping an eye on this story, I promise in thanks you'll get a worthy ending for this story! There will be a twist! I'm sorry for updating so late, I'm not very good at keeping my promises am I? hontoni suiminasen minna =w=

However, I hope you do enjoy this chapter. Reviews and constructive criticism is allowed. There may be a few mistakes in here, but I'll go over them later. I just wanted to upload this chapter a.s.a.p. Once again, thank you! And I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Amber and Emerald clash for the last time


The flustered ebony haired girl continued to ramble on about nonsense, cradling her unconscious friend in her slim arms; shaking her body ruthlessly in attempt to awaken her friend that lay dead still in her arms. Panick arose within her.

"Sakura chan! Sakura chan! Can you hear me?" Tomoyo cried, "Now is not the time to be fainting!" She cried shakily standing up behind Sakura looping her arms underneath her arm to support her body, struggling greatly with Tomoyo's frail body lifting Sakura's. With strong fortitude Tomoyo heaved Sakura to a nearby couch and laid her down gently, slipping a pillow under her auburn friend's head to prevent a neck cramp.

Tomoyo continued to walk back and forth like a caged animal in a zoo biting her bottom lip on how she would approach the situation, Tomoyo's mind raced, her eyes flickering back and forth from the television to Sakura unconscious on the couch.

"Poor girl, poor, poor girl. Sakura chan doesn't deserve this, out of all people she doesn't deserve this!" She cursed in her mind, her quick pacing came to a sudden halt; her lips slightly parted.

"Ahah!" Tomoyo proclaimed as an idea came to mind, her eyes lighting up briefly only for a moment, she instantaneously made her way towards the kitchen in a hassled manner.

"Where is it? Where is it?" She murmured under her breath, agitatedly opening up all of the cupboards not bothering to close them. A frown present on her stunning face, her lips pursed in concentration reading all of the labels wrapped around the bottles before her; she grew agitated every moment at the infuriating task of reading around the glass bottles.

"Come on! this it? No…no…yes!" She praised singling a bottle out of the many bottles before her of smelling sense from the top shelf of the cupboard, launching back into the lounge without a second thought. Hastily bending down on her knees on front of the couch where Sakura laid unmoved and opened the bottle, releasing a profane overwhelming stench from the liquid. A shudder went down her spine at the foul stench; the small hairs on the back of her neck erect. She cringed but pushed it to the back of her mind leaning slightly over the couch moving the bottle towards Sakura placing it underneath Sakura's nose, with a firm grip on the bottle.

For the next few seconds that passed by, only the sound of the news reporter's voice reverberating in the room could be heard until a brash gasp elapsed the artificial silence followed with a relieved sigh. Emerald eyes shot open abruptly, her pupils dilated and round and shaky as was her body; perspiration beaded on her forehead. Precipitously sitting up, Sakura gasped for air clutching her neck as if she had been suffocated. Worry etched Tomoyo's face.

Tomoyo immediately came to the aid of her confused friend, rubbing her back like earlier in a soothing circular motion cooing her with soft words, "breathe Sakura chan, breathe" She cooed into Sakura's ear, caressing her head.

The sound of Sakura's quick breath soon enough returned to normal, not a word was exchanged between the two except from the television.

"T-Tomoyo chan" Sakura whimpered.

"Sakura chan?"

"I-I…was I dreaming? Is Syaoran really…was I dreaming? Is Syaoran really-"

"Is Syaoran really in a plane being by hijacked by terrorists? Yes, he is Sakura chan" Tomoyo spoke firmly. Sakura flinched. Her eyes wide, she whirled her head to meet Tomoyo's, her eyes boring into her ebony friend's eyes challenging her revelation.

Sakura's facial expression appeared as if she had been slapped in the face, her eyes aghast. Tomoyo's violet eyes noticed pearls of perspiration on her friend's forehead, eyes softening; her gaze slowly trailed down to meet her friend's emerald eyes on the brim of tears.

"D-Doushite…" came the cracked voice of her friends, so quiet…so shocked.

Tomoyo's gaze drifted once again, but to the floor this time, unable to meet Sakura's broken face. As much as Tomoyo hated to be firm with Sakura, she had to know the truth. She had to face the situation head on, or it would make the situation worst.

"An updated report has just been received from the IBM Airline Control System on the case of airline HK397I12"

Both of the women's attention were caught, hesitantly they turned towards the television with heavy hearts; Tomoyo took a hold of Sakura's hand and gave a firm squeeze of support earning a little whimper from Sakura. Both eyes glued onto the illuminating screen.

The words in bold: Hijacked…Dead….slaughtered…continued to mock Sakura unceasingly.

The passengers remained in a solemn silence, Syaoran's grip on the arm rest tightened; his knuckles turning a ghost white; his jaw clenched.

His eyes burned into the back of the terrorist that stood on guard, a rifle in hand and bomb strapped to his body. Every minute or so lifting his jacket to remind the passengers that the bomb was still present in an intimidating manner, not one person dared to speak, in fear of sealing the fate like the passengers in the economy class. are trapped.

A deep frown imbedded itself into the handsome brunette's face in disagreement.

'I am not trapped, I shall prevail from this situation and see the woman I intend to spend the rest of my life with. And nothing is going to stop me."

From the corner of his eyes the bloody evidence of the pregnant woman that was slaughtered a few moments ago continued to soak the leather seat, excess blood dripped from the material to the floor staining the white carpet in a blood red, a sinful colour tainting a pure innocent one.

The doors that disconnected the two classes that was ripped off its hinges was left discarded on the floor, Syaoran recalled looking back near the beginning of this insanity to see what really had happened to the passengers in the economy class.

No words could describe the hatred...the bloody sight. The vile stench of raw flesh …

The disgust.

The cruelty

What words could describe the horrific scene? What insanity created this situation?

The lifeless, glazed, cloudy eyes that haunted his mind. They would be permanently ceiled within his deepest thoughts that would haunt his dreams; he would never be able to rest in amity after this.

Not one person would believe a human could of committed that act.

Not one person.

Whimpers and sniffles could still be heard between a few passengers, a few on the phones to their loved ones assuring that they would be alright, that everything would be ok and go back to how it normally was. But…would it really? The question danced in Syaoran's mind profoundly.

Would he really get out of this situation? If so…how? One man wouldn't be able to take down four armed men; there would need to be a decent quantity of individuals that would need to stand up and fight. He revolved his gaze to the other gangway to the left of him and saw a young woman at a relatively young age, probably just left university to pursue her career Syaoran assumed.

So young…

For the hundredth time Syaoran slipped his hand into his trouser pocket and plucked out the velvet box which held his future with a certain someone, and there one may ask…why do you keep eyeing a string of metal bent into a loop with a stone resting on the top of it?

Why? Do you ask?

It gave the young man hope, hope of returning home. He never understood what it felt like to be away from home not knowing if you were able to come back, he had always had great respect and compassion for the men that went to war. But, right now. Being in a similar position knowing he could die any moment, he felt alone. If one was to die, wouldn't one want to be in the arms of their loved ones? In the presence of their family?

He felt lost; his existence was now placed in the hands of fate. And for only fate to decide whether it was his time to leave or stay.

'Stay…stay…I want to stay!'

"Listen up!" shouted one of the hijackers ripping Syaoran away from his trail of thoughts, looking up, peering over the mountains of seats as did many of the other passengers he saw a muscular built man.

"Don't fuck about, or else!" he hissed at a young woman on the front of the plane who fiddled with her blackberry, the hijacker closed the proximity between them at intimidating distance, his face inches from hers. He continued to shout and cuss in her face leaving her traumatized and startled.

Anger raged through Syaoran at the abuse thrown at the woman.


He was a coward to do that to a woman, a coward. As a child Syaoran was raised to treat women with respect, a true gentleman. But…just watching this act take place without doing anything when he could…wasn't he being a coward too?

Why sit there and take it?

"Why aren't you fucking looking at me? Huh?" He struck her around the head violently. "Are you fucking blind? Deaf?" the man hissed hitting the woman around the head earning a small sob from the frightened woman, trying to move away from the hijacker, shifting uneasily in her seat not wanting to be noticed any longer.

It's her problem, don't you want to live and return home?

Don't you want to see your her again?

Syaoran continued to battle with his conscience.

Did you not swear to yourself that you would survive? Won't you die if you take drastic measures?

He struck her once again, she cradled her head. Syaoran's head whirled around to see if anyone was going to come to the rescue of the innocent woman, the passenger's faces were struck with shock…just watching, allowing her to be hit!

Don't you understand your fate was sealed the moment you stepped on this flight?

Others turned the other way too scared to say a word in fear of receiving the same treatment. Even the American businessman shouting previously just sat there, his fists clenching and eyes closed trying to block out the helpless cries of the woman.

What are you waiting for?


Who are you waiting for?

But Syaoran wasn't going to just stand by and watch, he'd been through many times in his life when he should of something.


Where he should have taken action and shouldn't have just stayed on the side lines but done the right thing. In reconciliation he was going to do something. He was going to do it now.


He was going to correct the wrongs.

You say you will, but will you act upon those words Li Syaoran?


Jaw clenched, hand curling into a fist; his eyes tightly closed.

You're so close…so close to death than you know. Can't you taste it?

He unbuckled his seatbelt.

Can't you feel it?

"W-What are you doing?" hissed one of the business men unobtrusively, dread evident on his face.

Can you…see death?

He made a decision.

You're falling…falling Li Syaoran

"Do you want to be killed you crazy loon!" The businessman warned once again in a hushed tone.

Can't you hear death?

He, Li Syaoran was not going to…going to die without a fight. He would keep fighting till his last breath. Brusquely opening his eyes, amber eyes burned with determination.

Can you hear the screams? You can hear it can't you? So loud….so loud…so near…so close…

A flame that wouldn't die out so easily.

The truth is you don't have the faintest bit of hope left, isn't it?

The terrorist raised his rifle aiming to hammer the woman's head with the gun's stoker, Syaoran's muscles contracted and he stood up and launched at the hijacker…

Two gun shots rung in the air followed by the never-ending screams.

You're end is close…

An announcement to all relations or associates related to any passengers stranded on the flight HK397I12 are urged to call the emergency line where further information to relatives shall be distributed confidentially. I repeat all associates related to any of the passengers aboard flight HK397I12, call the emergency line for further information"

The emergency line appeared on the bottom of the screen in bold, continuously scrolling amongst the bottom.

Tomoyo moved her attention back to Sakura seeing that she was no longer beside her.

"Sakura chan? Sakura chan?" Tomoyo called swirling her head frantically around the apartment standing up in a brisk movement her silk attire brushing against the furniture, panick rising each octave of her voice knowing that her friend is in a unstable state.

"Sakura chan where are y-?"

Tomoyo heard her soft and turned to the hallway to see she was on the phone talking to someone, Tomoyo presumed it was the emergency line; Sakura's hands were tightly clenched against the small phone as if holding onto her dear life.

"Hai (1), someone I know is on flight HK397I12. I was told I was to call this number to-" Sakura trailed off in mid-sentence, silently nodding and murmur a quite 'yes, I understand…yes' to the person on the other end of the phone, with shaky a breath. Tomoyo remained silent, patiently waiting for the call to finish so she could hear the new information, she could hear a muffled gentlemen's voice from the phone.

"D-Demo(2)!..Hai….hai…wakarimashita(3)…hai….mochiron (4), arigatou gozaimasu(5)" Sakura shakily pealed the phone away from her ear and placed it back in the receiver, straightened her back and remained silent; bangs of her hair covered her eyes.

"What did they say?" Tomoyo queried.

Sakura shook her head in disbelief; raising her hands to her hair she tugged her auburn locks, scrunching her hands in her hair. Tears of anger and frustration streamed down her face, her legs gave way and she collapsed in a heap onto the floor.

Tomoyo's throat went dry, an aching sensation clawing at her chest, what did she just hear? What did he say to Sakura chan? Tomoyo decided it'd be best to let her soak in the news she just received, she bent down on her knees next to Sakura's crippled form wrapping her arms gently around her traumatised body, violated by nerves.

"(6)Nakanaide, daijoubu dayo" Tomoyo whispered drawing her friend close, feeling a wet patch grow on her shoulder.

Review? :)

Hai- Yes

Demo- But

Wakarimashita- I understand

Mochiron- Of course

Arigatou gozaimasu- thank you very much

Nakanaide, daijoubu dayo- Don't cry, everything will be alright