Hey guys! This is the epilogue to Speak Now.
Disclaimer: Don't own HoA. The end.
After Sibuna's crazy escape from the wedding, they now live peacefully in the house of Anubis.
After talking with Mr. Sweet and Victor, they all agreed that they would live there. The house now belongs to Jerome and Mara. And the others are going to build houses around the house of Anubis to create a villa.
The mayor (Lizzie's father) was furious about Jerome's escape but managed to calm down after Lizzie met another man who clearly was better than Jerome. The mayor had a talk with Jerome about a month after the wedding and they both agreed that he wasn't right for Lizzie. Now, Ryan (the mayor) and Jerome were now on good terms.
Mara and Jerome (MJ) eventually married and have three kids, Rose (11), Katherine (14) and George (17). They still live in Anubis house. George took after his mom's look while Rose and Katie look like their dad.
Fabian and Nina (FN) married a month after Jerome and Mara. They now have two kids, Sarah (14) and Derek (15). Sarah has her mom's curly hair although hers is wavy rather than crimped and her hair is brown. Derek's hair is like his dad's although it's dirty blond like her mom's.
Alfie and Amber (AA) married at the same time Patricia and Jason did. Alfie and Amber have two children, Victoria (11) and Bridgette (15). Both are Amber's carbon copy; however they also have a fun side like their dad, especially Bridgette who's often called Princess Prankster.
Patricia and Jason (PJ) have two kids, Trixie (14) and Jaime (16). Trixie is best friends with Sarah and Katie and she has hair like Patricia's. She's very much into theatre like her dad. Jaime's a beautiful rebel and the academy's greatest debater.
Mick and Joy (JM) wed a year after the others even though Joy got pregnant the same time all the others did. They have a son and a daughter, Brandon (17) and Allison (17). They're twins. Allison's just as athletic as her dad, is a brunette and she's best friends with Jaime. Brandon is also athletic and sweet and is blond.
And here's a chart, in case you're confused.
*who's dating who
MJ's son Derek (17) is dating JM's Allison (17).
JM's Brandon (17) is dating PJ's Jaime (16).
*who's best friends with who
MJ's Rose and AA's Victoria. Both eleven.
JM's Allison (17) and PJ's Jaime (16).
MJ's Kate, FN's Sarah and PJ's Trixie. All fourteen.
FN's Derek and AA's Bridgette. Both fifteen and rumored to be dating. Both are still denying this.
MJ's Brandon and JM's Derek. Both seventeen.
All of the kids attend in their parent's old school but to make things fair, they all sleep in their respective dormitories and are allowed to go home during every other weekend and during lunch breaks.
Trudy and Fabian's Uncle Ed, are now married and living in a village not far from the academy.
The housmates made a villa and are now all neighbors. Mara, Patricia and Nina are on side of the street while Mick's and Alfie's houses face theirs.
Now, the Sibuna are finally living happily ever after. And up to this day, they never get tired of telling how Aunt Mara and Uncle Jerome's fairy tale came to be. And their favorite phrase? Why, it's speak now of course!
The end.
Thanks for reading you guys! Don't forget to review! And yes, it's okay to flame. So did you enjoy it? It's an honest work of an amateur writer! I'll be making another story soon so don't forget to check out my profile which also has a collection of JARA stories. That's all my peeps! Until next time!