A/N: Well I decided I wanted to write another Bamon that has nothing to do with my other stories. It's definitely AU and some characters attitudes may be a little OOC...but enjoy it anyways!
Summary: In a world where vampires own witches as their slaves, one witch refuses to give into the stereotype giving one Damon Salvatore a run for his reputation of destruction. Bamon.
Can't Be Tamed
"She's disobedient, rude, and...and...I can't fucking deal with her!"
Bonnie Bennett sat in her cell as she listened to her current vampire master snap off to the man who sold her to him. It was a good two weeks that she stayed in the house with Master Washington, a 100 year old vampire with the looks of a 30 year old middle aged man. He had commanded her to do so many things once brought to his house but being the stubborn witch she was, she wouldn't do it. No matter how many beatings she got.
"Sir, I assure you we can teach her to be..."
"She's a damn teenager! She's too old to be taught!" Washington snapped, his light green eyes darkening at the shaking man in front of him. "I told you I wanted a younger witch and this was the youngest you had? She talks back...she's gone through puberty and all that horrible stuff humans go through these days!"
The man paled and shook his head, "I'm sorry but...she's all I have left. No one wants her and those who do take her bring her back. I think we should talk to Klaus about her..."
At the mention of Klaus the vampire grinned. "Ahh yes...Klaus." He turned to stare at Bonnie who was sitting in the corner of her cell. "He'll teach her a lesson or two. If it weren't for that stupid rule of vampires not being allowed to kill witches I swear I'd have her pretty little head on my dresser right now."
Bonnie glared back at him in return. "I wanna see you try. I'd have your fucking heart on a stake."
Taken aback by her words, both the man and vampire stared at her in disbelief. How one witch, as small as she was, could be so rude and brave was beyond them. They thought all witches had come to except their fate as eternal slaves to the undead.
"Do something with her please or I'll be forced to drain her myself, Mr. Gilbert." The vampire sneered, his eyes still locked on Bonnie's cold hazel ones. "Maybe Klaus will come to his senses and have you burned at the stake. Never in my many years of living have I met such a bitch of a witch."
"How clever of you." Bonnie replied back sarcastically.
"I'll see you later, John Gilbert." Washington said finally. He placed his hat on and began to walk towards the door, "Make sure you beat some sense into that one."
"Sure thing, Mr. Washington." John replied before watching the vampire walk out his shop. Finally he turned to stare back at the witch and sigh heavily. He really didn't enjoy his job of selling witches to vampires but it was in the family for centuries. It gave the Gilberts a name around Mystic Falls and stopped vampires from messing with his family. "Bonnie...why can't you just be nice to one of these vampires I give you to? Most of them will treat you with respect and..."
"Until they want something from me. Until they want me to work my magic to harm someone else. I'm no one's slave, John." She interrupted angrily. It was like this every time she came back to the Gilbert residence, John would try to tell her to be more obedient and she would argue that she would never change for any vampire.
"You gotta get over to what happened to your family, Bonnie. They're all gone now and if you don't wanna die too..."
"I rather die than be here."
John sighed once again then turned towards the stairs. "Elena! I need you to come down here and clean this witch up for me please!" A pause. "Elena!"
"I told you I'm not helping you with any of that stuff!" A voice from upstairs yelled. "Have Jeremy help you in your quest to mistreat witches!"
John rolled his eyes, not expecting anything less from his daughter. He swore her and Bonnie were one in the same, both with that rebellious attitudes he hated so much. "It's Bonnie, Elena. She's back!" He didn't have to say another word, Elena was soon hurrying down the stairs and towards the cell that held the witch.
"You locked her up? Get her out of here!" Elena demanded and she tugged on the barred door.
Elena Gilbert. John Gilbert's eldest and only daughter. She was a beautiful seventeen year old with long brown hair, big doe eyes, and flawless skin. Bonnie almost envied her, but her life was no better. She was also forced into the business of selling witches by her parents and Bonnie could tell it killed her inside to do something so cruel.
"Here." John tossed her the keys and turned away. "You deal with her for now. I gotta contact Klaus."
"You consistently mess with the werewolves knowing it took us centuries to have a truce with them!"
Damon Salvatore grinned and looked around the dimly lit room as Elijah continued to scold him in front of the other vampires. This wasn't the first time he's gotten in trouble for picking a fight with a werewolf, and this wouldn't be the last. He hated those creatures with a passion, and he wasn't one for rules.
"Are you even listening to me?" Elijah yelled, his dark eyes filled with anger as he stared at Damon.
"Yes, sir, he's listening." Stefan Salvatore quickly spoke up for his older brother. "He understands what he's done is wrong and..."
"I don't need you speaking for your brother, Stefan!" Elijah interrupted harshly. "I'm tired of you bailing him out of everything wreckless he does! It's time he owned up and took his punishment. He's lucky I'm to deal with him and not Klaus..."
"You think I give a flying fuck if any of you 'originals' deal with me? I mean I've already died once...what's the worst you can do?" Damon spoke up, grinning. He knew Elijah could tell he was challenging him and he knew Stefan was having a panic attack next to him. "Wolf boy was being a dick so I had to put him in his place. He disrespected me first."
Elijah stared at the younger vampire in disbelief while the other vampires around snickered and whispered to each other. He was use to Damon's smart mouth and rule bending but this was starting to become too much. The more he bothered the wolves the more they would begin to act out and attack vampires when they had a chance. It did help that most vampires had witches on their side but the point of the truce was that both vampires and werewolves could live among each other.
"You're a pathetic waste of afterlife." Elijah replied. "I should have you burned alive right now but I know that won't solve anything. You probably welcome death...have been for years. You just don't have it in you to take that damn ring off and walk into the sunlight yourself. Coward."
Damon's face went demonic as he saw his brother's silent pleads for him to calm down. But once he became hot headed there was no stopping him. "I'll show you a fucking coward!" He hissed before speeding towards Elijah, only to be thrown back with a flick of his wrist. He was tossed roughly into the wall, breaking various tables in the process.
"You think you can attack me? Me? Seriously though, Damon, this is becoming redundant." Elijah laughed as the other vampires around him snickered at Damon's expense. "I think your embarrassment is punishment enough..."
The doors opened, bringing some light into the dusty old bar. The vampires all stared in anger and confusion as a man walked into the room with a chained girl. She wore a long dirty old torn up white dress, her wavy dark brown hair down and a mess, with head down looking towards the floor.
"Who dare interrupts me?" Elijah asked angrily, glaring at the man who began to pale and glance around at the vampires who stepped towards him and the girl.
"J-John Gilbert, sir...Klaus told me to bring this witch to you. He said you would know what to do with her."
Elijah eyed the man then the young witch next to him. "Head up, witch." He commanded causing the other vampires to focus their attention on her. "I would like to see your face before I hear of the things you've done to wrong the vampire community."
Bonnie looked up at him, her hazel eyes sparkling in the dark from the tears. She bit her bottom lip as she felt everyone in the room go silent and felt all immortal eyes on her. She wanted do nothing but set them all on fire. She hated them. Each and every one of them.
"Such a pretty face." Elijah spoke finally. In mere seconds he was in front of her, caressing her cheek. "What has this lovely creature done that is so horrible that Klaus has to send her to me to be punished, huh?"
"Bonnie!" Bonnie turned to see Elena running up to her, throwing her arms around her small frame. "Please...please don't hurt her! We can find her a nice place to be at...she'll be good I promise..."
John stared at his daughter, "Elena! I told you to wait in the damn car..."
Elijah looked at the scene with amusement until a thought hit him. He stepped back from the witch and eyed her carefully. "Wait...Bonnie Bennett? As in the last of the Bennett line? You're the rude little witch I've been hearing so much about? You killed about two of your masters before and refuse to listen to anyone else who has bought you."
Bonnie finally met his eyes. "That'll be me."
He laughed, looking around the room at the vampires who were now angry with the young witch for killing one of their own. "This day gets better and better! First I get a hard headed vampire killing a werewolf and now a witch who has killed a vampire! What is this world coming to?"
"I say we kill the bitch!" One vampire yelled.
"Yes! Burn her!"
"Drain her!"
"Torture her!"
"No!" Elena cried out, her eyes darting around the room at the various of vampires shouting at things to happen to Bonnie. "Please...no!"
Elijah's gaze darkend on Elena, a wicked grin forming on his face. "What a lovely daughter you have, John. If she doesn't hold her tongue I'd have to give her to someone as their new partner in the afterlife." Elena's eyes widened in horror as she felt her dad pull her away from Bonnie and to his side. "Now on with business. Since Bonnie seems to not want to give in to our ways...I say we'll have to personally tame her."
"Give it a fucking try. You can't break me." The witch spoke up, her voice was low and dangerous as she stared up at him. "They've been trying since I was 8. There's no way I'll ever do anything for you blood sucking murderers."
Elijah was no longer amused by her. He's been almost disrespected once today and there was no way he was going to let this continue. He raised his hand to strike her only to be stopped.
"Damon!" Stefan called out, watching as his brother had a strong grip on Elijah's wrist. The two vampires stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Damon not backing down from Elijah's warning look.
"I'll buy her." Damon finally spoke up, causing everyone else to gasp and look at him like he was a mad man. Even Bonnie, who was watching the scene in front of her with confusion, looked at him finally. The first thing she noticed was those eyes. She has had a lot of vampire masters with light eyes but his was such a beautiful mixture of blue, green, and grey.
"You wanna buy the witch? The witch who will possibly kill you once she has the chance?" Elijah asked in disbelief. Then again he was liking the sound of it. If Bonnie killed Damon, he wouldn't have to. Then he'd have another good excuse to drain the witch. "Ok." he shrugged. "Damon gets the witch."
"Are you insane? She murdered our kind! She should be dead!" A vampire yelled out.
"I believe in second chances...or third...or in Damon's case a million." Elijah grinned at the younger vampire who finally released his wrist. "We'll have her cleaned up and sent to you...and Damon, if you kill another werewolf we'll be forced to give you to them. Don't screw this up."
Elena ran to Bonnie to pull her into another embrace while the witch never took her eyes off her new master. He in return gave her a little smirk that looked way too familiar...