The Henry Trilogy: Part Three: Kiss the Girl

Author: TigerLily 28

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to CBS, the writers who write them and the actors who portray them. I make no money off of them. It's all in fun.

Rating: PGish

Summary: Whenever Henry has trouble sleeping, he's found a special friend who helps him into dreamland, but has he found his own way to give his mom a gift of her own?

A/N: 1) This is unbeta'd. It just is. 2) I hate songfic, but this fic was, admittedly, inspired by a song that unexpectedly rolled across my IPod one day. The story worm wouldn't leave me alone. I promise there are NO song lyrics in the story.

The Henry Trilogy

Part Three: Kiss the Girl

Jennifer Jareau stood from her desk for the first time in hours. She stretched her arms above her head, rolled her head around on her neck and let out a tired sigh. She picked up her handbag from her file cabinet, took one last glance around her cluttered office, turned off the light and headed out for the day.

It was almost over. Tonight was the final mediation session in her divorce proceedings. Overall, she mused, things had been relatively amicable. It hadn't been the nightmare she had imagined when Will had had her served with the papers he had already filed. "Irreconcilable Differences" was the bullshit, PC legalese for "You don't love me, I miss my hometown, and our lives don't fit together, but we have a son to raise"

At first, JJ had been angry, sad and confused. She argued, she pleaded, she cried, but in the end, she acquiesced. Will was only doing what JJ herself hadn't had the courage to. He was right. What had ultimately been a shotgun wedding had turned into an obligatory marriage and it was making them both miserable. The one thing they still had in common was utter love, devotion and joy for their son. Henry had kept them together far longer than they ever would have been otherwise, and had accounted for the only truly happy moments in their 3-year marriage. He was a delightful boy, funny and happy with a charming laugh and an open smile; a testament to the two people who loved him most. When Will had moved out and returned to New Orleans, Henry had been a little lost, but had quickly adjusted to his bi-weekly journeys to his dad's house. Kids are resilient, JJ thought. We could all take a lesson from him.

JJ was startled from her musings as the door of her office snicked closed behind her at the same moment her blackberry rang loudly, cracking the silence of the bullpen, which had all but been deserted for the day.

"Jareau," JJ answered professionally.

"JJ, its Kelly."

"Hey, I'm just on my way to pick you up. I have to stop and get Henry at day care first." JJ's most trusted babysitter, Kelly, was a Georgetown student without a car. Travelling to and from campus to pick her up was a small price to pay for someone that Henry adored so completely.

"JJ, I'm so sorry, but I'm not going to be able to sit with Henry tonight. My roommate broke her leg in her soccer game today. I'm her emergency contact. I'm getting in an ambulance right now to go to the hospital with her. I wouldn't do this if there was anyone else to go with her." JJ's jaw dropped. No sitter meant one of two things. She would either have to reschedule the mediation, and Will had flown up for that very reason, or she'd have to bring Henry with her, something she had told herself she never wanted to do.

"It's OK, Kelly. I understand. I'll… figure it out. Give Sidney my best, I hope she's ok."

"Thanks, JJ, again, I'm so sorry. Give Henry a kiss for me."

"Bye, Kelly."

JJ hung up and rolled her eyes. What was she going to do?

As she looked up she spotted Emily Prentiss across the room shutting her workspace down for the day.

Emily slung her messenger bag across her shoulder, looked up to the stairway where JJ was standing and gave her a killer smile.

"Night Jayj! See you tomorrow" she waved as she headed for the glass doors and the elevator bank beyond.

That's when it hit her. The solution. Emily.

"Emily wait!" JJ surprised even herself with the vehemence of her demand.

Emily stopped suddenly and turned.

"What are your plans for tonight?" JJ asked, hoping a disarming smile would win her friend over.

Emily perked up a bit at the possibility of plans with JJ. "Nothing major. A glass of wine and a good book. What did you have in mind?" she asked, with just a touch of intrigue in her voice.

JJ sighed dramatically. "My sitter cancelled at the last minute. I really don't want to cancel on Will. We both just want to get this over with. Could you, possibly, watch Henry for a few hours tonight?" she asked tentatively. "I wouldn't ask, but I'm a little desperate."

"Oh, uh, ok." Emily tried to hide the disappointment in her voice. "Sure, Jayj, whatever you need. I'd be happy to. I haven't seen Hank in awhile anyway. It'll give me a chance to work on making sure he doesn't grow up with a southern accent." She smiled genuinely. "Let me run home and change. I'll be over as soon as I can."

They started for the elevators together.

JJ breathed another sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you, Em. I swear I'll make it up to you. Sushi on me this weekend?"

"Sounds great."

They stepped into the elevator and rode in silence. Emily couldn't help but steal sidelong glances at JJ's immaculate profile. JJ could feel Emily's eyes on her but was unsure how to react. As the doors slid open their eyes met and JJ's slender hand reached out to squeeze Emily's bare arm, causing goose bumps to spring up from wrist to shoulder. "Thanks again, Em, truly. I'll see you in a little bit." She said quietly as she stepped out of the elevator.

"No problem." Emily all but whispered as she followed the blonde out of the building.

Pull yourself together, Prentiss, she chided herself as she slid into her car and headed home.

The doorbell rang just as JJ was fastening her earring. Henry was settled contentedly in his booster seat shoveling macaroni and cheese into his mouth with his fingers, his red plastic spoon long forgotten at the side of his bowl. JJ patted him on the head and headed for the door.

"Hi Em. Come on in. I'm just finishing feeding Henry. I'll get him cleaned up and in his jammies and then he's all yours."

Emily stepped into the warm, inviting home of Jennifer Jareau. She wasn't sure how her friend pulled it off, but the house always managed to smell like clean laundry with a hint of lavender. Hearing the tough, media-ready FBI agent say a pedestrian word like "jammies" pulled at Emily's heartstrings a little. "You go finish getting ready," she insisted. "I know you want to look just good enough to remind Will what he's giving up. I'll take care of the little man."

"You are incorrigible, Emily Prentiss…but you're not wrong." She admitted with a shy smile. "I think he's done. He's getting more on the table than in his mouth anyway." She headed upstairs to finish her makeup and gather her paperwork for the meeting.

Emily entered the kitchen to find Henry LaMontagne throwing macaroni and cheese over the side of his chair only to watch fascinated as it fell in erratic patterns on the hardwood floor. The room filled with his infectious giggle as another handful went overboard. Emily couldn't help but let out a stifled giggle herself.

"Ok mister. Enough of the mess-making. Let's get you cleaned up." She lifted him from the booster seat and went about cleaning up Henry, the dishes and the floor before carrying him upstairs to get him ready for bed.

JJ set her briefcase down outside of Henry's room and her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. Henry in his green feetie pajamas, giggling hysterically, with a flushed and laughing Emily Prentiss tickling him mercilessly on the floor of his room.

She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer and the sound make Emily look up. She blushed even deeper, embarrassed. "Sorry," she picked up Henry, set him on his feet and ruffled his hair. "I probably shouldn't get him all riled up right after dinner."

"No, it's fine. Wear him out now, he'll be a piece of cake to put to bed later." She instructed. "I have to go. I should be home by 10 or so. I'm on my cell. Don't be afraid to call if you need anything. A half glass of milk in his sippy cup about ½ hour before bedtime and he'll fall right to sleep. He loves The Little Mermaid and The Jungle Book if you need him to settle down. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the maker and chocolate in the jar on top of the fridge if you're so inclined." She smiled knowingly. Emily Prentiss' penchant for dark chocolate was legendary at the BAU. "Any questions?"

"Just one." The brunette stepped into JJ's personal space. "Are you OK? I mean, it's a pretty big thing you're going off to do. Can I do anything to help you?"

JJ took a deep breath, Emily's proximity chipping away at the buffer she had so carefully constructed between herself and the whirlpool of emotions just on the other side. "I'm ok, Em, thanks. We just need to finish this. Will's been a perfect gentleman through the whole process. Almost too much so. It's almost like he doesn't feel anything about this divorce, like he's approaching it as he would an investigation; total professionalism."

"Judging from the wall that you've constructed around yourself over the past several months, I'm guessing he's thinking the same thing about you." Emily reasoned. "You're both being so, well, grown-up about this. I'm glad, for your sake it's almost over, but, JJ, you can't hold this stuff in forever."

JJ nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak.

"Just know that I'm right here if you need to breakdown, ok?"

The blonde nodded again. "Thanks."

"In any case, this little toe-head is in good hands." Emily swept Henry into her strong arms and gave him a tickle. "Get out of here, and come back a single woman, deal?"

"Deal" JJ flashed one of her trademark shy smiles and kissed Henry on the cheek. "Bye buddy. Mommy loves you." She gave Emily's forearm a squeeze, grabbed her briefcase and rushed down the stairs and out the door.

Emily watched her go and sighed audibly while Henry tugged at her ebony locks. "Your mom is somethin' else, kiddo." She whispered, more to herself than the boy in her arms. "C'mon, let's go play."

It was just before 10 when JJ pulled into her driveway. Exhausted, sad, but ultimately relieved. It was, for all intents and purposes, official. Jennifer Jareau was no longer a married woman, pending the filing of some documents at the courthouse, which her attorney would do. She never even had to set foot inside of a courtroom.

She opened the front door, dropped her keys on the hutch and her briefcase on the floor and began hunting for Emily. She refrained from shouting so she wouldn't wake Henry, who was likely asleep just at the top of the stairs. She heard the muffled sounds of the television coming from the den down the hall. As she stepped into the room the vision before her charmed her from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. In the overstuffed armchair in front of the TV sat Emily Prentiss, sound asleep with a toddler snuggled soundly against her chest snoring softly into her neck. The Little Mermaid was playing cheerfully in the background. JJ vaguely registered the cartoon lobster and his silly Jamaican dialect, but her focus was on the brown and blonde heads laying close together, both oblivious to their audience.

JJ placed a hand over her heart to try and slow the beating as tears pricked at her eyes. For a moment, she could almost believe that she could walk in on this scene every day and never tire of it. Gathering herself, she stepped forward, bent over the sleeping duo and gently lifted Henry from the cocoon of Emily's arms.

Emily woke at the loss of warmth and weight on her bosom and lifted her head only to meet the steely blue eyes of Jennifer Jareau only inches from her own.

Her heartbeat sped up and time slowed down. The edges of the world blurred but Emily distinctly heard the sound of JJ's breath hitch in her throat and the cartoon lobster across the room urging the handsome prince to kiss the pretty girl.

Well, if the lobster says so… Emily thought defiantly as she mustered her confidence, took a deep breath, and leaned forward slightly.

At the same moment, Jennifer Jareau closed her eyes, licked her lips, and completely chickened out.

She lifted her sleeping son the rest of the way, gave Emily a wan, apologetic smile and hurried up the stairs to Henry's room.

Emily sighed heavily. Nice goin' Prentiss. She's at the most vulnerable she's ever been and THIS is the moment you choose?

With the intent of apologizing and making a hasty exit, Emily headed up the stairs and found Jennifer Jareau sitting on the edge of Henry's "big boy bed" stroking the boy's head tenderly.

It was in that moment that the tough, hardened profiler turned to absolute goo. She allowed herself a long moment to admire JJ and her total adoration of her son.

"Jennifer" Emily started quietly. "I – "

JJ looked up, and the tears in her eyes gave her away.

"Hey," Emily changed her tactics. "What's wrong? Listen, I'm sorry about back there. I don't know what came over me. Are you okay?"

JJ's tears kept coming. "Say it again."

A little confused, Emily tentatively replied, "I'm sorry?"

"No, my name. Say it again."

"Jennifer." It came out a little more breathy and sad than Emily had intended, which must have upset JJ since she rose silently from the bed and left the room, not making eye contact with the baffled brunette.

Unsure how to proceed, Emily followed JJ down the stairs and back into the den, where the TV had been hastily turned off and where a very upset blonde was now sitting on the sofa, her head in her hands.

She must have sensed Emily's presence because she began to speak without looking up. "It's done, Em. I'm divorced. A free woman." If Emily didn't know any better she would have though she detected a hint of ironic amusement in her voice, but there was no time to ruminate as JJ continued. "And when I came home tonight and found Henry, asleep in your arms, the only thing I could think of was how much I wanted to put that moment on endless repeat until I had every sight and every feeling memorized. I haven't even been away from Will an hour and still, being in the same room with you makes me feel…"

"Makes you feel what JJ?" Emily was holding her breath.

"Like he never even existed," and with that, the shattered blonde dissolved into tears.

Emily kneeled in front of JJ and took the sobbing woman in her arms, rubbing her back, stroking her hair, whispering nonsense into her ear.

When calm had settled over the room, Emily looked into the same steely, blue eyes she had only minutes ago and spoke, softly. "I think I've made it pretty clear tonight how I feel about you, Jennifer. I didn't intend to. It was a secret I meant to take to my grave, but there it is. Plain as day. But, please know, I will not let it cloud my friendship with you and I will never pressure or rush you. This," she gestured between them, "will only happen IF and WHEN – "but she was cut off by a pair of soft pink lips settling softly on her own. "- you want" she finished lamely, her eyes closed and her breath short.

JJ smiled. "Yes, I do." And she kissed her again. Hands stroked hair and faces, tongues danced, and soft sighs filled the room.

As they parted, JJ looked intently at the woman who until 30 minutes ago had been a confident, strong, sexy, tough girl and was now looking agog at JJ as though someone had stolen her brain and her voice.

When it became clear Emily was not going to speak, JJ put words to the thoughts that were running in loop through both of their minds. "It's going to be complicated."

Emily nodded; her gaze falling downward to make sure the floor was still holding her up.

JJ continued. "Strauss isn't going to like it."

That got Emily's attention and she finally found her voice. "The number of things Erin Strauss does not, and will not know about could fill a garbage barge."

JJ giggled. "We'll need Hotch on our side, because there's no way we can hide this from a team of professional profilers."

Emily shrugged. "Okay"

JJ laughed again. "That's it? Okay? A relationship that could very well put both of our careers on the line that we are actually considering disclosing to our mutual boss on purpose, and all you can say is 'Okay'?"

Emily appeared pensive for a moment. "Let me think…" She leaned forward and bestowed another bone-melting kiss upon the bemused blonde across from her. "Mmm. Yup. Okay."

This time it was JJ's turn to be speechless. "Okay" she stated breathlessly.

As they were saying what was supposed to be a chaste goodbye at the front door an hour later, JJ asked curiously. "Em?"

"Hm?" Emily vaguely heard her name as she explored with her lips, the long elegant neck she had so admired from afar.

"What made you choose tonight? You know, to try to kiss me" JJ had to spit the question out quickly before all of her higher brain function was lost to Emily's ministrations.

A surprised, but amused brunette looked up and met steely blue eyes for the third time that night. "Oh, the lobster in the movie told me to." She once again flashed that dazzling smile, gave JJ an innocent peck on the cheek and walked suavely backwards down the front walk. "Goodnight, Jennifer," Emily winked flirtatiously, turned and walked away whistling "Kiss the Girl" quietly as she went.

Emily's taillights had turned the corner and disappeared before JJ found the wherewithal to close and lock her front door and make her way clumsily up the stairs to check on her sleeping son. "She's somethin' else, huh kiddo." She whispered quietly to the room.

Henry stretched briefly, turned his head, tucked himself into a ball and slept on.

The End