Stefan sped through the woods, his heart racing rapidly in his chest. He didn't know where he was going, and as a matter of fact he didn't care. He needed to be somewhere far, far away and that was all that mattered.

He couldn't be here.

He saw it, the only thing that had the ability to shatter his heart. It was Elena… she kissed him. His brother.

Stefan didn't know how or why it happened, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered… how could it? The only woman he loved, ever truly loved, wasn't his anymore. He wanted more than anything just to fall on the cold ground, and let the pouring rain wash away his silent tears. But he kept running.

He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, and finally stopped running, his chest heaving, trying to catch his breath. Stefan looked at it and saw her name: Elena. With shaky hands, he pressed the send button, lifting the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he barely whispered, leaning against a tree for support. His head hurt… no, his head was throbbing. Lifting a hand to his aching temples, he waited to hear her smooth voice on the other end of the line.

"Stefan!" Elena gasped. He swallowed thickly and said nothing in response. "Stefan… I… I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened! Where are you?" Her voice was filled with desperation and guilt as she spoke, making Stefan sigh heavily.

"Thinking," he replied simply, trying to keep his thoughts clear. But that ache beneath his skull was growing unbearable; all he could hear was his pulse rushing in his ears. All he could feel was a searing pain running through his entire body.

"That's not an answer!" Elena commented, her voice shaky. It was obvious she had been crying. "Please, Stefan… Just come home. We can talk about this. Please."

He nodded meekly, leaning against the tree, staring at the moon looming overhead. His vision was blurring as he desperately clutched the trunk behind him with his free hand. "O..ok," Stefan mumbled. Holding the cell phone was becoming even more of a challenge as the seconds passed.


He tried to answer her, tried to hold onto the sound of Elena's concerned, gentle voice. He wanted to scream in agony as the pain rushed through his head again. But the words would not come. The phone slipped from his trembling fingers, his mind seeming to go with it. All thought escaped him as his body went completely numb.

Stefan tried to shout something, anything, but only stood there completely frozen, now staring at something only he could see. It was a flash of red, a fire dancing in his vision.

Then it went out, and all was dark.

Stefan's eyes were heavy as lead when he woke up. His thoughts were hazy and he winced as he felt something cool against his cheek. He immediately turned his head in the other direction, but the hands on his face were adamant, turning his head back.

"What the…?" he muttered dazedly, barely opening his eyes. The room around him was vaguely familiar, but he didn't bother to make the connection.

"I found you in the woods." The woman spoke with a collected voice. A voice he recognized. Finally, Stefan forced himself to turn his head and his eyes popped open. It was Emily Bennet, staring at him with those same doe eyes he remembered so well. "Your clothing was quite peculiar when I found you. It was completely tattered." She scoffed. "I hope you don't mind, but I had some of my fellow servants change you into a more… appropriate attire."

Sitting up abruptly, Stefan ran his fingers along his shirt, looking down. "No…," he muttered, standing up and making his way over to the mirror. His hair was different: it was longer and straight, a strange innocence in his face. His heart was racing as he finally took in his surroundings. This was his room, but not the one he had slept in the previous night.

This was his room from 1864.

Elena sighed heavily as she sat in the boardinghouse. She was beyond worried, and her heart was completely breaking over what she had done to hurt Stefan. How could she even kiss Damon? She shuddered at the memory, knowing she had completely broken the only man that ever mattered to her.

Suddenly, she heard shuffling coming from the upstairs. Confused, Elena rushed up to see what was going on, and sighed in relief when she found the noise coming from Stefan's room. She ran in, only to find him leaning against the drawer, breathing heavily.

"Stefan!" she said urgently, rushing to his side to support him. "Hey… I've got you…"

He finally lifted his head as he heard Elena's voice, the tense, confused expression disappearing. His gaze turned soft as he lifted a hand to caress the side of her face. "I'm so confused…" Stefan's voice was barely a whisper.

Elena sighed as she kept her gaze locked with his. "I know. Stefan, what Damon and I have… it's nothing. Please. I need you to believe that. What I did was the worst, most regretful thing I'll ever think of. But I need you to believe me when I say that I love you, Stefan. Only you."

His expression immediately lit up, causing Elena to furrow her brows in confusion. "I love you too," he said, unable to get rid of that innocent, unfamiliar smile. "I love you so much, Katherine. My beautiful angel…"

A/N: What did you think? I hope the storyline doesn't seem too strange. I just had this idea and I thought I would elaborate. This is my first Stelena fic ever, so I hope it's okay. I'm used to writing Delena, but to be honest, Stelena has become my main ship. So I hope you all enjoy! Please review and tell me if I should continue or not! Thanks!

