Hmm, I'm wondering if I should bump up the rating for this story! This is a bit of a teaser and you can tell me if you want some lemony goodness to go with it? For Jesse/Rachel sexy times? I'm thinking off doing a title from every Christina Perri song… Let me know what you guys think! But seriously? 16 reviews for one chapter! Wow! Thanks all of you so much, that actually just filled me with pride. I do realize there are some grammatical errors, so if anybody out there wants to be a beta/muse send me a review or mail! I love you guys! Read review and enjoy! I don't own Glee… and I wouldn't want to anyways after that shit final!

I haven't been very love strong


Jesse turned around from his step on the porch. "Rach?"

"Don't go. My…My fathers aren't home. They left for a medical summit in Akron tonight. I told them it was okay."

"But they were in earlier." Jesse stated obviously confused and yet buzzing from the adrenaline at the knowledge.

"Well obviously, it is my prom Jesse they weren't going to miss that! They left when we went out for dinner. I told them I'd stay at Kurt's house tonight…"

"But you didn't."

"I didn't."

Jesse stared at her intensely and before either of them realized it, his feet were on the move and Rachel was once again pressed up against her front door as Jesse sealed their lips together. Rachel sighed happily and pressed herself as close to Jesse as she could while they had their clothes on, she couldn't help but try imbed the feel of him onto her skin. Jesse had always had the power to just overwhelm her with his presence. Not drown her with his larger than life personality but comfort her. Jesse was her equal, he understood her.

Jesse groaned when Rachel nudged his shoulder and he reluctantly moved his lips away from her mouth after giving her one more loving peck on the lips. "I'm sorry Rachel I shouldn't have gotten so carried awa-"

His words were stopped short by the thin finger that pressed itself to his lips. Rachel grinned up at him as she moved her hand from his mouth to smooth his cheek. "While my fathers may not be here to witness you defile me. My neighbors are, and I don't believe they would really enjoy the show." Rachel's voice was slightly raised as her eyes looked in another direction. Jesse's head turned and he caught the glimpse of a curtain hastily going down. He couldn't help himself when he said. "Goodnight Mrs Moore!"

Rachel laughed heartily before she waved in the direction of the now closed curtains that belonged to old lady Moore. She slapped Jesse's chest. "You're so bad!"

" I never claimed to be anything else."

"It must be that deceptive surname of yours then." Turning Rachel let them into the house. Jesse followed quietly and closed the door behind him.

"Do you want me to lock it?" He questioned. His reply was a bunch of keys very nearly hitting him in the chest before he caught them. He looked up to smirk at Rachel after yet another display of his ninja-like skills when he saw her roll her eyes and saunter off into the kitchen.

A few minutes Later Jesse followed her into the room and was greeted by the scent of coffee. Shrugging his jacket off he placed it over the back of a chair before unwrapping his scarf and dropping it over the chair too. He noted the slight quiver in his hands. Jesse St. James did do nervous apparently. Who knew?

Glancing up again he saw Rachel watching his moves with rapt attention. He felt himself grow slightly defensive under her critical eye. "What?"

Rachel's face softened. "Nothing, I'm just trying to make sure you're real that's all."

Jesse stood up and walked towards her, cupping her cheek and pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm here. I'm real."

"Are you? Real that is. I always thought you were to good to be true."

"I'm real Rachel, and believe me I've had the same thoughts about you." He pulled back and reached for the hot coffee in a mug off to the side on the bench. Jesse reached for it while his other hand stroked Rachel's hip. They didn't take their eyes off each other while he took a deep drink.

"Why am I here Rachel?"

"That's a bit of an existential question isn't it?"

He poked her in the center of her forehead. "God your such a nerd. You know what I meant, stop deflecting."

The laughter went out of Rachel's eyes and she straightened up and looking serious stated. " I think you know why I brought you here Jesse."

Nodding he couldn't help but ask, "Why? Why me though? After everything I've done I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you Rachel."

"Well it's a good thing I have such a good sense of judgment isn't it?" Jesse laughed at her self-assured tone. Setting the cup down his other hand moved to her waist and sliding up her back pushed

her forward to kiss him again.

Rachel's eyes fluttered closed. She took the time to breathe everything of Jesse in again. The way his fingers moved across her body ever through the material of her dress made her feel so wanted, desired. So loved. Jesse had always treated her as if she was the most precious object in his hands as well as the most delicate. Accepting his apology and allowing him back into her home as well as her heart could well be the best idea she had ever had. And even if months, week or even days down the line it all fell apart to pieces for whatever reason Rachel decided that she would never regret this or whatever happened tonight. She would never regret them.

Feeling Jesse's tongue run across the seam of her lips Rachel opened her mouth to him and allowed him entrance. He still tasted the same yet somehow different. Better. She could taste the bitter hint of coffee yet as she moved closed she could detect the spearmint chewing gum he took with him everywhere. Jesse had always told her it was for occasions just like this, yet he admitted that he always hated the idea of not having clean breathe yet he couldn't take his toothbrush with him when he went out for a meal hence the gum. Rachel thought it was adorable but then Rachel thought Jesse in general was adorable.

Feeling his hardness press against her leg Rachel felt her pulse quicken. She rubbed against it experimentally and smirked into the kiss when Jesse groaned as his hips snapped forward unconsciously seeking the pleasurable friction again. Pulling his lips from hers Jesse dragged his lips across Rachel's face before kissing the hinge of her jaw. Moving up his lips enveloped the lob of her ear and Rachel felt her eyes roll back in her head when he bit down gently before soothing the sting with his warm, rogue tongue. Jesse pulled back and whispered a rough sounding "tease" into her ear before moving to kiss and nibble down the column of her neck. Rachel's hands themselves started venturing across Jesse's body, one planted itself at the back of his head as her fingers slid through his soft curls while her other hand clutched at his stomach and her grip tightened as Jesse did something wicked with his tongue behind her ear that caused her entire body to jerk forward and clutch at Jesse.

They both broke off from the kiss and stared into each others eyes heatedly.

"I want you so much." Rachel blurted out. Jesse smiled like the cat that caught the canary as his hand slipped down from her hip to cup a toned buttock.

"You too baby, I want you to, so much." He punctuated the statement with a lingering kiss to her neck and then to her lips.

"No. I want you so much, not this. Well, yes this too because it's good, so good Jesse but I want you. All of you. All the time. I've told myself that I haven't missed you but I have, when you weren't in my life I just felt like I'd lost myself. I wasn't me anymore Jesse. I wanted you so much but I couldn't want you. I'm not supposed to want you, or anybody like this am I?" Rachel asked, her breathing becoming faster and faster.

Tilting her face to look up at hers Jesse murmured soothingly. "Breathe with me Rachel. Nice and deep. Calm down. And to answer your question. Yes Rachel its normal to feel that way. That's how I feel to. Af-After what I did, I felt like a part of me had died. Or was inaccessible to me. Something was missing. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was giving you a mother Rachel, I would never have let her near you if I thought she would abandon you. I thought it was for the best. So I left and then we unified you. And it's inexcusable. I was acting selfishly, because most of the time when I wasn't with you I was a complete dick. And being with Vocal Adrenaline again was like a wake up to how soft I had become. You called me open and Vocal Adrenaline called me weak. I was an ass Rachel, an ass who had to prove himself to a group of people I don't even talk to anymore."

"I know Jesse." Rachel wiped at her eyes.


"I know you wouldn't have let her do that to me if you had known. I understand the other stuff. I didn't then, but I've grown up this year. I've felt what it is to be threatened this year, I understand why you did it." Jesse stared at her until it dawned on him and he burst out laughing.

"I had forgotten about that! You sent a foreigner to a crack-house! She was an exchange student wasn't she?" Jesse sniggered and Rachel huffed while her lips began to pout.

"In-active crack-house St James. Inactive. And yes she was, now she's the lead vocalist of Vocal Adrenaline." Jesse stilled and a frown etched across his features. " Not as funny now isn't it? It doesn't feel nice to be forgotten."

Jesse snorted. "I still think it's hilarious, and very very creative baby. I'm hardly forgotten Rachel. I haven't been inside McKinley in a year and I still cause more drama in one night than a gossip rag could imagine. It's just weird being older and realizing that show-choir isn't everything."

"Thank you. I thought It was too. New Directions said I was being a bitch."

"Artist temperament Rach. If they don't understand that then they aren't real artists."

"Exactly. And I guess you are right. There is a lot more to life than show choir. But for now, until I get out of here it is my life."

" You will. I know you will." Jesse entered her personal space again and planted an open mouth kiss onto Rachel's lips. Pulling back he ran a hand through his unruly hair and choked out a laugh.

"I'm sorry that I keep molesting you. But I'm not sorry at the same time. I love touching you."

Raising an eyebrow Rachel reached down to cup his own firm, muscled cheek and squeezed. "The sentiment is reciprocated."

They laughed before Jesse dragged Rachel in for a hug. Not an 'I'm gonna rip your clothes off' hug, but an 'I'm just grateful to be with you so I'm going to grasp this chance before you realise how you are worth so much more' type of hug Jesse decided. If such things existed. Rachel returned the hug and pressed her mouth to his cheek before turning in his arms and looking over her shoulder.

"Will you get the zip please?"

Jesse inhaled through his nose deeply as he nodded and swept her hair onto her shoulder before pulling the zip of the dress down Rachel's shoulders a swift inhale accompanied by a profanity when he realized Rachel wasn't wearing a bra. Looking heavenward Jesse asked contritely . "Thank you God. For being such an awesome dude."

Rachel snorted in a rather unladylike fashion but that was soon silenced by the feel of Jesse's warm lips on the nape of her neck. Rachel scrunched her eyes before allowing the dress to slip from her shoulders and she stepped out of it not looking back once until she reached the foot of the stairs.

Rachel and Jesse's eyes connected and he looked at her reverently, love and trust echoing across their features. Talking a deep breath Rachel spoke calmly and clearly.

"Are you coming to bed Jesse?"