I couldn't believe it was already my 18th birthday. My golden birthday, at that. Not that I felt any different, and after everything that happened earlier this past summer, I wanted nothing whatsoever to do with gold. Nothing. At. All.

Nope. I had pretty much had my fair share and fill of gold. Golden apples, Kings obsessed with gold, golden girdles, golden eyes… no more. I would take no more.

Could we have it be like a, uh, celestial bronze birthday? That would work. And make more sense due to the fact that I'm a demigod. We can only destroy monsters with celestial bronze weapons, and we wear bronze armor.

Speaking of celestial bronze weapons, I was currently sitting at my desk chair, my feet propped up on my desk and twirling my pen/sword, Riptide, through my fingers. Too bad it wasn't a real pen. I probably used up a million gallons of ink filling out college applications, then scribbling out the information because I read the question wrong (dyslexic), or started to draw pictures or write "I love Annabeth" (ADHD), then scribbling all over due to frustration from the previous two reasons, and then having to re-do an entire application. Riptide would probably be the "pen that never runs out of ink, and oh yeah, it also dustifies ancient beasts." Wow. That's lame. Good thing I'm not going to college for advertising! I would suck.

You see, I only applied to one college, but used probably every tree in the forest and its mother to fill out the application correctly. Pretty sure Demeter hates me now.

My plan is simple: apply and get into Chippewa Area Technical College in Eau Claire, WI. Check. Take two years to complete all my Generals. Transfer to Florida to become a Marine Biologist. HAH!

And please don't ask why I want to be a Marine Biologist. Why do you think?

I had successfully gotten into CATC, and would be moving to Menomonie, WI with Rachel in a few days. She applied and got into the University of Wisconsin- Stout easily. It's a big artsy school. We would be sharing an apartment together.

AS FRIENDS. Gods, people.

I am still very much in love with my girlfriend of… we'll be celebrating our two year anniversary… today. Wow. Gods. That's right… we kissed on my birthday… after…

Anyway. Annabeth knows about and is completely fine with the fact that Rachel and I are sharing an apartment. Annabeth is going to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They have a great architecture program, so Annabeth is going to double-major in architecture and business.

"Why business, Wise Girl?"

"So I can own my own building company, Seaweed Brain."

Annabeth Chase everyone. Going above and beyond the everyday mortal. And while we're at it, above and beyond any demigod, too.

So that was pretty much the plan for the rest of the summer. Celebrate my birthday, and then say goodbye to Annabeth, my Mom, Paul and New York for almost an entire year.

I sniffed the air. Mmmmmm. Mom was baking a blue birthday cake, with blue frosting, blue candles and the works. Every year she baked the same cake for me because every year I asked for it.

Annabeth and Grover would be coming shortly. It would be a small celebration. I didn't want anything big. It was just my birthday. So just me, Mom, Paul, Annabeth and Grover. Perfect. All the ones I love. That's all I really needed on my big day anyway.

"Percy! Annabeth's here!"

I jumped up and ran out my door. It had been a couple weeks since I'd seen Annabeth since we returned from Camp Half Blood to pack and get ready for college.

I bounded down the hall and looked out the front window. Gods, I felt like a five year old. But this was Annabeth.

I watched as she got out of the car, flipping her blonde side bangs out of her eyes and shouldering a purse and grabbing a duffle bag. She made her way up the sidewalk of our townhouse, locking her rental car over her shoulder and pocketing the keys in her jeans. She was wearing a blue shirt. Oh, Annabeth. So festive…

I ran to the door and opened it before she could ring the bell. She jumped a little bit and her eyes widened slightly. But the shocked expression soon melted into one of happiness. A big smiled graced her face and she stepped into my house and into my arms giving me a big hug.

"Happy birthday, Percy! 18. Wow. You're old."

"Hey, now! You'll be 18 in a few months too, and let's not forget Grover. That guy is like thirty something."

"True." She tapped her finger on my nose. I wrinkled it slightly.

"You all packed for school?"

"Almost. There are a few things I still have to pack up, but they're small everyday things, and some pictures. All the big stuff is packed. You? I know you had to go back to California to get your stuff from your Dad's house. How were the few weeks there?"

Annabeth kissed my lips quickly.

"Hectic. Getting your whole life packed into a few bags and boxes is really stressful. Also, when your younger siblings are running around getting in the way and making you trip makes it difficult too."

"I'm sure it would."

"I had a lot of the stuff sent to the school already. I just have a duffle bag in my car. And my purse of course. Thanks so much for letting me stay here."

"It's no problem, Annabeth. You're always welcome."

Annabeth would be spending the night tonight. It made more sense for her to stay in New York and get to Massachusetts. We had planned it out so that she'd come for my birthday after saying goodbye in California, then spend the night and be on her way tomorrow morning. MIT move in was on the 19th, and orientation was on the 20th. Annabeth didn't have to move in until 5:00. She'd take a shuttle train and then a subway to where she needed to be.

"Can I bring this to your room, so it's not in the way of the festivities?" Annabeth smirked.

"What festivities? I'm pretty sure we'll just sit around, eat cake, and talk."

Annabeth laughed.

"Yeah, come on. This way."

My mom came out of the kitchen drying her hands with a towel.

"Annabeth! It's so great to see you! Are you all set for MIT?"

Annabeth and my mom hugged.

"It's great to see you, too, Sally! And yeah! I'm really excited… but kind of nervous too."

"Yeah, college is nerve-wracking for the first few days. I keep telling Percy…"


My mom looked at me.

"Oh. Sorry. We'll continue this conversation later."

"Looking forward to it!" Annabeth smiled and picked her duffle bag back up.

"My room's this way." I lead her down the hall.

Annabeth hadn't been to our new townhouse yet. Paul and Mom had gotten one just last January. It was a much more spacious living quarters than the old apartment. Plus, Mom and Paul were trying for a baby. They needed the extra room for the future child. I called it "the little pufferfis." Mom wasn't too thrilled. Neither was Paul.

Annabeth and I got to my room and she set her duffle bag on my bed, then proceeded to sit on it and look around my room. It was pretty bare, but I still had a few pictures up, and there was stuff I wouldn't be taking with me.

Annabeth flopped on her back. I sat in my desk chair again and propped my feet up on the foot of my bed.

"So. Wisconsin."


"Dairy country. Lots of cows."

"Lots of cheese."

Annabeth and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Have you seen the apartment you're staying in?"

"Only pictures. Rachel moved in a few days ago and she's sent me pictures on her phone. It looks really nice, and she's investigated every part of it and she says it's a really nice one."

"That's good."

"Have you made any contact with your roommate?"

"Yeah. She asked me if I had a microwave."

"Do you?"

"Of course."

I raised my hands in surrender. "Just checking."

Annabeth lifted her head and looked at me.

"I can't believe we've made it this far."

"What do you mean, Wise Girl?"

"Just, everything we've been through… sometimes it feels like… when I look back on everything that's happened, we're really lucky. And college is a huge deal for normal people, but I feel like it's just another step. It's not a big deal for me."

"We lead different lives than normal people, Annabeth. What you say only makes sense."

"Does it?"

"Yeah." I got up and made my way to the bed and flopped down next to her. I rolled to my side and faced her. She did the same. I lifted my hand and brushed her bangs away from her eyes.

"College isn't a big deal for me either. I mean, it's important, yeah. But like you said, everything I've done… college seems really… really…"



"I suppose it kind of is. People go to college to make something of themselves. I feel like I already have, time and time again."

"Me too. I feel the same."

"Nonetheless, it will be a great experience. It'll be good for us to do something normal for a change."

"I knew you were the smart one in this relationship."

"You're such a seaweed brain, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth laughed and moved closer to me

"True, but you love me for it." I smiled back and moved my face towards hers.

"That would be correct." Annabeth met me the rest of the way there.

Our lips met gently a couple times. Then the kisses became more lingering, becoming open-mouthed. Annabeth giggled a bit and pulled me on top of her. My elbows held my weight over her as we continued to kiss. Annabeth licked my bottom lip, and I groaned, opening my mouth to her as her tongue explored my mouth in its familiar pattern. I took my mouth away and began to kiss her neck. Annabeth delved her fingers into my black locks and massaged my scalp the way she knew I liked it. I sucked at the point where her neck met her shoulder. Annabeth eeped and moaned a little.


I instantly rolled off of Annabeth and sat up, running my hand through my hair, looking at my door (that was closed, I swear…) and seeing the intruder.

"G-Man! What's up?"

I hopped off my bed to go hug my best friend. Grover came in my room a bit and we embraced.

"Not too shabby, Perc. You know how it is."

"Grover, lose the crutches man, you're in the house now."

"Oh! Yeah! Duh. I always forget when I'm outside camp, you know?"

"No. I don't. My legs are infinitely less hairy." I pushed him playfully.

"Shut up. You probably shave them like a champion swimmer boy." He took a crutch and smacked my shin.

"Ow! Hey, no brutalizing the Birthday Boy."

Annabeth stood up and came next to me.

"That's right. Double teaming. Watch your back, Grover."

"I didn't have to before, but now Annabeth's involved."

"Ha! Ha… wait. Should I be insulted?"

"Technically yes, Seaweed Brain. But I'll get him for you. Don't worry."

"Okay. Good."

"How are you, Grover?"

"I'm doing smashingly, Miss Chase. I'm kinda bummed I won't be able to follow Percy to college. When demigods turn 18, they don't need guardians anymore."

"But they still need best friends, G-man. Come and visit anytime. Rachel's and my apartment is completely open!"

"I'll take you up on that, Perc. But right now, we should get to the kitchen. Your mom sent me up here to get you guys. I think she knew what she'd run into…"

Annabeth blushed a little bit, and I started intently at the ground. Where did that stain come from? It was blue. Never mind. I give up. It could be a multitude of things.

I grabbed Annabeth's hand and swung my arm around Grover's shoulders and we made our way down the hall to the kitchen where we found Paul and my mom drinking some blue Kool-Aid.

"There he is! Happy birthday, Percy!" Paul stood up and gave me a hug. He had just come back from a teacher's conference getting ready for the school year.

"Thanks, Paul!"

"Have a seat, guys! Cake's just cooling down. I called the pizza place about 15 minutes ago, so they should be here any time."

Paul sat down next to my mom and took her hand in his and kissed it.

I was really glad my mom was so happy with Paul. She deserved this happiness. She'd done so much for me. It was time she started the new chapter in her life with Paul, and with me out of the house.

Everyone sat down and Paul took out a deck of cards.

"Uh oh! Paul has cards. What'll it be this time, Paul?"

"Anyone up for Spoons?"

We played Spoons until the pizza came. Special order: Blue crust and a mix of mozzarella and Bleu cheese. No. Not Blue cheese. That would look unappetizing to people who didn't eat blue food all the time. I mean Bleu cheese. The actual cheese.

After pizza came cake. It was delicious, as usual. Mom got better and better each year. And every cake she'd ever made was delicious. That's saying something.

My mom sat down after making more Kool-Aid. I instantly refilled my glass.

Annabeth looked at me and shook her head.


"Your tongue is blue."

"So are your teeth."

Annabeth covered her mouth with her hand and widened her eyes.

"I'm totally joking."

"You're a jerk. But I love you anyway. Also, I got you this." Annabeth took a package out of her purse and handed it to me. It was wrapped in newspaper comics. My favorite: Marmaduke.

I unwrapped the paper and removed it. Inside was a planner. Typical Annabeth.

Apparently she knew I'd react this way, so before I said anything, she said,

"Open it."

Inside, at each full month calendar, there was a picture of us doing something related to the season the month corresponded with. Annabeth had written little notes on various pages too. It was amazing, and I loved it.

I smiled at Annabeth and continued to look through the planner. She had written special to-remember dates in some of the calendar boxes and memos. It was like I had a little Annabeth-book with me at all times.

"Thanks, Annabeth. I love it. This will be great to use… Gods know I need to organize my life… and to look at whenever I miss you… which will be like, every day."

She reached over and kissed me.

"I'm glad you like it Seaweed Brain." She smiled.

I finished looking at it, barely containing the smile on my face, and set it on the table. I wasn't expecting any gifts, this was surprising. What else was surprising is that Grover nudged me and handed me a package that had a bite out of the wrapping paper.

"Sorry, man. I couldn't restrain myself."

I laughed and began to tear the rest of the paper off.

"Awesome! You're a lifesaver, man."

I had gotten a laptop as a graduation present. What I discovered very quickly was that I was not at all good at using the touch pad mouse. Grover had gotten me a mouse that I could use with it. It was blue. And the mousepad had a trident on it. Very fitting.

G-man held up his hand and I high-fived it, and it turned into kind of an awkward handshake sitting/standing hug thing.

"Thanks, man."

"Yeah, it was nothing, Perc. Really." Grover blushed. I slapped his back gently.


"Aw, Mom. You too? I told you…"

"You'll like this, Perc. Paul and I got it for you. We thought it would be… quite useful for you."

Paul held up a pair of car keys.

My eyes almost popped out of my head.

"NO. WAY. A car? What…?"

"A Blue 2007 Mazda3."


I was speechless. My mouth opened and closed like some of the fishes' that I had talked to on quests.

"…Wow. I mean… wow. Thanks! That doesn't seem like enough. I feel like I have to get up and… I dunno, do a dance for you… that's great. That's amazing. Wow."

I got up and walked over to my mom and hugged her. I kissed her cheek and she kissed mine. I went over and shook Paul's hand.

"It's still at the dealer's. We'll pick it up before you go and you can load some stuff in there, and I'll follow with the pickup."

"Thanks Paul. Thanks Mom. Wow. I seriously don't know what to do right now."

"Just enjoy the car. And don't drive up any mountains." My mom grinned.

"Well, that seems to be everything." Paul said.

"Thanks everyone. I love all your gifts. And thanks for coming. I wouldn't spend this day with anyone else but you four…"

"What about us?"

Everyone jumped and looked towards the entrance to the kitchen.

A man stood there with Bermuda shorts, a beach shirt, fishing hat and sandals. His hair matched mine in color and messiness. His skin was a leathery tan. His eyes twinkled a sea green, like mine, though they were thousands of decades older.

My father was standing in my house.

Next to him, well, not anymore, he was stomping towards me like a giant two year old…


I was instantly crushed in a death hold by my younger brother, Tyson.


Tyson put me down and gave me a dazzling toothy grin.

"Tys! Dad…! Wow! It's great to see you guys… why… did you…?"

"I couldn't miss my son's 18th birthday, now, could I?" my father smiled.

"PERCY IS 18. THAT LIKE…" he counted on his fingers and held up three, "A LOTS OF FINGERS OLDER THAN ME."

I hugged Tyson again and lead him over to the table to sit down.

"That's right buddy. I'm way older than you. I can boss you around."

"You may be older. But I bigger."

Oo. He had a point.

Everyone laughed.

"Want some cake, Tys? It's blue. Like water."

Tyson clapped and laughed.


My mom stood up despite my protesting and cut him a giant piece and gave him the pitcher of Kool-Aid to wash it down. Tyson dug in excitedly and talked to Annabeth and Grover.

My dad had come over to stand next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sally. Paul. Annabeth. Grover." He acknowledged them all with a nod.

"Would you mind if I borrowed Percy for a short while?"

"Not at all! Take your time Mr. Poseidon, high god… sir!" Paul blurted. He was still new at talking to gods. Not that he got multiple opportunities anyway.

My mom just smiled and shooed us away.

My dad placed his whole arm across my shoulders and we melted away into water. When we materialized, we were on… I'm thinking… Hawaii?

"Uh, where are we, Dad?"


Ah. Fiji.

Dad sat down in the sand and stared out at the waves.

I figured I should follow suit. So I did.

"Eighteen years old. A son of mine. Eighteen."

I looked at him. He looked back at me after awhile.

"I'm very proud of you, Perseus. Not just for what you've done for Olympus, but for who you are. I couldn't be prouder. You're shaping up to be a great man. A leader, who thinks of others before himself, loyal to your friends, brave, quick-witted. I wish I could have been there to really witness it, instead of watching from Olympus. I wish I had more contact with you then…"

He dug in his Bermuda shorts pocket and drew out a Cat's Eye shell. It's basically a shell that spirals into oblivion. It was about the size of my palm, and had all sorts of shades of blue. There was an opening to the shell, and it had a metallic and rainbow shine to it. It was beautiful.

My dad handed it to me.

"This is your gift from Tyson and myself. When you're not at camp and not near the fountain, you can use this to contact me. This is… for lack of better words, a phone."

"Shell phone."

"Precisely. You whisper into it, either Tyson or myself, and we will answer. It was Tyson's idea. Really great actually."

"It's awesome. And I can use it wherever?"

"No matter where you are, I can hear it."

"Awesome service." I looked at my dad.

"Thanks, Dad. It's great."

"I can contact you, too. It's a two-way."

"Cool…" I examined the shell more closely. My name was carved into it in ancient Greek. I rubbed my thumb over the carvings.

"Happy birthday, Son. And may many more find you."

I made as if to hug him, but held back. He noticed, and nodded in encouragement, holding out his arm. I leaned into it and his arm went around my shoulders and squeezed.

"Shall we head back?"

I looked out at the ocean once again. The palm trees swayed in the breeze. The white sand, made up of crushed shells, was super soft and fine. I could sit here forever. But I couldn't.

"Yup. Let's head back."

My dad placed his arm across my shoulders again, and once more we dissolved into water droplets and materialized back into our kitchen.

Paul spit out his Kool-Aid and fell off his chair.

My mom looked down at Paul, then back at Poseidon.

"He uh… still needs to get used to it."

Poseidon smiled, his eyes crinkling.

"I'm glad you're well, Sally. You've raised our boy well. No one could have done a better job than you have. Thank you."

My mom just smiled. A tear ran down her cheek and she wiped it away. I walked over to her and hugged her again. Then we both looked back at Poseidon.

"Tyson, we best be off, my boy."

Tyson moaned. Then he belched.

"Good cake Sally. Send some to my room!"

"Where is your room, Tyson?"

"3 mile below Atlantic Ocean. Free postal service. No expense. Very simple." Tyson nodded, then stood.

"Happy birthday, Brother!"

"Thanks Tys! I'm glad you and Dad could make it."

Tyson grinned his toothy grin again and turned towards Poseidon. He walked up next to him, turned around and waved. Poseidon winked. Then they were gone.

The rest of the night passed by pretty quickly. We continued to play some games, snack on blue munchies and crunchies and enjoy each other's company. Grover was really excited about my new car. He's a huge fan of new car smell.

Soon it was time to turn in for the night. Grover said his goodbyes and promised he would come visit me in Wisconsin really soon.

My mom and Paul went off to bed, leaving me and Annabeth by ourselves.

We had gotten ready for bed rather quickly and silently. I think the fact that we had to leave each other tomorrow was looming over both of our minds. We didn't want to acknowledge that fact.

I took a spare set of sheets and a duvet cover from the cabinet in the hallway.

"Um, there's a fold-out couch in the living room. Here, I'll help you make the bed."

Annabeth nodded and followed me out to the living room where we set up the fold out couch and properly made it. Annabeth climbed in a covered herself up. I stood up getting ready to go to my own bed. I turned to face her.

"'Night, Wise Girl."

"Good night, Seaweed Brain. Happy birthday."

"Thanks. You guys made it an awesome night. One I won't be forgetting anytime soon." I smiled.

I leaned over and gently grabbed her chin, bringing her mouth to mine.


I padded my way down the hall and back into my room where I closed the door and flopped down on my bed. Annabeth was leaving tomorrow. I wouldn't see her for months.

I don't know when I fell asleep. All I know is that I heard the door creaking open and someone coming in. I opened one of my eyes and looked at my clock radio- it was 1:32 in the morning. I sat up and looked at my sudden guest.

"Annabeth. What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind. I wanted to be with you."

I turned down the corner of my covers. I slept in a double bed- plenty of room for two.

Annabeth smiled, closed the door and climbed in next to me instantly hugging herself to me. My arm supported her neck, her head was on my shoulder, her arm draped over my torso. We linked our hands together.

"What's got your mind in a hurricane?"

"Just the fact that I'm leaving for college tomorrow. I'm nervous, Perc. And I'm sad. I'm not going to see you for the longest time."

"We'll call each other. It'll be alright." I tried to put a brave face on for her, although I was feeling the exact same.

"I know. But… we're going to get really busy, meet new people… I just… I don't want things to change between us."

"They won't."

I was reminded of the gift I was going to give her for our anniversary. It was in my desk drawer.

"Wait here. I have to get something."

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my desk where I opened the top drawer. I took out a small box.

No. It's not what you think it is. Seriously. I'm only 18.

I climbed back into bed and turned on my table side lamp. I handed Annabeth the box as she sat up.

"Percy. What's this?"

"Your anniversary gift."

"Oh, Percy. I thought we said we weren't going to make a big deal out of our anniversary. It's kind of hard to determine when we really…"

"I see it as the day we first kissed."

Annabeth smiled. She looked down at the box and opened it… and gasped. Her eyes widened and became misty.

"Percy… it's… it's beautiful…"

Inside the box was a sterling silver ring with a small silver seashell on it. It was a promise ring.

"I figured it would be a good time to give it to you. The seashell… well, I would think it's obvious. You're mine, Annabeth."

Annabeth smirked. "Does it say 'Property of the Son of Poseidon' on the inside?"


Annabeth laughed.

"Do I have to put it on myself?"

"No… I am perfectly capable of doing that for you."

I took the ring out of the box and put it on Annabeth's ring finger. Annabeth held her hand out and admired it.

"It's so pretty… I just… this means so much to me, Percy."

I grinned and pressed my forehead to hers briefly.

"No matter how many people you meet… just know that I'm always thinking about you."

A tear fell down Annabeth's cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and then leaned in to kiss her. She eagerly kissed me back.

We lay down in each other's arms, feeling significantly better as we both drifted off to sleep. Thoughts of us leaving each other were pushed so far back… that the only thing in the front of our minds was enjoying these moments together.

The time to wake up came all too soon. By the time I woke up, Annabeth was out of my bed and room. I could hear muffled voices in the kitchen down the hall; no doubt Annabeth and my mom finishing their conversation from last night about college. I could also smell the alluring aroma of coffee, which eventually persuaded me to get out of bed and put a shirt on so I was decent enough.

I opened my door while yawning and running a hand through my hair. The scent of freshly crushed java beans pulled me down the hall and soon I found myself sitting at the kitchen table next to an equally attired Annabeth and my mom in a robe.

"Any coffee left?"

"I'm just brewing another pot. Just wait a few minutes."

"Mmmmmkay." I put my head into my arms. It was only 8:30 in the morning. I was quite tired, especially after not getting to sleep until around 2:30.

Annabeth rubbed my back as she sipped from her coffee. She was currently working on an advanced level Sudoku puzzle from one of my mom's many unread Sunday papers. Seriously. Do you need to keep the Sunday papers you haven't read? The news changes… and life goes on. I dunno.

"I can't believe you're able to do those… suko… suck-a-duck puzzles when you're as dyslexic as I am, Wise Girl. That's all I need is 9 sets of 9 numbers all jumbled together and out of order in multiple ways. In squares… rows… columns… Gods."

"You move past those things when you do them as often as I do, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth chuckled.

My mom brought me over a cup of coffee.

"Here you go, Perc. I put of touch of hazelnut creamer in it, too."

"Yum. Thanks, Mom." She ruffled my hair and sat back down, opening a Sunday paper from mid-July.

"You know, that guy that was elected governor, Mom? He's still governor."

My mom mock-glared at me. "I like reading what's been happening. I don't have enough time sometimes to just sit and read the paper."

"I know."

"You're a bugger."

I grinned and sipped my coffee.

"Where's Paul?"

"Still sleeping. He was up early yesterday morning for the conference. Man deserves to sleep in."

Mom made blue pancakes for us around 9 when Paul decided to leave Nico's realm of the dead and join us for breakfast. Afterwards, Annabeth got ready to go and packed up her things. We were at the front door, preparing to say goodbye.

We were hugging each other, the door cracked open a bit as if this would be a painless and short goodbye. We both knew it wasn't.

"I'll call you when I get there. The subway is underground. No cell phone service."

"Kay. I'll hold you to that, Wise Girl."

"I promise. Um, so, I'll see you at Christmas?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

Annabeth looked up into my face. Hers mirrored my melancholy expression. She brought her hand up to my cheek, her thumb caressing my temple.

"Before you know it, we'll be saying goodbye after Christmastime." Her voice caught on "time."

"Have a good trip, Annabeth. Keep a look out, too. It's never safe for a demigod out there."

"I know." She showed me a hidden pocket in her hoodie where she kept her dagger. "I'm ready."


She used her hand and brought my face to hers. She instantly drew my lower lip into her mouth and I took her upper lip in mine. We kissed for a few minutes, and hugged for even longer after that.

"I love you, Wise Girl."

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth let go and stepped partway off the door. She flashed me her left hand, letting the sun glint off her ring, and gave me a small smile and wink.

As she closed the door, she blew me a kiss.

I ran over to the window and watched as she stepped into her car, settled in, and drove away.

December never seemed so far away.


Hello my Lovies! Welcome to my newest PJO fanfic! I'm extremely excited to be writing it, and I'm absolutely thrilled at how everything is fitting together. Seriously, it was scary. I have the outline of the story and know the plan of progression. I hope you all enjoy the sequel to Of Apples and Discord, Of Sybils and Sunlight!

LiLy S.C.

P.S. I know I said I wasn't going to post this chapter until Mid-July. But I decided to post it, see what everyone thinks, and then try to post following chapters starting Mid-July. I'm thinking I'll try to incorporate an update schedule. So far, I'm thinking Thursdays, because in Greek, it's Pempti, and it reminded me of Percy. I'm a language nerd. Get over it. Anyway. Since my plan was not to post the first chapter until I had the first four written, hopefully I'll be able to post chapters while I'm working on subsequent ones so there is less of a wait. That will system will now commence with Chapter 2.

Plus, it's summer. So I'll be able to write more often, as school will not be in the way.