I am so sorry this chapter took so long to get out. I just haven't felt like writing. A lot has been going on and I haven't had time to sit down and just... write. So hopefully, you will like this chapter. I don't know when the next one will be written. Loads of family drama at the momentYeahYeahYeha

Lost and Found

I swear I had just closed my eyes and already the sun was peeping through the curtains. Well, I did stay up late and watch the Clefairy dance that night so I suppose it is logical that the sun came up a few hours later. I rolled over onto my stomach and covered my head with the pillow. I groaned and wished for the sun to go away.

"GOOD MORNING TOUKO! RISE AND SHINE, IT IS A GLORIOUS DAY!" I heard Yellow cry from downstairs. I had stayed the night at her cabin since Mt. Moon was difficult to get through at night and Oshawott demanded we go to bed.

"But I'm still sleepy. And I'm sure Osha is still asleep as well." I cried from underneath the pillow. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Yellow stood in the doorway.

"But Osha is in my hands…" She said. I peeped out from the pillow and saw the little otter Pokemon smiling in her arms.

"Traitor…" I mumbled. Osha smiled and leaped out of her arms and over to the bed. He nudged me to get up and soon I was stretching and popping every joint in my body. Even though the sleep was short, it was good. I quickly dressed and followed Yellow downstairs. She had an arrangement of food set on the table and I quickly began to dig in the glorious feast. Osha sat on his own little chair and ate the Pokemon food Yellow had fixed for him. I noticed another Pokemon sitting by Osha munching on its food. It was a small yellow rat with a lightening shaped tail and red cheeks. I brought out my PokeDex and clicked it open.

Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon, and the evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu's tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surroundings

"How cool. Is this your Pikachu, Yellow?" I asked clicking the PokeDex close and placing it back in my pocket. Yellow nodded and picked up Pikachu and set it in her lap.

"Sure is. I've had this Pikachu since I was a little girl. Say Hi Pika. This is Touko and her Pokemon Oshawott." Yellow said. Pika hopped up on the table and walked over to me. She held her paw out for me to shake it. I gently took it in my hand and shook her paw.

"Nice to meet you as well Pika." I said.

"So where are you heading to now?" Yellow asked bringing Pika back to her food.

"I'm going to Cerulean City." I said setting down my fork. I had finished my food and was full.

"Oh, do you plan on taking on the Gym Leader there?" Yellow questioned. I thought about it for a moment. Maybe I should take on the Gym Leader just to keep Osha in shape, but I had another plan and I didn't want to get sidetracked.

"Not exactly. There's something else I have to do." I muttered. I had to find N and fast. It has been six months. Six long months since that fateful battle. What was he doing? How has he been? Yellow took note of solemn silence and didn't press on anymore. She stood up and picked up my plate and hers as well.

"Hey Touko. Before you leave, do you mind if we battle? Pika could use the exercise." Yellow said tugging at my sleeve. I hadn't had a real Pokemon battle since I fought against N and Ghetsis. I guess it was time to put that in the past and move on. I nodded in agreement and Yellow dragged me outside.

"Alright Touko! Don't hold back! I want to see everything a Unova trainer has to offer!" Yellow yelled across the field. I spotted Pika already prancing around the field warming up for what felt like an exciting battle. I knelt down to Osha and gently rubbed it's cheeks.

"Osha, I know this is our first battle since that night 6 months ago. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, you are the greatest Pokemon I could ever have. Now let's show Yellow how we do things over in Unova." I said as Osha nodded and ran out onto the field.

"This will be a one-on-on unofficial Pokemon battle. You ready Touko?" Yellow called. I nodded and Yellow made the first move.


I had never seen a Pokemon move so fast before. In a split second, Pika had completely vanished and darted towards Osha.

"Osha! Evade and use Water Gun!" I quickly coached. Osha tried his best, but Pika made contact and Osha was sent flying. But he quickly recovered and did and aerial attack with water gun. Pika was soaked and in a slight daze. Now was my chance.

"Osha! Water Pulse!"

Osha quickly released a sound wave that could have been more effective if we were in water, but it can still do damage on ground. A trench was created from the sound wave traveling quickly towards Pika. Yellow quickly shouted for Pika to evade, but it was too late. Pika was hit with the wave and became confused. After stumbling around a bit, she finally fell over in defeat.

"Pika!" Yellow screamed as she darted towards her fainted Pokemon. She cradled the small creature in her arms before returning it to its PokeBall. Yellow stood and made her way over to me.

"You're really strong Touko." She said holding her hand out for me to shake. We shook hands and then she told me the way to get out of Mt. Moon. We said our goodbyes and Osha and I headed out.


We reached Cerulean City by late afternoon and I quickly stopped by the Pokemon Center to let Osha relax and recover a bit. After that, I headed out and started learning my surroundings a bit. I figured out where the stores were and I found the Gym as well. I looked at it for a bit recalling when I fought for badges in Unova. I quickly shook of the feeling and continued. There were many homes and many people. Eventually, I saw a tall Ferris Wheel in the background. I held my breath and slowly let it out.

There was the amusement park. The first stop in my journey in finding N. Was I going to find him there or was it a senseless walk here? I took another short breath and continued onward.

Even for being late in the afternoon, the place was packed. With this many people, Osha might get lost.

"Osha, return to your PokeBall. You might get lost." I looked down to see just the pavement. I looked to the other side and saw more pavement. I turned around in panic and found that Osha was indeed lost.

I just lost my only Pokemon in the Kanto Region and I had no idea where it could have run off to…

I must be the worst trainer in the world.

I started frantically running around the park trying to find him. I called his name, even went to the park police for them to help search as well. The park was beginning to close down for the night and I still hadn't found Osha. I slowly began to give up and I wondered over to the Ferris Wheel. I watched it go round and round and remembered when I first rode it with N. It was a simple Spring day and I had arrived in Nimbasa City after traveling through that desert. We were trying to find Team Plasma when he revealed to me he was the King of Team Plasma.

When he said that, he seemed so sure of himself. But after a while, every time I saw him afterwards he seemed to be questioning himself. And then came the final battle at his castle and that's when he realized maybe Pokemon and humans can get along. And then he left into the night to find the answers for himself.

How stupid can I be? He wants to find the answers for himself. He wouldn't want to see me. This was indeed stupid. I should just find Osha and go back home.


A voice called behind me. I froze. That voice. It was a voice I hadn't heard in a long time. Maybe I was imaging things, but my gut… no my heart was saying it was real. I slowly turned around to see Osha in the arms of the man I was searching for.

N was standing before me once again.

Yeah! N finally reappears! Please review! And thank you to everyone who subscribed!