A/N: Hello fanfiction. I'm new here, I'm sorry if my writing isn't that great, I'm learning. I have autism so sometimes I struggle a little bit. This is written in Jesters POV.
Disclaimer: I don't own JatD or anything at all to do with the show.
Jesters POV (Written as a letter)
You're eyes, more radiant then the aftermath of storm. Smelling beautifully as the rain disperses upon the leaves and grass. As I touch you, my mind ponders over the many things that remind me of you. As if feeling beauty itself, you cannot feel beauty but you are what I imagined it to be. Ablaze more heavenly than the lasting drops of snow that fell those days in Ireland. Memories such as dancing in the fields of that glorious country as a young gypsy child. That is your hair to me. Memories of the snowflakes dance through my mind as I look upon your hair, such a temperate touch of red silky curls.
Your smile, infinite, not at all could I forget such an admirable thing. Honestly just a delight to watch you smile and laugh. Why is it that I enjoy making people laugh? Is it the passion? The diversion? Or the revelry of gaining comfort from the souls I assemble contented? No, I do it for happiness within myself, more so when I succeed into accomplishing a laugh from your lips.
Oh those lips. How I love to kiss them, embrace them. So soft, so lushes, and the taste so enticing. I couldn't go another day without seeing them, without admiring them and without dreaming about them. So pink, yet so flawless.
How I love holding you tightly, whispering into your ears as you giggle at my many jokes. Although some, even many are just dreadful. But every time, every time you laugh.
Lastly, your soul. How do you keep so, so perfect? In my eyes, you are more than perfect. I cannot nor will not say otherwise. How do you care so much, how you dream immense? Nothing can express how distinctive you are and I adore that.
I admire you, I cherish you, you are fascinating, you are passionate, you are sympathetic, and I love you… so much.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, please leave a review, I'd very much appreciate it. Want to learn more about Autism? Check out my profile page to get a clear understanding of me and what my challenges are :)