Harry Potter Secret

Sitting at his desk in his bedroom, Harry Potter the boy-who-lived was writing his friend Ron weasley. Ron had written him a short note with some food that his mother had cooked for lunch that day. Ever since Ron had seen the welt marks on his back he had became concerned for him, and eventually he told Hermione and they together had dragged out his life from him. From the starvation and beatings to being caged inside his room, well not his room but Dudley's second room. Harry quickly glanced at the letter ron sent with his owl Hedwig whome he had sent to stay with them for the summer so that his Uncle wouldn't be able to harm her.

Dear Harry,

Hermione came yesterday and came up with a plan to get you out of there for the rest of the summer. She sent a letter to Dumbledore asking for permission. His reply came today and this is why I am writing you, I know you don't want Hedwig there cause of your uncle, he said that we can come get you! Isn't that great? We will be arriving by brooms. The only problem is, is that Dumbledore said that he would send a professor along with us to make everything 'goes smootly'. The professor he sent is Snape. So… Anyway, be ready by 1:00 p.m


Snape and Harry…. Disaster really was going to strike. It was only 10:00a.m. Harry just had his wand with him. Everything he owned was at Ron's for the summer. He looked at the letter he had finished writing:

Dear Ron,

That's great that Hermione showed up, it'll be great to see both of you. In fact I really think it's best if I talk to you and Hermione. My Uncle was a bit of work this summer. He's improved in his art work, by the time he's done I think he might have a collection if you know what I mean. Anyway, I don't have a problem with Proffessor Snape coming. Maybe he'll scare my Aunt and Uncle for me… Dudley signed up for boxing lessons. His attitude has improved drastically for some reason. He's even gone as far giving me some of his food to make sure I eat at least once. Sometimes he warns me when Uncle Vernon is coming up the stairs, not that is does much good seeing as how I can't exactly run away from him, but it does give me time to mentally shut down. I probably shouldn't tell you this seeing how it upsets you…

Ummm, anyway when you guys come, try to go to the backyard (unseen) I'll be waiting out there. My Uncle should be at work until 6:00p.m, my Aunt might be home from the neighborhood watch meeting and Dudley you don't have to worry about, Try to only bring as many people needed. Like maybe just you, the twins, your dad and Snape.


He sent Hedwig with the letter attached to her leg back to the borrow after giving her a treat. Harry rose to his feet and streches. He felt something warm trickle down his back. Harry took off his shirt and faced the mirror he had in his room and glanced over his shoulder at his back. ' Shizz' One of his wounds had reopened. It was Ironic that it had been that wound because this wound was the one that had been carved on his back. His Uncle had used a hunting knife, not that he ever hunted wild game, to carve the word ' freak' from one shoulder blade to the other in old english lettering. If it was on paper he would have thought it was done rather good, but since it was on his back along with the other scars his uncle had given him, he thought it looked horrible. Harry sighed and pressed his now bloody white shirt onto his back to hopefully help stop the bleeding. Harry walked over to his dresser and grabbed another shirt that he would put on when Ron and them would get here.

At the Borrow, Mrs. Weasly was frantically trying to get everything ready for those who were going to go get Harry. Professor Snape had arrived 15 minutes ago with a the coldest expression that he had ever seen. Apparently he really didn't want to go get ' that spoiled little prince'. He had been standing in a corner in the kitchen glaring at almost everyone. Ron, Fred, George and Arthur were going with Snape to go get Harry. Hermione wanted to go but knew she would only slow them down, besides that she didn't think she could handle flying. Ron walked up to Snape and informed him who was going. To which he just said '…Obviously'. Ron had turned to the window where Hedwig had appeared with a letter attached to her foot. Ron grabbed the letter and gava Hedwig an owl treat. He saw that the letter was longer than usual so he knew Harry left a code. He walked over to Hermione and opened the letter.

After they finished reading, Ron looked determined and angry, Hermione on the other hand looked worried and furious. Snape had saw the change in the teens attitude, and it spiked his curiousity.

'' What did Potter have to say'' he sneered

'' He said he wants us to land in the backyard and that he'd be waiting there for us'' Ron said truthfully, handing the letter to Hermione who in turn burned the letter so that no one could ever have a chance of reading knew that there was more to the letter than that but let it go, for now.

Private Drive is such a boring place to live. Nothing ever changes. People are 'perfect' here. 'What the bloody hell is perfect about a place that never changes, nothing exciting ever happens here, well nothing that doesn't involve me' Harry was sitting outside 5 minutes before 1:00p.m. He had showed and changed his shirt. He didn't have a pair of pants that he could change into so he changed into shorts that actually fit him. Harry squinted into the distance when he saw 5 figures coming towards him rather quickly on brooms. He stood up, careful not to stretch, and waited. When they all landed, Ron was the first to greet him by giving him a brotherly hug withough touching his back. Unfortunatly the twins gave him a hug while patting his back, making him wince and hold back a yelp. Apparently Arther notices and asked what was wrong to which Snape just growled something about being at the beach to long. Harry thought it brilliant that he had surgested that and used it. '' I just got sunburn on my back that's all'' He smiled. Ron just looked murderous.

" No ones home to pamper the prince ''? Snape sneered.

'' No thankfully there not, probably would've been really bad for me if they saw you guys here'' Harry said withought really thinking.

'' And why would that be bad for you Harry'' Mr. Weasly asked.

Harry looked at him then to Ron.

'' Ah because I didn't do the dishes like I was suppose to and I don't want to get grounded'' Harry came up a lie quickly. Ron nodded, letting Harry know that it sounded believable.

'' Oh okay, just don't tell Molly, she might have a fit'' Mr. Weasley chuckled. Snape looked at Harry and noticed that something was off, but he wasn't sure of what yet.

'' Let's go, I don't want to be here any longer'' Snape sneered. Right after Snape had spoken, Harry heard a car pull up in the drive-way. Ron heard this as well and motioned for Harry to get on the extra broom they had brought for him. Harry quickly got on it and took off with Ron, Fred and George took off after them followed by The two adults.

About half and hour later they were at the borrow. All the adults went into the living room. Harry had already been greeted by everyone and was currently sitting at the kitchen table with food in front of him. Ron had laughed at Harry's face when he saw how much food had been placed in front of him. Hermione was starring at Harry. Then finally Fred and George had had enough with their confusing actions.

'' Alright whats going on-'' Fred, '' first you flinch when we hug you then-'' George, '' you take off abruptly when you hear a car pull in the drivaway''? Fred finished.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at them. Harry looked at Ron who nodded.

'' Come with us'' Hermione said. Hermione led them outside out of view of the front door if someone were to come out and look for them.

'' You have to promise not to tell anyone no matter what'' Harry said.

The twins nodded, '' We solemly swear''. Harry laughed at their choice of words.

Harry pulled off his shirt with a grimace. He turned so that his back faced the twin. He heard them gasped and whisper '' Bloody Hell''.

(a/n: Preview for ch2, It's at the end of summer and the kids are hearding off for their 3rd year at Hogwarts, what happens when Neville's coaldron explodes and Harry gets caught in it. Will his secret be discovered by Poppy?)