A/N 3 quick things before we start

1. Yes this is a Sirius/Bellatrix pairing

2. This pairing might seem off because Sirius has said that he hates Bella but that was later in life. They were actually rather similar as teens. They were both stubborn, strong-willed, made their own rules, had perfect younger siblings. The only problem I see is that they are cousins.

3. I have changed they ages around a little bit-Bellatrix is only one year older than Sirius

How dare you," the shrill cries of Mrs. Black echoed through Grimmauld Place. "How dare you flaunt your..your..your…" she spluttered seemingly at a loss for words. She was in the kitchen of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. In front of her, and no doubt bearing the full brunt of her fury, sat a teenage boy. Dark shoulder-length hair framed his handsome face as he leaned back in one of the kitchen chairs seemingly oblivious to Mrs. Black's ranting.

"Differences!" Mrs. Black screeched. It seemed to be the word she had been searching for and she spat it like it was the worst epithet in the world. Finally the dark-haired boy seemed to realizing he was being yelled at and glanced casually up at his mother.

"They're only a couple banners" he said.

"A couple banners?" Mrs. Black shrieked. "You should be ashamed. You have no pride. You are a Black!" Mrs. Black emphasized the last word trying to convey to her son all that being a Black meant in one word. However, her son did not appear to get the message. He leaned further back in his chair, pulled out a wand and began fiddling with it.

Mrs. Black watched him. Her face was red with fury. She looked like there was a lot more she wished to say but was so angry that words had failed her entirely.

Suddenly there was a screech from the window. The boy glanced up at his mother but the sound had not come from Mrs. Black. It had come from a large tawny owl that had just swooped in through an open window. It dropped a large envelop on the table and promptly flew back out the window again.

Both Mrs. Black and her son stared at the envelop for a moment.

Then Mrs. Black lunged for the letter.

But her son was faster.

He scooped the letter off the table with one grace gesture and was half done opening it before his mother had realized what happened. She made a grab for the letter but her son nimbly avoided her grasp and darted out of the kitchen.

"Oh it's from James." Mrs. Black heard her son's voice exclaim from the hallway.

The mention of that name seemed to have renewed Mrs. Black's fury. She ran out into the hall after her son screaming. "I do not want you speaking with that little, insolent, good-for-nothing—"

But whatever name she was about to call her son's best friend was cut short by his laughter. She glared at him but he was already high above her on the second set of stairs. "And where do you think you're going?" she shrieked.

"I've got to write him back now don't I?" the dark-haired boy called down waving the letter.

"No you don't!" Mrs. Black shrilled. "You come back here right now you ungrateful little boy. I've not finished with you. Don't turn your back on me!"

But her son, who was already at the topmost landing, disappeared into his room still laughing.

"Sirius Black! You get back here! Sirius!"