A/N Thanks Geowyn! This is the last chapter - first chapter of Threewoods will go up either later today or tomorrow[depending on RL]! I do have original fics both historical mystery and Science Fiction and I'm still trying to get an agent... thank you for your confidence in me: it's very cheering!
Chapter 14
Arkis knew Isimy's ways well enough that transferring the big jolly Master made few enough changes in Lemos! The new Master, Barlis, from Threewoods was not teaching – Bendarek did not in retrospect think him capable – but worked with a few steady journeymen in logging. As indeed the man had been doing in Threewoods; the crafthall there had grown up almost by accident, as the crafting there increased and a number of boys were sent as apprentices; Master Barlis had found himself head of a crafthall almost by default and he had not been up to it. In truth the poor man was much relieved to be back in his depth, and not made to feel too much to blame for his failure to maintain standards, for Bendarek soon realised what had happened and made Barlis feel more comfortable with a few kind words!
The changes were a sevenday wonder and were settling down to normal when Ch'sseri and D'vind dropped by with the startling news of the discovery of the original settlement of the Ancients in Southern! Master Bendarek was invited to come and see, and Lessa had sent a personal invitation to Elissa too. Elissa asked Gerney,
"Shall I?"
He smiled.
"Why not? Lessa will like to see you. These little monkeys won't play Sadvia up a second time."
"They'd better not….anyway she's a journeyman now and can put them on water rations if she can't manage to be more original than that. What about the little ones?"
"Why not take Kilaia? I can see to the boys."
Elissa nodded.
Why not a treat for the littlest one!
Kilaia had no interest in mounds or ancients. It was dragons she was interested in; and chattered happily to all and sundry that she met from Ruth to Ramoth.
"Elissa" said Lessa, when they landed on the war plain with its extensive mounds "Does that child hear all dragons?"
Elissa looked surprised.
"All children do, don't they?" she said "You learn to block it out because it's a bit wearing and kind of lose it as you reach adolescence. At least, that's how it was for me."
Lessa blinked.
"You used to hear all dragons?"
"Yes, I believe so….I'd almost forgotten. It wasn't very important to me and I wasn't interested so I didn't listen. It interfered with my crafting."
Lessa threw up her hands.
"My DEAR! Be sure your daughters – when you have them – are put to Golden eggs! And encourage that child NOT to stop listening!"
"If that's her wish" said Elissa "I'll not force her if she finds it a distraction though. But she wants to Impress and be a woodcrafter so I guess she'll carry on hobnobbing with the big fellas. And I gues some people don't grow out of it, 'cos T'lana hasn't, and Siriwenne doesn't plan too as she can be useful to the Weyr. And you do and Brekke does."
Lessa just shook her head in exasperation.
"Most people do not grow out of it because most people do not have it in the first place" she said with commendable patience "And we think those people born with it TREMENDOUSLY valuable!" she flung up her hands in exasperation "And you weyrbred!"
Lessa had the sense to leave the subject to show Elissa and Bendarek around; and was sufficiently excited by the finds to put aside the bitter disappointment of the loss of another dragon hearing girl with the comforting thought that she would take every interest in young Kilaia who was chuckling away at a conversation only she, the dragons and Lessa herself could hear about Ruth being cleaned whiter than white by importunate firelizards!
Meantime, Elissa was interested by the printed books.
"We need to study how these are out together" she said "Some appear to be glue down one edge to hold the pages – and I would think that continued use would loosen that, at least with the glues availabel to us. Others seem to be sewn but not all together; which makes sense because you'd need ever larger pages and careful printing adjustments."
"Why?" asked Lessa.
"Because every page you put over another has to account for the thickness of the pages inside it as well as the width of the pages" explained Elissa "I found that out when we made our herbal. It builds up remarkably quickly! We moved to sewing the herbal on single sheets with a wide margin and sewed right through drilled strips of wood front and back to prevent the sewing thread from cutting the paper, which is all very well for thin books but not bulky works. I'm sure H'llon will work out how to do it" she added cheerfully.
Bendarek was very quiet; and Elissa noticed him have a word with Mastersmith Fandarel before they left.
Kilaia, who never got on with any child her own age – or for that matter, much with any child of any age – had to wave and say goodbye to every dragon in the plain – and there were a large number – having made friends with all of them. And confirming anyone's guess, thought Lessa, by calling to them by name when no Rider had introduced her.
Back home, Elissa asked Kispre and Preslan if they could hear dragons.
"No" said Kispre
"Only when I listen hard" said Preslan.
"Well, Lessa seems to think it's quite important to not grow out of listening; so if you can hear them it might be worth while practising" said Elissa. "If you wish to; but if it's annoying, I'm not about to insist."
Preslan nodded.
"All right" he said "It doesn't always make sense."
"No" said Elissa "Wnen you eavesdrop about grownup things, that doesn't always make sense to small people either."
Preslan tried to look innocent, failed, and actually grinned.
He was a sight less stolidly priggish than he had been! And he was also starting to look a lot like H'llon rather than a chubby version of Kislan. Elissa was glad on all counts!
Master Bendarek called a meeting of all the masters, Elissa and Tahnee.
"With the discovery of more books it is becoming obvious that they were a teaching aid from infant turns to high level apprentices that the ancients placed a lot of store by" he said "And they seem to have been for entertainment too; one book F'lar found that he showed me – with MUCH hilarity – was not suitable for any decent woman to look at. With illustrations too!" he flushed.
"A sex manual for people getting married?" asked Elissa "If they lost a lot of people to first Fall they may not have had enough mothers available to explain…"
He burned darker.
"It was NOT a manual…it had stories of a…titillating nature, nothing that could be described as instructive at all!" he said.
"People always like the vulgar and tasteless" said Gerney. "Do you remember that journeyman who made a small fortune selling titillating woodcuts?"
"First egg yes!" said Bendarek "His tithes to the Hall were considerable, I'll say that for him he was scrupulously honest! I'm never quite sure whether I was disappointed or relieved when the silly idiot got lost at sea, woodcut plates and all!"
"You wanted to talk to us about salacious pictures, Master?" asked Arkis "To suggest we avoid them?"
"No, that wasn't it… I mean obviously we avoid that, but I got sidetracked and you lot showed an unhealthily prurient interest!" said Bendarek irritably. "No, it's about books – and paper – and printing. Even as the Woodcrafter Hall split apart from Smithcrafting, I believe we need a Bookhall or Printercraft Hall as a separate craft."
"It'll never catch on" said Jaben.
"It HAS caught on, Master Jaben" said Elissa "Tahnee here spends half her time turning out copies of the Herbal Alaran and I made, and they go in hours at Gathers; and most of the rest of her time is on using carved letters to print out words to new songs for people and she can't keep up with the demand."
"Who would be Master?" asked Tuon bluntly.
"That's the question" said Bendarek "I know Elissa invented it – with input and refinements from Tahnee; but Tahnee's too young and so, really, is Elissa. And I can't see you, my dear, wanting to be split yet another way" here Elissa shook her head emphatically "But you and Tahnee MUST have your say in this as you DID invent a new craft that is going to be very important – as the Benden Weyrleaders and many of the Lords Holder have agreed too! And Tahnee must also decide if she is going to remain a woodcrafter; or specialise in Printing and be a senior member of this new craft."
"Hmmph" said Elissa "I may have invented it; but where it's been most developed is in H'llon's fertile brain and workshops. He has adapted a die press that can print quickly and well, using water power so he has significantly brought the craft on. Why not make HIM Printmaster? He can surely handle responsibility or he wouldn't be a Bronze Rider; and I don't think he sleeps more than ten minutes a night anyway. It's why he's so grumpy in the mornings."
Bendarek grinned; H'llon's dislike of early hours was legendary.
"That, as it happens, is the conclusion I had come to myself; and approved by Mastersmith Fandarel as long as it was approved by the inventors" he said "For he too has ideas to add to the craft. Very well; I will speak to H'llon and High Reaches Weyr will create the precedent of hosting a new crafthall. Unless you count logicating of course; which is not yet officially a craft! We shall continue to make paper and print in a small way here; but H'llon and his few apprentices already turn out more paper than my workshop, tenfold at least, for he has it mechanised! Tahnee, will you stay here, my child, or go to H'llon as a printer?"
"Please, Master Bendarek, I don't want to be ungrateful and I do love wood; but I'd love to be a part of something so new!" said Tahnee "The thought of using and helping to make new innovations is so exciting!"
"Very well; I will make additional Journeyman postings tomorrow since you will be the first Printmaker Journeyman" said Master Bendarek.
Tahnee gasped.
"Am I old enough sir?"
"You're the oldest apprentice who has any printcrafting skills" said Bendarek "The next oldest in H'llon's workshop is a couple of turns younger."
"Then – oh I hope I don't let you and him down!" said Tahnee.
Bendarek patted her shoulder kindly.
"I'm sure you won't" he said.
"Master, H'llon is Weyrwoodcrafter" pointed out Gerney "He can't hope to do both. If he accepts he'll have to be relieved."
Bendarek nodded.
"I thought I'd deprive you of Telfer as you get to keep Elissa; Telfer KNOWS High Reaches and will be as acceptable to them as he is used to their ways. Any objections?"
Gerney shook his head.
"As you say, I've Elissa. She's quite capable of dealing with anything as my second. Telfer deserves the promotion to so responsible a task; he's up to it" he grinned "So's Elissa of course; but they can't have her back, she's all mine!"
There was laughter at his fierce tone and he slipped an arm about Elissa's slim shoulders.
"They'll put Telfer to egg anyway" said Elissa "And probably more honestly than having H'llon sat at the front like T'lana did for him to Impress. I don't want to be shared with a dragon."
Bendarek nodded; and wryly reflected that Elissa would have made a better Weyrwoman than a great many he had heard about.
"That's settled then" he said.
And settled it was.
Bendarek invited H'llon to see the mounds and the books for himself; and he and Fandarel sprang the idea on the young Bronze Rider.
Unsurprisingly the enterprising and inventive H'llon was as excited by the idea of being in at the start of a new craft as had been Tahnee! And to be replaced by Telfer as Weyrwoodcrafter he thought most suitable!
Telfer was overjoyed when he was told. He was much the same age as young Hallon had been when he had first gone to the Weyr; and besides he had so many friends there.
"I'll leave friends behind, but rediscover so many others" he said to the logicators.
"All our friends going off places" Sadvia's lip quivered; she and Telfer had been more or less an item for a while.
"Journeymen journey" Telfer shrugged "If you miss me, you can always come on Search you know."
It was casually spoken; but Elissa detected there was more in it than that.
Telfer wanted to know if their relationship was going anywhere.
"I could come now" said Sadvia.
"You should wait" said Telfer "If you REALLY miss me, come. If not? It's been a good turn; let it go while it's still sweet."
He was so, so mature, thought Elissa. She smiled at him warmly, one of her oldest woodcrafting friends.
His return smile was a little rueful; but it spoke volumes. Telfer and Elissa were like brother and sister in their long friendship, and there was no need for words.
Lianka tried not to shed tears over her sister's departure; and failed.
Tahnee hugged her fiercely.
"You're big enough now not to need me" she said "And you've Beka to be friends with and Kisra. YOU're one of the biggest girls now!"
"I don't grudge it; but I'll miss you" said Lianka. "Oh Tahnee! I could come as a woodcrafter with Telfer, couldn't I, if I miss you too much? H'llon has lathes!"
"Huh, you would never DREAM of coming if he didn't have lathes you pest!" laughed Tahnee "Think how many more people I have to miss – you've still got Elissa and Gerney and the kids!"
Lianka nodded.
It was quite true. But partings were so bittersweet even when for reason of good news; and the sisters had shared so much fear and sorrow they were closer than most sisters!
It did feel, Elissa thought, most odd without Tahnee around; the younger girl had become like a little sister to her! Yet Elissa rejoiced that Tahnee had gone off brimming with confidence, and apparently no qualms, completely recovered from the girls' turns at the mercy of Sandrina!
At that she would be closer to Margand, should anything develop there in the future, reflected Elissa; but time enough for that in the future, and a period of separation while each grew in confidence as a crafter would draw them one day closer, or open a rift of different interests. And Tahnee would grow daily in confidence, of that she was sure!
In truth, Tahnee had her worries; but Telfer would be there, and from him and Elissa she felt she knew so many of the High Reaches people! Had she been going to a place peopled by complete strangers she might not have been so sanguine about the concept – but H'llon she knew from his frequent visits to the Woodcrafter Hall and the logicators; and had he not gifted her with little blue Happy? He was her Master now; and they would all be building a craft together!
It was almost the end of the Turn.
Beka too had grown in self confidence over the last turn – as well as out of most of her clothes, reflected Elissa ruefully, though it seemed likely she would never be a very large little person! Even so she seemed to have gained an extra couple of inches of wrist showing out of her sleeves every time she turned around! Soon the girl would have reached a reasonable size for her own age instead of being no bigger than an eight turn old!
Kispre too hardly seemed to stop growing; and he would be starting an apprenticeship with the new turn. He was more than ready for it. Preslan had written as much in one of his careful and dutiful monthly letters to his father; and had only received the reply that either Preslan was losing his wits or was allowing someone to play a joke upon him as the Master would never accept a halfwit like Kispre at the proper time let alone several turns early. Preslan had been upset; and Elissa had taken the reply to Bendarek and demanded that the master should write to explain the facts of life to the only half wit in the family; and to beg Preslan off having to write again.
Bendarek had sighed and given permission; he had encouraged the little boy to write, and Kilaia too once she could. Kilaia had refused to write more than once when Preslan was asked what the illiterate scrawl was in with his note. Bendarek had thought 'luk how god I can rite now muvver farver' had been perfectly legible; and made no effort to force her. If Kislan and Prelaia wanted to go out of their way to drive their children away, that really was their problem; and so he said in the long, literate, scathing and irritated letter he wrote.
And so far as he was concerned, that was an end to that couple's involvement in their children; for he would ORDER them adopted by Gerney and Elissa if need be!
The children were growing up; and were old enough to see where they were well off. Bendarek had no illusions who they would choose if forced so to do, even dutiful Preslan who had confided to him that one could not feel dutiful to someone who called you a liar!
And Beka was sufficiently grown up to join Lianka in Isrona's cot; and it would help Lianka to get over missing her sister. Next turn Sifora would be head of the dormitory; unless there were more than three very young female apprentices starting, in which case she too would have to move in with Isrona and – first egg preserve the Hall – Sheesha would be senior.
Sadvia also elected to stay with Isrona, the end of the dormitory curtained off to reflect her Journeyman status; with just Seeta, Kisra, Lianka, Beka and Rahani. There was room for one more; an older girl or Sifora. And if there were more than four new ones, Sadvia would just have to live in solitary journeyman splendour – as Elissa put it – in Gerney's old room that had lately been occupied by Telfer.
If indeed the girl stayed.
Elissa was not sure what Sadvia felt for Telfer; and she was pretty sure Sadvia was not sure either! Well, either absence would make the heart grow fonder; or out of sight would be out of mind.
At least Telfer never made such a fool of himself as poor Tuon! Elissa started giggling at the though of the decorations master kneeling with a romantic flourish in a runnerbeast turd!
She poured herself klah, laughed again, and sighed.
What a very odd turn it had been – worry, pain and grief mixed in with humour and total happiness.
It was the total happiness of Gerney's love that counted; with that she could weather anything. And with many of the apprentices off home for the holidays, including the older ones of her cot, she sent the three little ones to play with Amula and when Gerney came in from cleaning the lathes preparatory to them both spending the morrow servicing them, she wrapped her arms around him, and drew him urgently to their bedroom and the big bed he had so lovingly carved.
There had been a restraint in Elissa's responses to their loving since the baby had died; and Gerney's heart leaped for joy that she had managed to move on and find Elissa inside 'the dead baby's mother'.
They loved all afternoon with a passion only surpassed by dragonlust; and laughed when Preslan found them on the return of the little ones and declared
"Those lazies haven't even got UP today!"
The End
A/N No, You haven't missed any mention of AIVAS. I have issues with the whole concept of AIVAS and in my Alternate Universe there is no working computer. Nor will there be a computer craft nor any dubious activity concerning orbital mechanics. There will be technical advances as far as the resource poor world of Pern is able to sustain them. Sudden progression to a tech level that is unfeasible without extreme pollution and many years adaptation and buiding of an infrastructure is not going to happen on my version of Pern.