Uh oh
"So how can you be my brother?" Ash asked.
"I have all of your memories and it's as though I have been with you your entire life so I would be what you would call a brother." the Pichu Ash responded.
This is insane Ash thought.
"What is?" Pichu Ash asked.
"Oh great so now you can hear my thoughts!" Ash exclaimed.
"Well we are in your mind so of course I can hear your thoughts silly. Now can we get back to looking for daddy?" Pichu Ash asked.
"But he's not my dad... He's my best friend."
{With Pikachu}
How much more torture must I go through before I find Ash? Pikachu asked himself as he yelled for ash again.
"Can you please SHUT UP!" a voice rang out.
A small shadow started to show in front of Pikachu.
"Ash is that you?"
Are you sure that you know where you're going? Pichu Ash asked impatiently.
Of course I do Ash replied. Pikachu is this way I am sure of it.
Why don't you just use your nose? I'm sure we would find them faster that way.
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA!" Ash yelled, causing some random Pokémon to look his way. He immediately blushed, causing his cheeks to light up and fling a little bit of electricity off them.
"Hehe… Sorry…" He said before he ran off.
Here I am running for my life… again! I swear if I find Ash I'll pay him back for this agony after we change him back… tenfold.
Pikachu was running from a very pissed off Geodude who didn't really seem to like Pikachu's yelling.
"What's wrong little rat I just want to hug you!" The Geodude said.
"I DON'T LIKE HUGS!" Pikachu cried out.
Umm… Where are we Ash? Pichu Ash asked.
Don't talk to me…
Aww come on you shouldn't be that embarrassed I mean we are a baby after all
Gees no need to yell. I was only trying to help
Yeah well you can stop trying to "help" because I…
Ash stopped as he heard a scream penetrate the forest.
Did you hear that? Pichu Ash asked.
"That sounded like Pikachu!" Ash yelled as he started running, only to feel something heavy hit his head and black out.
"I think that's the last of em!" A rough voice said.
AN: I know that this chapter is a little shorter and i apologize about that. But i think you should like the ending!