A few moments later Clarisse hears the door to the suite close behind him and she sighs happily. Less than 24 hours ago she thought she was losing Joseph forever and now she's engaged. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world despite Viscount Mabrey's vicious letter. She's prepared to deal with Viscount Mabrey and his letter as long as Joseph is with her. She's ready to write a letter in return and confront Viscount Mabrey about his behaviour. Clarisse is unwilling to be a pawn for Mabrey any longer. He won't walk all over her and sully her reputation anymore.

She has better things to do than sit around and worry about him anyway. She finishes her morning routine and walks down the hall to her office. She passes Viscount Mabrey's letter to Charlotte. "Please copy this Charlotte and have it sent to the Prime Minister urgently. It also needs to be sent to the Pyrus police department. If Viscount Mabrey shows up today at any point tell him I am unavailable unless Joseph is in with me okay?" Clarisse says firmly.

"Yes Your Majesty. Is everything alright?" Charlotte asks with genuine concern in her voice.

"Not yet, but it will be if I can get this to go my way. Viscount Mabrey could be out of our lives forever if this works correctly. He took his antics a step too far and I'm not standing for them anymore." Clarisse has a fire in her soul and she'll fight for Joseph if she has to, which it seems she probably will, against Mabrey most of all. "Charlotte, can you put in a call to the Queen of England please? I should thank her for her lovely letter."

"Of course Your Majesty. I'll do that first and then I'll send this letter to the Prime Minister and the police with a message about why they're receiving it. Don't worry Your Majesty, everything will work out." Charlotte says sweetly.

"Thank you, Charlotte. I'm sure you're right. It's all just a little overwhelming right now. I called Pierre last night and he's thrilled, which is excellent news." Clarisse sits down at her desk and waits for the call to the Queen to go through.