Disclaimer: I do not own Starcraft nor Digimon, they are owned by their respective owners.

Worlds and Data.


2500, Aiur

The battle was raging on, and the Zerg forces were losing. The Protoss and the Terrans had taken out the last cerebrates that were defending him, and he knew time was short. As a ploy for his attackers to hasten their efforts, he opened a warp rift, though he had no intention of using it.

"And so it has come to this, though I have planned everything, I must die here, but there is still so much more I can do," he said.

Spotting a nearby Infested Terran wandering close to him, he pondered for a moment, and then an idea came to his mind. After giving one last command to his lieutenant, he urged the Infested Terran closer to him, and then he set out to work.

"Brothers, we are near our goal, do not stop the attack, quickly, before the warp rift opens up completely!" shouted a voice from afar. As if reading his mind, the attack effort doubled, and soon very little was left of the original Zerg forces that landed on Aiur.

However, the warp rift had opened completely, and the creature seemed to be moving, its tentacles were coiling upon itself. The attackers, noticing this, panicked.

"We will not make it!"

"He's going to escape!" came desperate cries from the enemy.

"Brothers, we must finish off this menace now! For too long we have lived fighting this creature, and now he shall be destroyed!" cried a warrior. He activated his carrier, and then proceeded to ram it a full speed onto the creature, the carrier emitted an eerie glow, looking as if there was some strange power coursing through it.

The charge was successful, the carrier hit the creature, and sent a wave of energy coursing through the land, and everyone still alive knew that their mission was successful, albeit one with sacrifices.

"Tassadar, you sacrificed yourself to kill the Overmind, you bravery and actions here and across all time, will never be forgotten," someone said as their forces retreated away from the now ravenous Zerg. With no one to control them, the Zerg were now mindless killing machines, destroying everything in their path.

Meanwhile, unseen in the shadows, a lone figure stood, watching the scene unfold. The attackers were triumphant in destroying the creature, and were now returning to their bases. The Infested Terran seemed to have changed, gone were the claws and tentacles from his body, which, without the aid of special equipment, could have passed for a normal human.

"It seemed that crazy idea worked, I'm amazed at the amount of information the primitive human mind can store, if fact they seem to have both…. enough, I have a purpose to fulfill, and I have little time to waste," he sighed," but I will miss leading huge armies of monsters at my command, oh well," said the Overmind as he opened a warp rift before anyone notices his presence.

Author's note: Please don't kill me for making the Overmind the hero of this story. I was looking to a powerful being that's capable of taking on anything I'll throw at them in this story; I was originally planning it to be Tassadar, but I figured it would be even better to have the Overmind cast as the hero. Also, the Infested Terran has had a bit of influence on the Overmind, as such is the way he talked on the last part of the prologue.

The title is temporary, if any of you have any suggestion on how to improve this fic and its title, please do so in the reviews. Oh, and expect very slow updates, I'm currently not finished with my other story, and I am determined to finish that one first before this one. Please read and review!