Forgiveness, Understanding, and Love

"Promise hun, if he hurt you though I'm gonna go all big brother on his ass; you know that right?" yes I knew that, too bad Elijah didn't.

"We kissed," he looked mildly surprised, but not unhappy.

"I already knew that, I saw you both from my bedroom window. I just glad you finally found someone Elena," he and Bonnie had been trying to get me to go out with different blind dates for months now and I refused to go.

"What's that supposed to mean Damon?"

"You'll find out soon enough Elena; you'll find out soon enough."

Once I noticed that Elena was inside the house I rushed back toward the car. Those two had done something very foolish when they'd decided to try and take Elena as a bargaining chip back at Katerina's apartment. The drive over would hopefully calm me down enough where I would not kill them; because if I were to do that not only would I have to worry about Klaus, but also Elena. She may want Klaus dead; but she'd rather watch Katerina burn before hand, and I intend on letting her do just that.

That kiss had been memorable, and hopefully there would be more in the future; now all I have to do is convince her guardians that I courting her was a good thing. I'd been thinking so much that I hadn't noticed that I'd gotten to the apartment complex within ten minutes time; moments later I am standing in front of Katerina's door, and I can hear the two arguing.

"I told you we should have killed her after Klaus and Elijah left the area," Katerina says to the younger Salvatore brother. I knew she wished to get rid of Elena for it would make the hold that she has over Stefan Salvatore all that much stronger; yes I know it's hard to believe, but the fool still has feelings of possessiveness over Elena. That's what made them threats to Elena, the shear and utter fact that he didn't know how to let go.

"We've already discussed this Katherine; we can't kill Elena…" he can't finish because Katerina finishes for him.

"Yes I know; we can't touch her because she's far too protected," she sounds as though she believes that she can get through Miss Bennet's shields. Not likely, Katerina is used to magic, but not that much magic, "She has Damon, the witch, vampire Barbie, the wolf, and the two hunters," had her brother become an apprentice to Alaric? "And now she has Elijah as well," now she sounded worried. Wonder why that is.

"Why would him being here worry you?" has he forgotten that I'm in all reality older than them, and (most didn't know this) Klaus? Had he forgotten what I'd told him before the sacrifice?

"I'm worried because if he's here Klaus won't be too far behind," at least she'd remembered that from five- hundred years earlier. Klaus had been the one to kill Katerina's family, "I don't want to die Stefan," did she really believe that getting rid of Elena would be the best way out. I was starting to even more mad the more I listened.

I know it was ridiculous to give my heart to the younger doppelganger; but it was so hard not to. She was a brilliant mixture of her bloodlines. Both the Gilberts and Petrovas had a certain spark to their personalities, and each has been unique to the individual; and Elena shines all on her own. She has the Petrova fire which makes her a spitfire, which is irresistible. Then the humanity of the Gilberts, she'd sacrifice herself for her friends and family. These combined made me want her, I was like a moth drawn to a flame and I do not have the strength to fight the light which draws me in.

"And I believe that you're being overly paranoid Katherine," well at least he was still being highly delusional, "Besides did you see the looks that Elijah sent Elena while they were here?" I didn't get to see her face but I imagine it's quite comical, "He had the look of a man who would sacrifice everything for her Katherine," maybe he wasn't so delusional after all.

"You don't like it do you Stefan?" she asked teasingly. No he probably didn't like that I was showing emotions toward the little human that he considered his and his alone.

"No, no I don't," something else was in his voice though, it was an edge I'd never heard before, and I don't like it.

"So what are you going to do about it then Stefan? Let him steal her from you? Or kill her that way no one else can corrupt her away from you," too bad for the young Salvatore I was already starting to think about courting her. This also makes me wonder if they remember than they've been compelled to stay within the apartment.

"I'm not going to do anything for the moment," maybe he had for she obviously didn't, "in case you've forgotten Katherine we've been compelled to stay inside of your apartment because of our actions toward Elena. Elijah's doing remember?" maybe he is smarter than I give him credit for.

"I know Stefan, I'm saying when we get out," if she thought that she'd escape death at Klaus' hands this time she truly was a lost cause and at this I decide entering the apartment would be a good thing. When I enter the room both seem slightly shocked, it was as if they hadn't even heard me come up the stairs not even moments before hand.

"Elijah," she still held fear in her voice, and no matter how much she pretends that she does not fear me, it would always be so, "Back so soon?" insolent brat really needs to learn her place.

"Good evening Katerina," I sneer at her. God how I hate her, "Mr. Salvatore. Didn't I tell you that I'd be back later tonight?"

"Yes, but with you taking care of Elena we didn't necessarily believe that you would," he sounded like any other pompous male who believes that his territory was being invaded upon.

"Well as you can see I came," now was my chance to assert that he wasn't of any threat to me, or Elena, "Now I believe that you two are going to answer my questions," I left no room for argument; besides I compelled them earlier they can't lie or fight the questioning.

"Fine," Katerina said before Mr. Salvatore could even open his mouth. I see Katerina has grown some brains.

"What did you plan on doing to Elena if she had lived and not had the protection of her friends and family?" Katerina's face goes into passive mode; I know that she doesn't want to answer truthfully; she always did this when that was the case.

"I planned on killing her; she would have served her purpose and that was keeping Klaus away from me," that I had figured out on my own I just really wanted to hear he say it.

"Is that what you'd been planning when you were pretending to be Elena that way Stefan here would go crazy and kill her out of confusion?" if I was right, and I'm always right, this had been her plan the whole time.

"Yes; she'd served her purpose," no that wasn't the only reason I could sense it. "Why do I get the feeling that it's more than that Katerina?" I know she doesn't want Elena to ask Klaus for that favor, "What do you not want Elena getting her hands on Katerina?"

"I didn't want Elena Collecting the favor that Klaus now owes her," Stefan's face scrunched up in confusion, and I wasn't about to clue him in on the one in a life time opportunity that Elena had garnered.

"Do you believe that Elena would really 'leave you for the wolves' so to speak?"

"Yes, yes she would. Her Petrova blood is finally kicking in and I know she won't spare me a second glance," good at least she knew there was no hope of her surviving this time. I then turn toward the boy.

"Tell me Mr. Salvatore did you ever consider killing Elena to keep her out of your brothers grasp," and out of mine, went unsaid and neither caught onto it either.

"No, the sparks between them have been gone for a good while," I have a feeling that if I'd included myself in that question he'd have said yes.

"If someone were to start courting Elena, then would you have truly done what Katerina here wishes for you to do and kill Elena in confusion or rage?" this answer would be the deciding factor on whether or not the boy lived when Klaus disposed of Katerina.

"Yes, I may be with Katherine now; but Elena is still mine, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way," oh yes Klaus would have a hey day with these two.

"Thank you for your time and thank you for answering the questions they will help with your fate," I look to see Katerina look scared. Oh yes she knows, these answers will help in their demises.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Katerina is shaking her head frantically at him trying to tell him to shut the hell up.

"It means you'll both die as Klaus' hands," at that he looked skeptical. He was right though it may not be Klaus that kills him, "your answers will determine how you die," with that I started for the door. As I'm about to walk out I look back toward them, "Klaus is indebted to Elena, he's going to want a way out of it and fast; your deaths will more than likely be his easiest way out," with that I left.

A/N: I made Elijah the elder of the brothers, it just seems more befitting for my story.