"Hello Snake," the mysterious voice rang out through the dark, deserted parking garage. "It's nice of you to show up."

            Snake watched as a dark figure stepped out from the shadows. He was dressed in a dark brown trench coat, the hood was up and his face was hidden. "Do you have the disc?" the man asked.

            Snake reached into his pocket and pulled out the disc. He held it up in the air for the man to see before returning it to his pocket. "Who are you?" Snake asked the man.

            "Give me the disc," the man said, ignoring Snake's question. Snake smiled and pulled the disc back out. "Not until you tell me what's going on."

            "They know you have it," the man said, he was obviously talking about the Patriots. "And they'll do anything to get it back."

            "How do I know you're not one of them," Snake replied. Snake could see that the man was about to reply, but he stopped abruptly.

            "Tell your friend to put down his gun," he told Snake referring to Otacon. He drew a gun and pointed it slightly behind Snake. Snake turned around to see Otacon stepping out from behind him. He released his grip as his gun fell to the floor.

            Who… who are you?" Otacon asked nervously. He slowly walked towards Snake and stood behind him with his hands in the air.

            The man returned his gun to its holster and continued talking. "There is no use quarreling over this Snake, we both have the same objective, to destroy the Patriots reign. That's why I need your disc. On that disc is the location of the Patriots' headquarters, a location which I need."

            "We've read the disc, the Patriots are dead," Snake said. "All twelve leading members are dead."

            "Snake, give me the disc," the man said holding out his hand. "If I was with the Patriots don't you think you'd be dead by now?"

            Snake looked at Otacon, then at the man standing before him, and held out the disc. The man reached out and grabbed the Snake.

            "Don't worry," Snake said reassuringly to Otacon. "That's not the only copy." Snake turned back to the mysterious stranger who was putting the disc into his coat pocket. The man looked up at Snake.

            "You're free to go now," he said. "I'll contact you when I'm done looking at this."

            "I'm not going until I find out who you are," Snake said, but he was gone. In the blink of an eye the man had disappeared.

            "Hello," Snake said, picking up the phone. Snake sat back in a comfortable leather chair in Otacon's apartment waiting for Otacon to get home from the grocery store.

            "Snake, it's me," a voice on the other line said. It was Otacon.

            "Otacon, where are you calling from," Snake asked sitting up in the chair.

            "My cell phone. I just got a call from that guy, the one from the parking garage."  This made Snake sit straight up. "Apparently we missed something on the disc. The twelve leading Patriots were replaced a few years after the original twelve's death. They're just as powerful as they ever were Snake."

            "Don't tell me…" Snake said, afraid of what was coming.

            "Sorry Snake, we're gonna have to go in, I've got the exact location of the Patriots' headquarters, it's a huge building complex on Manhattan Island."

            "Damn," Snake exclaimed. "Why always me Otacon? Philanthropy has a lot of members, why must I go?"

            "Because you're the one they want."

            Snake sighed with disappointment. Just knowing he would once again have to return to the battlefield made his body tense up. "When do we leave?" Snake asked giving in to Otacon.

            "I'll give you some time to rest, we should leave in about a week or two. We don't want to give them to much time"

The small screen was fuzzy, like watching a video taken from a hidden camera. Then again, that's what it was. On the screen Snake sat by the warm glow of the TV late at night, awaiting Otacon's arrival. The doorbell rang and Snake got up and approached the door. He opened it slowly to see Otacon standing on the other side. Snake left the room and locked the door behind him, leaving the screen showing nothing but a dark, empty room. With a click the television turned off leaving the twelve men staring at a blank screen.

            "He's on his way here," one of them spoke up. Him and ten others were sitting around a large table, while the twelfth of them sat at the head of the table.

            "What do you proposed we do sir," said another. The man at the head of the table looked up at him and smiled.

            "Alert the guards, tell them to stay on the lookout for an intruder."

            "Yes sir," he said. He pressed his finger on a small button on an intercom. "ALL UNITS STAY ON ALERT FOR AN INTRUDER" he shouted into the intercom. "SHOOT TO KILL."

            The man at the end of the table put his hand in the air, motioning for the other man to stop. "No, cancel that," he said. "I want him alive."